Aliens, Chairs and Phones Oh MY!

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  The only noise I could hear was heavy breathing, no weird alien lasers or small alien foot falls, "What the hell just happened?!" I almost screeched probably sounding close to a banshee.

The boys choosing to ignore me just looked at each other, "you a zombie?" Tom asked Jake while I was deciding to kill them for ignoring me or not. "No" Jake answered still gasping for breath before narrowing his eyes, "You?"

"No" Tom answered looking at me in the corner of his eye, "Prove it" Jake all but ordered starting to get up. "What do you mean?" Tom asked looking slightly confused well no more confused than he already was considering there are aliens in the attic. (<<< She said the thing ;P :D)

"I mean prove it!" Jake growled out scrambling to pin him down, "You-you wet the bed until you were ten, a zombie wouldn't know that!" Tom spit out stumbling through his sentence. Before Jake could reply to that amazing piece of information I had stored away in my mind the Attic door started opening making the rope loosen.

"Here they come!" Screamed one of the twins as we all leaped to close it back up, Tom and one of the twins ran to the rope as Jake and the other attempted to push the door back closed.

"Ugly humans, submit" one of the aliens ordered "Close it!" I yelled grabbing a chair out of the corner before trying to use it to push the little green buggers back into the attic, "Tie it off!" Jake rose his voice above all the banging and yelling. "I'm trying" Tom grunted trying to get a good look at where they were "Push harder". (That's what she said)

"Oh my gosh!" I heard the twin that was helping Jake yelp, "Oh my gosh, she scratched me with her claws!" He moved away from the door screaming making Hannah squeal and run further away from the chaos.

"Hurry up!" I yelled to the boys as my arms started burning from holding up this stupid chair, "sorry sucker" Jake ground out as he finally pushed the hatch closed leaving behind three sharp nails on the floor. And no not nails as in a hammer and nails but as freaking manicure and nail polish nails.

"He cut off her nails" I glumped looking down at the long sharp claw like nails on the floor dropping my chair with a thud. "We got to call 911" Tom said looking at us after tying the rope, you would've thought someone had said there was free pizza by the way we rushed downstairs scrambling like crazy to find where our phones were.

"I can't get a signal" I heard Jack say as I emptied out my bag in an attempt to find my phone before remembering that Tom had made me leave me phone at his house as he wasn't allowed his. "Tom" I grumbled under my breath as the others agreed with not getting a signal, "Those midget Martians must be jamming us" Jake said letting Tom have a try of his phone.

"No shi-" I started before looking at Hannah, "shi-ite Jake" I retorted making him send me a smirk. "Never a good sign" Lee I think said but I wasn't really paying attention as Hannah grabbed a house phone off the desk, "It's working!" she exclaimed holding out the phone to one of us.

Hurrying over the twin in the green shirt that I was deeming Lee whether it was his name or not grabbed it and went to press the buttons only it didn't have any. "There's no buttons, what is this thing?" He realized sounding horrified almost making me face palm .... Almost, "It's a rotary phone" Tom answered walking forward and dialled to nine "you spin it".

We all stood around the phone that was taking its own precious time rotating back to zero, when it finally did I looked at Tom and Jake before saying "Well, we're screwed" fully expecting and accepting the synchronised "Kat!"  

Aliens In the Attic: Unexpected Romance Where stories live. Discover now