Science Sucks

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"Tom will you stop that, I'm trying to win this game" I whined. "Kat shush I'm concentrating" Tom snapped, "concentrating?" I huffed "You're cheating". "Same thing" He muttered, pausing my awesome game of Tetris I rolled over so I was facing him. "Why don't you just get the grades the old fashioned way" I rolled my eyes, "you know with your brain".

"I can't" He sighed still typing making me blow out my cheeks, "well if you're not going to can you change my science grade?" I asked. He turned to look at me and smirked, "sure thing". Being the mature adult I pretend I was, I stuck my tongue out at him.
"You know I think there's something wrong with you" He said making me burst out laughing. "And you just figured that out?" I asked through my laughter. Tom just smiled and shook his head before turning back to his computer, "what-"my sentence was cut off by the window opening slowly.

"Uh Tom" I gulped, "what Kat?" He sighed, "There's something-"I was cut off by a ball of brown hair tumbling through the window right on top of me. "Ah!" I screeched, "shut up you butthead" the familiar voice of Bethany Pearson whispered harshly. "Beth!" I squealed hugging her tightly, "Katy!" She squealed hugging me even tighter.

"One word and you're dead" Beth threatened Tom making me giggle, "If dad finds out he's gonna kill you" Tom sighed still typing on his computer. "He's not going to find out" she said smugly walking toward the window that was still opened letting in a draft, she giggled and blew a kiss to her dumb head girlfriend.

"What do you see in him?" Tom asked with a sneer on his face, I plopped down onto the bed and looked up at her wondering what she saw in him myself. "Why not, he's good looking, sweet, sensitive, romantic and ridiculously athletic."

"That does sound nice" I sighed dreamily, making Tom look at me like I was crazy and not the good kind. "I mean if it wasn't describing him" I said quickly blushing, "Don't worry Katy, You'll find someone who is as good to you as Ricky is too me" Beth said nudging me. "Shut up Beth" I muttered pushing her off the bed making her glare playfully at me, before she could retaliate Hannah burst through the door clutching her teddy bear.

"Dad's coming and he's mad" She stated wide eyed, "At whom?" Tom asked looking a little like he was gonna crap himself. "Tom" She said right as a much angrier, deeper voice repeated what she said. Beth quickly sprung into action grabbing Hannah and pulling her behind the door. I gasped and jumped under the covers as if that would hide me... gosh I'm so stupid sometimes.

I heard Tom snicker right before his dad barged into the room, I was going to listen and help if I could I swear but I saw Tom's phone next to me and I had a paused Tetris game going on that thing and I was about to beat his high score. So if you hadn't already guessed I spent the next 5 minutes playing Tetris completely ignoring what was going on, on the other side of my fortress.

"Kat I know your under there" I heard Mr.P's voice, "Yup hang on a minute" I said making him huff. "I'm in the middle of a very important situation" I stated sticking my tongue out of my mouth concentrating. "Just go to bed guys" He sighed and left. 

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