The Man.

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Your p.o.v

Dark welcomed me inside still smiling with excitement. When he closed the door I heard footsteps on the marble floor coming towards us. I hid behind Dark and he chuckled. Soon a man turned the corner then looked at me. The man looked like Mark as well except way older. In his 20's perhaps. He had a pink mustache, and a bow tie (also pink) attached to his yellow button-up shirt, and beige pants with suspenders clipped onto them. He had the most perfect brown dress shoes and his hair line was at the top left corner of his head (from my perspective). He was amazing! He smiled at me. It was relaxing. "Hello little one! You must be Y/N! I'm Dark's brother Wilfred Warfstahe! But you can call me Wilf or Big bro  if you like". Dark gave me a reassuring smile as to tell me that it's all right. I walked closer to 'Wilf', hoping he would give me the love that Mark and Thomas didn't. I stared at him with sad eyes threatening to leak. He hugged and told me that he loved me and that he would be there for me forever. He took me to my bedroom which was F/C with white accessories (The dresser and stuff like that were white). I hugged him and ran to my bed. He was about to leave when he turned back and asked if he could read a bed time story to me. Of course, I accepted. He read me the story of Wonderland. I enjoyed hearing his voice as I fell asleep in my bed. Just before I was fully asleep he kissed my forehead and whispered "I will always protect you. No matter who it's from or what it's from... I'm here for you". Just as he finished I was completely asleep.   

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