An Upset Kirito

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Asuna and the others were at her house in Alo doing their homework well most of them as Kirito already finished his and was sleeping on a chair with Yui and Pina. Silica starts to say "this homework is hard how did Kirito finish his" Asuna starts to say "let's take a break I'm going to get some tea ready". Asuna walks into the kitchen as Leafa starts to talk about the Purple Knight. They all get into the conversation as Kirito hears all of it and thinks back to his fight yesterday.


Kirito starts to attack with a downword slash, but Yuuki blocks his attack as she goes with a barrage of attacks. Kirito thinks 'dang it she's so fast but I have an idea'.

Flashback ends:

Asuna walks back in saying "what are you all talking about" Liz looks at Asuna and says "we are talking about the Purple Knight" Asuna had a confused look on her face and the others are shock. Leafa breaks the silent and says "The Purple Knight is a powerful Opponent and he is fast" Kirito is the one now confused thinking 'why did Sugu say he the Purple Knight is girl'. Asuna says "ok but Kirito can kick his butt" Kirito wakes up and says "I tried that already" Everyone in the room was shocked. Asuna breaks the silent and asked "So he's stronger then you" Kirito starts to get upset and says "Yeah SHE is" he gets up and walks to his room. Asuna was worried about Kirito and walks to their room.

That's about it guys I hope you all enjoy it.

Kirito: wait why am I upset

Asuna: yeah that's what I want to know

Me: you will find out in the next chapter.

I do not own Sword art online

Asuna's love problem!!! A Sword art online love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon