Avoiding Trouble? Yeah Not so Much

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I could see Tom walking towards the dish but Ricky was nowhere to be seen, "Wait" I whispered pulling Jake back from the window "Where's the dickwad?" "I don't know and I don't care" Jake whispered back before moving back towards the window and opening it slowly, "come on" he whispered ducking out the window and holding a hand out to help me. Without saying a word I took his hand kicking the butterflies to the curve and pulling myself up and through the window without making a noise.

I slowly lower the window back down as Jake pulls the hand he still had in his pulling me towards a Ivy covered garden divider wall thingy, as we made our way over there I tripped over a plant pot making it crash. Tom swung around looking nervous as Jake pulled me out of his sight just in time; I looked at Jake and mouthed a 'thank you'.

I heard Tom call out and his footsteps come closer to our hiding spot, I felt Jake lean down so his mouth was next to my ear "this way" he breathed making me shiver. I quickly nodded to mask it and followed him quietly around the other side just as Tom turned to where we were before, "Hello?" Tom asked his voice sounding shaky. I looked towards Jake and he put his finger to his lips telling me to keep silent, we both slowly made our way behind Tom. I held up three fingers and counted down.

"AH!" We both screamed grabbing Tom from behind making him squeal like a girl and turn to face us, "oh my god" I laughed holding my stomach "dude you make it too easy" Jake laughed hitting him on the shoulder. "What happened to the dish?" I asked walking up to it, the thing was blown up so there was a giant hole in it, "I can't do a week here without TV" Jake spoke up from behind me "I can't do a week here period" Tom said coming to stand next to me.

In the corner of my eye I saw a shadow rising from the ground, I squeaked and grabbed Jake's shirt ... because he was the closest, yeah let's go with that. The boys both turned to see why I squeaked and turned silent as they saw the shadow, It was becoming bigger and four arms made shape.

The boys both slowly turned towards where the shadow was originating from I moved to cling to the back of Jake's shirt, but Jake had other ideas he grabbed my hips and planted me right in from of him, as I tried to move he just wrapped his arms around me and held me still. I sighed and gave up, not because I liked being in his arms... not because of that.

When we finally turned all the way around we saw a small four armed, green alien fiddling with a tool of some sort. "Ah!" I screamed making the alien jump and look up to see us, I turned to run but Jake had a firm grip on me, "hello humans" It spoke ... It spoke! I tried to get out of Jake's arms again but they seemed locked in place.

"Please tell me you see that too" he said "Not sure I want to" Tom swallowed "but, yeah", "we come from upstairs" He said raising all four of his arms making me take in a quick breath.

Before any of us could even think of answering him a fatter much more toad like alien jumped in looking very angry, "I handle human contact" He all but growled at the four armed alien. "Yes sir. Noted. It's understood" He said looking scared, and I think he had a right to as the toad turned to us. "Hello, humans!" He greeted than looked into the book he had in his hands before continuing "no need to notification army, we come in pieces" He finished looking smug at his 'human contact'.

"In peace" the four armed alien spoke up, "what?" the toad asked with an edge in his tone. "In peace say it with me" The four armed alien said as if he was talking to a toddler, "what are you talking about?" Toad growled. "Read the book. Peace." He said gesturing to the book, I almost giggled at his cuteness, almost.

"Forget the book!" The fat toad screamed, "Attack the humans, attack!" as he yelled this, a more girl like alien appeared on the screen. "With pleasure" It spoke, yup defiantly a girl, before pouncing towards us I screamed and bolted with the boys not far behind. "Help!" I screamed and started running to the other side of the roof, "Humans submit" Another voice called out making me look over my shoulder to see another alien on top of the screen.

The boys bummed into me seeing as I had stopped and they hadn't, "Hey, what is taking you girls so long?" Ricky appeared out of nowhere. He was facing us with that stupid grin on his face, "no, no, no don't" We all tried to warn him but him being him didn't listen quickly enough. "Ricky!" Tom and I shouted when the toad alien shot him, "What's happening to him?" Tom asked as Ricky started spazzing out.

"Now the fun begins" toady said putting an earpiece on "Testing, testing" a weird sound kinda like feedback came out of Ricky's mouth. "Testing, testing, testing" as toady spoke these words Ricky slowly began to mimic him. "Testing" He said one more time with a smirk, Ricky suddenly jumped up from the ground an even stupider almost mocking grin on his face.

"Humanoid subjects" Ricky talked starting towards us, "we are the Zirkonian species. And we hereby claim your luscious planet as our own" With every word spoken through Ricky he got one more step closer, we moved backwards towards the edge of the roof but couldn't go anywhere else as he was advancing on us. He grabbed the boy's shirts and knocked me to the ground putting a foot on my stomach, "Wha- Wha-" Jake tried to talk but couldn't as Ricky pulled Tom's and his shirts closer making them stumble into his sides.

"You have the choice of eternal enslavement or" The alien paused for what I presumed as suspense "instantaneous death" He finished with a deep throaty growl. "Run?" Tom asked Jake, "I'm good with run" He answered slightly chocked. They both elbowed Ricky Making him grunt and let go of them, I gripped Tom's hand as he helped me up and we ran to the window. "You have chosen instantaneous death" He growled before following us, "The human grubs are escaping" the more manly alien called out., "Not from me" The fat alien grumbled before sending Ricky after us with a type of game controller. "It's locked" Tom gasped attempting to open the window.

We screamed once again and bolted for the other end of the roof, which was behind the screen...why do we always end up here? "Duck!" Jake pulled me down just as Ricky broke through the screen and jumped at us; instead of grabbing us like the toad alien expected he jumped straight off the roof. We watched as he fell pulling most of the screen with him before taking our chance and running back to the window. "Unbelievable" He said gripping the controller tightly, "Razor go!" he ordered "Yes sir" She responded sounding happy as she pounced onto Tom, He quickly picked up a bored and blocked her oncoming attack.

Jake and I ran back over to the window to try to open it, I looked over to Tom and was going to help him when I heard a voice, "Hey, can I play too?" I looked back to the window and saw Hannah standing there hugging her sock monkey, "Hannah!" I exclaimed only to be cut off by Jake. "Hannah? Thank god. Open. Hurry" He spoke quickly not even getting the words out properly, Hannah nodded and climbed up to open it. But she saw a grasshopper and ran away.

"No!" Jake and I yelled, "Come back, come back" Jake said in a shaky voice as I banged on the window making it wobble. "Hey, look out!" Tom yelled making us look back at him, the manlier alien was pointing his gun straight at us, "AH!" I screamed gripping Jake, again because he was closer, "Hey frog face!" Tom yelled throwing the bored with the alien on it at the alien who hit both other aliens... did that make sense?

Before they could get back up Tom ran back to us and the twins came into the attic, "Open the window!" Tom yelled, "Please" I begged hitting it. The twins seemed to be arguing but I could hear the aliens in the background, "Someone open it" Jake ordered making their argument come to rest as one of them came up (still don't know their names)

"Come on right there" Tom pointed to the lock; I looked behind us and saw the aliens heading straight for us. "Hurry up" I snapped just as the window opened, "Move twin" (that doesn't help with the name situation) Jake ordered pushing him out of the way as Tom and I scrambled to get into the attic. We all fell onto the wooden floors as we pull the window shut.

"Everyone downstairs now" Tom ordered through clenched teeth as we got back up, "Why?" the other twin asked looking confused. "Just move" I snapped again pushing everyone in front of me just as the window was smashed and the four aliens jumped in showering glass everywhere. We stopped moving and turned to see the fat one pull the four armed one off a rope, "creepy crawlies" Hannah whispered but we all heard her.

"Creepy" The manly one agreed walking forward making us snap back into action, "go, go, go!" We shouted pushing everyone down the ladder. I jumped down after the twins and ran to the rope as Jake and Tom flew down, "Pull!" I ordered the twins as they yelled at each other to pull faster. We pulled as fast as we could and got the ladder up just in time; I tied the rope and turned back to the guys. 

Aliens In the Attic: Unexpected Romance Where stories live. Discover now