'T' for 'Teen'

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"So if their plugs don't work on kids" Lee started as Art chimed in "It means we can fight them", "I like the way they think" I said moving away from Tom and hanging my arms over their shoulders. I was about a head taller than them but it didn't really prove anything as I was still a good few inches shorter than both Tom and Jake.

"It means they'll go after our parents" Tom got us back on track making my smile drop, "They're walking targets. "We got to tell them. Now." Lee decided starting to run out of the room, without moving from his twins' side I stuck my hand out and grabbed the back of his shirt "Not gonna happen kid".

"She's right" Tom agreed "yes!" I butted in fist pumping in the air jolting Art "For once" He finished "Hey!" I exclaimed feeling very offended. "I'd have you know I'm always right" I sniffed miffed, "Yeah sure Kat" He rolled his eyes sending a look to Jake who in turn just smirked and shook his head at me.

"Wait and think" Tom stressed looking into all our eyes, "If our parents even go near those things, they'll get zapped and end up zombies. Our own parents will attack us" He explained.

"We need the police, and their hard core fire power" Jake moved towards the phone but Tom blocked him, "Armed zombies, even better."

"We're done" Lee spoke up, "game over."

"Game over for the grown-ups" Jake corrected, "But we can still fight back."

"So you expect us to stop an alien invasion on our own?" Art asked, "He's right, we're the only option" Tom agreed looking at each of us, "but we can't tell anyone, no police" He pointed to Jake, "No parents" He turned to the twins, "No exceptions" He stuck his finger in my face causing me to roll my eyes and push it away, he turned to Hannah "Got it?"

There was a spilt second of 'shit' before Lee called out with a hint of hysteria "Hannah?", "Get her!" I yelled before we all bolted to the door.

We all stopped at the stairs almost falling over each other, "Stop" I hissed listening to see where she was, "They smashed the skylight and tried to break the attic stairs" we heard from the kitchen.

"Well, let's hope not for your sake" Mrs P was saying as we came to a stop behind Hannah, "We put a huge deposit on this place. So you guys better keep it in one piece".

"You heard her Tom. No more trouble" Mr P continued, "It was just a video game" Tom blurted out grabbing Hannah by the shoulders attempting to guide her out.

"We shouldn't have let her watch it, It's rated 'T' for 'teen" I smiled my most innocent smile pushing the twins towards the door as I walked backwards,

The twins nodded along from behind me, "Yeah, Its teen violence.", "Rated for Teens"

"Tommy, I'm scared. I don't like the mean aliens" Hannah was saying as we walked into another room, "Don't worry, Han." Tom kneeled down in front of her, "Just pretend it's a big game, a game that we're gonna win. Just think about how little they are" He smiled softly.

"Little and deadly" Art piped up from beside me, "Dude" I scolded hitting his shoulder. "What do we do now?" Lee asked turning to Jack, "We figure out their weakness" He answered.

"They flew here from another galaxy. You really think they have a weakness?" Lee raised his eyebrows.

"First rule of the warrior code" Jack stood up straighter and looked at each of us, "all enemies have a weakness."

"Why are we going outside?" I asked as we made our way round to the side of the house following Jake who was apparently our new mission leader, "Recon" He shrugged, "Right" I nodded "and we're outside because?" "Of this" He stopped and we all crowded around the trellis that went up the side of the house.

Jake moved forward and tested to see if the trellis would hold his weight before turning to us, "all right, recon's my speciality. I'm going up" He started climbing as we all looked up to the window that looked into the attic.

"I'm coming with you" Tom randomly said making me jump slightly, "Tom be careful" Hannah said as he too started climbing.

"He'll be fine Hannah" I smiled down at her taking her hand, "They both will" I added turning to the twins and seeing their nervous expressions before looking back up at the two dumbest but bravest guys I've ever met, "They have to be."

"What the bloody hell are they doing!?" I yelled seeing them both scramble and Jake slip but catch himself, "Idiots!" huffing I pulled Hannah the twins back and watched helplessly as they both fell and hit the ground feet first.

"That must of hurt" Art remarked as we all winced at their landing.

"Basement" Tom panted looking from Jack to us, "we have to get to the basement."

"You guys okay?" I asked grabbing their arms before they could make a move, "Yes, we're fine Kat" Tom smiled, "yeah, just a few bumps and bruises" Jake added holding his shoulder.

"Oh, great" I nodded smiling before hitting them both in the arm hard enough to earn a synchronised 'ow', "That's what you get for scaring me like that" frowning I pushed past them making my way towards the front of the house, "Now let's go to the basement."



"Oh shit" I whispered turning to Tom as I heard a familiar voice from around the corner, "I completely forgot about Bethany."

"Hey, guys, wait" She called upon seeing us, "Have you guys seen Ricky?"

"Pretty sure he's still around here somewhere" Jake shrugged pretending to look like he cared, as I elbowed Tom in the ribs gaining his attention and subtly motioned to the lump that was Ricky just out of Beth's sight.

"Actually Beth" Tom started as Beth talked over him, "He didn't leave, did he?" she made a move to look in Ricky's direction causing us all to slightly panic.

"No, no. He-" Tom reached out and grabbed a hold of Beth's shoulder quickly letting go when he saw her expression.

"He told us he was heading back to the lake" I jumped in giving my best smile, "Yeah" Tom caught on "to bronze up his rock-hard abs." Jake and I both gave him 'wtf' looks for that one, "yeah he wants you to meet him there" He continued before attempting to walk past but Beth was not having that.

"Wait" she pushed him back, "What did you guys talk about on the roof? Did he say anything about me?" She smiled a little.

"No." Tom answered, "No, no. He- he talked about his car. And-" He stumbled trying to come up with something, "Pretty much just his car" He finished off lamely.

"But you should hit the lake" I interrupted pushing Tom even more back and stepped in front, "so he doesn't think you're blowing him off."

"Yeah, the lake" Everyone quickly chipped in nodding and motioning to where the lake was behind us,

"Over there"

"It's probably good over there."

As she walked past us we all quickly bolted to the basement not wanting to risk her coming back.

"EW" I gagged as Art picked up a crusty piece of material, walking past him I looked around "I don't see anything alien-y."

"I'm telling you, their map led down here." Tom repeated, "You positive?" Jake asked his face looking like he said it sarcastically.
After a few seconds of silence Hannah spoke up, "you hear that? Rice Krispies."

We all seemed to hold our breathe as we attempted to listen for what she was hearing, moving around the room I could hear the snap, crackle and pop sounds become louder. Slowly all out heads turned towards the source of the noise, which seemed to be coming from Lee, he looked around at us and then carefully took his Nintendo out of his pocket and opened it.

The noise was definitely coming from the device as the sound increased, "What is that?" He asked quietly handing it to Tom. I walked over and looked over his shoulder seeing random symbols and shapes that kinda resembled the code I normally saw Tom playing around with on his computer.

"It's them" He breathed just as quiet, he looked up and around the room "something down here's setting it off."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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