I Claim this Bed!

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"Wake up" I heard an annoyed voice command, "No" I grumbled. "I don't want to go" I mumbled, "Yes you do" the voice said. I slowly opened my eyes and saw an already dressed Tom leaning over me, "go away" I whined pulling the blanket over my head. "No your coming wither you like it or not" He mumbled and without any warning he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder making me wake up.

"Tom!" I yelled angrily, "Put me down". "Nope" He smirked, "AH!" I screamed as he dropped me into the bath full of freezing cold water. "Tom!" I screeched spitting water out of my mouth; he paled slightly seeing how angry I was. "You better run" I growled starting to get out of the bath, "uh oh" He breathed turning around and running.

------------------------------ A long, hot shower and thinking of revenge later------------------------------------------
"Are we there yet?" I asked, "No Kat and stop asking" Mrs P frowned. "Sorry" I muttered crossing my arms, Tom being Tom chuckled at my pouting lips and pulled me closer to him, "you're really light" He said.

"I know" I said smugly, "You are eating right?" He asked looking slightly worried "Course" I said smiling sweetly. "You know I love my food" I giggled, "yeah I know" He sighed. Beth started giggling about something on her phone so I just zoned out. Placing my head on Tom's shoulder I yawned, "Go to sleep" He muttered and I did just that.

"Kat, Kat" I felt someone nudging my shoulder, "What" I yawned stretching my arms. "We're here" he said, "and my legs are dead" He smiled crookedly. "Sorry" I shrugged not really sorry at all; "sure" He rolled his eyes. "Let's go pick our room" I said smiling, "yup" he agreed "let's do this".

"Oh I like this one" I said jumping onto the double bed sighing softly, " yup this is mine" I said standing up on the bed, "I hereby claim this bed in the name of Katherine Heart" I pretended to put a flag down. "You're an idiot" Tom chuckled, "Shut up" I poked my tongue out at him.
Suddenly there was loud music coming from down the drive and it was getting closer, "what in Sherlock's name is that?" I asked walking over to the window.

"That would be my cousins" Tom said grimacing slightly, "Cousins? You didn't mention any cousins" I accused him sweeping my long black hair away from my eyes. "Must of slipped my mind" He said looking sheepish, "Sure sure" I said looking away from the window. "Let's go meet these so called cousins of yours" I said skipping towards the door, "Um I need to warn-"

Before Tom could finish his sentence a loud voice sounded from the hall. "Okay boys put my bags down here" Two younger boys, well not that much younger since I'm fifteen and they look around twelve maybe thirteen walked into the room both carrying heavy looking bags.

"Sir Yes sir" One of the boys muttered loudly, "what was that?" A boy about Tom's age (Which is 16) walked or rather stalked in, "Nothing Sir" the boy spoke quickly. "I told you not to goad him" The other one whispered harshly, the twins walked past me and dropped the heavy bags onto the bed next to my suitcase. "Hey that's my bed" I argued, "Well it's mine now" Blondie said turning to face me.

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow; "because I claimed it before you got here" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "Ya-um-um" He stuttered, "some ones speechless for once" Tom muttered loudly.

"What?" I asked confused turning to face Tom, "Nothing" Blondie spoke loudly getting my attention. "So I haven't had the wonderful privilege of introducing myself to this lovely young lady" He said bowing low. "Uh" was all I could say, rising my eyebrows I looked questionably to Tom before looking back at the blondie who was now staring at me expectantly. 

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