Sting's revenge

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Sting walks around town looking for one person the only person he wants to kill and his name was "Kirito".


Sting was minding his own business in town until he heard someone say "hey did you hear what happened to Saki" Sting's ears rang up from her name being called. The other guy said "yeah poor girl she died" the only woman in the group said "yeah I heard it was the beater's fault". The two guys agree as Sting was in rage of hearing who killed her and he starts to walk off finding that beater.

End of flashback

Kirito was walking into town wondering where Asuna went to so he decided to look in this town before he calls it a day and logs off. Sting sees the boy in black as he walks up to him and says "are you Kirito the Black swordsman" Kirito shoots his head up not being called that since Sao as he sees a guy standing in front of him as Kirito says "yes I'm him but who are you". Sting grabs him by his shirt and says "the guy who's going to kill you for what you did to my sister" Kirito seemed confused as he never met him or his sister as he says "sorry but I never met your sister". Sting becomes in rage but says "you want to see Asuna right" Kirito looks at Sting with anger as he says "where is Asuna".

That's about it guys sorry I've been gone somethings have been happening in real life but I'm back and ready to make more chapters. I do not own Sao.

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