Hurry back, Joshua.

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"I'll be back soon okay?" Joshua's hand guided my head to his lips, He kissed my forehead gently and walked out the door shutting it. I crossed my arms and stood at the door for a bit watching him disappear into the woods. I chewed on the bottom of my lip. Anxiety filled my chest.

"Please hurry" I locked the door and walked to the kitchen, My stomach rumbled as I looked around. 

"What for dinner?" My voice echoed through out the downstairs. How silent it was scared me, my chest filled with more anxiety. I took deep breaths, I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Screw this im turning on the radio. Time to talk t my best friend Joan. 

"Okay, Joan" The system Joan made the power up noise.

"Play Flatsound on Tyler's Spotify" I smiled.

"Okay, playing Flatsound" Joan's voice echoed. 

"Don't call me at all" by Flatsound started to play it was low.

"Joan turn up Flatsound to fifteen precent"


The music got louder it wasn't too loud or too quiet, perfect. Sometimes Joan is my only person to talk to. Yes, it is a recorded voice doing as I say but it never judges or talks back in a bad way. I never have friends, I do have one but she is distance. Every since she got a boyfriend she has nothing to do with anyone but him. My phone started to ring, it was my mom's ringtone. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, I swiped my thumb across the screen to answer the call. I put her on speaker so I could cook the pizza from last night. 

"Hey son" My mom's sweet voice made my anxiety shrink.

"Hey, mom. Is the music too loud?" I opened the fridge with my free hand.

"Nope, How is everything going?" 

"Good very lonely." I pulled the box of pizza out and placed it on the counter by the stove.

"I saw a boy at the edge of our yard the day before we left, be careful."

"Oh him, he is cool we talked, He brought me taco bell yesterday." My cheeks started to feel warm. 

"Oh!, His name?" I heard dad in the back ground calling my mothers name.

"Josh" I opened the box of pizza and grabbed two pieces of cheese.

"So ya like him?" She chuckled.

"Oh god mom" I used an annoyed tone. I don't want her knowing about him yet.

"No sex okay" She laughed making me blush wildly and also laugh. 

"Okay mom, Please hurry back its lonely without you two". 

"We will be back in seven days Tyler" My dad called out.

"So how is the island" I put the pizza on a plate.

"Amazing I can't wait to take you in spring break, we gotta go we love you son" Her voice sounded soft. 

"Love you too, have fun"

"You too baby tell Josh I said hi!"

"Will do, love you."

"Love you too" 

The call ended, sadness washed over me. I hate being alone in this big empty house. Hurry back, Joshua. 

Mad love. (Part one)Where stories live. Discover now