Sugar Daddy in the House!

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"I'm Katherine Heart" I said slowly putting my hand out to shake his, but he seemed to have other ideas as he lifted my hand and put his lips to my knuckles. "Okaaaay" I said dragging out the word as I pulled my hand out of his, "Nice to meet you too" I curtsied sarcastically. "But this is still my bed" I smiled innocently making Tom old in a snicker, "Well I would gladly share with such a fine specimen as yourself" Blondie said winking. "Uh no" I stated looking towards Tom with a raised eyebrow (which seems to be my thing) "I'll stay with you?" I asked, "Sure" he shrugged looking teasingly at Blondie.

As Blondie (I really have to learn his name) was about to say something we heard some stupid pop music coming from down the road. "What the hell is that?" I questioned bolting out of the room to go take a look, "Oh it's Sugar Daddy" I muttered leaning against the front door as I saw a yellow and black convertible drive up the driveway. "What's he doing here?" Tom questioned coming to stand next to me, "let's go find out" I answered walking up to the parked car.

"What the hell is he doing?" I more stated then asked as we saw Ricky opening the hood of his car and pulling out a spark plug. "What are you doing here?" Tom asked him crossing his arms, "Just stopping by for the afternoon" He smirked "and maybe the night" He flipped the spark plug and put it in his pocket just before Beth came and basically tackled him squealing.

"Oh watch out for the car" He said looking at his car to make sure it wasn't 'hurt', "I can't believe your here" She giggled looking up at him. "Neither can I" I muttered making Tom elbow me but I could see him smiling, "well you are my girlfriend now so there's nothing I wouldn't do for you" He said 'sweetly'. "Now give papa some sugar" He mumbled making me draw the line and apparently Tom's line too, "Bethany" He said looking slightly disgusted "Please don't give papa sugar" even with Tom saying it, it made me want to throw up.

They both looked at us, Beth with a glare and Ricky with a smile that said 'I'm going to kick your arse when no one's looking'. "Let's just go inside" I said pulling Tom along but the happy couple just followed us in, "Mr and Mrs P!" Ricky exclaimed walking into the kitchen with a bunch of flowers he got out of nowhere, "Where did he get those" I whispered to Tom "I have no idea" He muttered looking well glaring at Ricky.

"Ricky wow" Mrs P said seeing him walk in, "Hey Ricky what a surprise" Mr P smiled looking up from making a tea. "I got you a little house warming gift" Ricky said handing the flowers over to Mrs P, "Aww isn't that sweet, isn't he so sweet" Beth beamed hugging Rocky. "Yes, their beautiful" Mrs P agreed looking at the bunch of flowers now in her hand, "gorgeous" Mr P stated coming over to Tom and I "very patriotic to huh?" He asked us nudging Tom.

"Stick the flags in some water and see if they grow" he said smiling at his own joke, "yeah we could do that" Mrs P said putting them down, "hey do you want anything to eat or drink?" She asked turning her attention back to Ricky. "Oh that is so sweet of you, and I really wish I could but my parents have a lake house in Oakstown and I've got to get back before dark in case my car breaks down again" he said looking innocent, "Uh oh car trouble" Mr P said.

"Dad, why don't you take a look at it for Ricky?" Tom asked putting on an 'I'm just trying to be helpful' face, Ricky looked scared for a split second before putting a grin back on his face. "Sure I don't mind getting my hands dirty" Mr P agreed.
As we all went outside Blondie joined us, "Try is again Ricky" Mr P called out while looking under the hood while Ricky sat in the driver's seat. When he turned the keys the car made a cranking sound before Ricky shut it off again, "Come on Mr P it has to be something obvious" I said ignoring the look from Ricky.

"Got to be honest I don't know much about auto mechanics." Mr P said shutting the hood, "yeah we figured that" I mumbled getting a snicker from Blondie and an elbow in the stomach from Tom. "Now if it was a spreadsheet or a ledger I would be all over it" He joked getting a very fake laugh from Ricky, "tell you what Ricky, why don't you stay here tonight and we'll take your car to the shop in the morning" He offered making me groan and Tom to look horrified.

"Mr P that's really considerate of ya" Ricky said with a smug smirk on his face, "really he can stay the night?" Beth asked excited. Ricky turned to us and did a 'Oh I'm so surprised' face and wiggled his hips in a circle with a stupid look on his face making me flip him the bird and walked back inside with Tom and Blondie following me.

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