Avoiding Trouble is my Speciality

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"What a gasp pipe" Blondie stated as we walked into the room we were in before, "I know" Tom and I said together as I flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Why can't they see that?" Tom kept going, "Dude Parents are wired differently" Blondie said picking up a grey case that was to my left.

"Their brains are old, mushy, fried from bad eighties music" He said making me snort "Kat shush" Tom said not even looking at me. "That's why it's up to you Thomas" Blondie spoke as if we hadn't interrupted him, "You've got to defend your family honour, like a man" He started to open the case. "Like a man?" I asked sitting up, "Well that's gonna be hard for Tom" I smirked watching as Blondie opened the case and Tom sent me a look that said I was going to get it later.

"I call it the Punisher" Blondie said as I leaned over to see what was inside, what sat inside that case was probably the most amazing thing I had ever seen, a paint ball gun. "Your dad bought you this!" I exclaimed Jumping up and pushing them out of the way so I could take a good look at it. "Perks of Divorce" He said sending me a smirk, "never underestimate the power of a grown man's guilt, if we even mention mum, Nate drives us straight to the mall"

I didn't stop to question why he called his dad Nate as I picked up the weapon and clicked on the scope, "Nice" I smiled weighing it in my hands. "It's all yours" He gestured me to give it to Tom, which I did... slowly.  "Don't be a wuss all your life", "I don't know man" Tom said looking unsure. Blondie held up a finger and walked over to the window that over looked the pool, where we could clearly see Beth and Ricky mucking around.

"Take a look at that guy; do you really want him as a brother in law?" That was all the convincing Tom needed, I was in from the moment I saw the gun.
As we snuck out to the pool area I couldn't help but look at Blondie, no not because he was good looking ... which he's not, but because he was dressed in grass from head to toe. Not kidding.

I'll be watching from over there" I said pointing to the opposite side of the pool and running off before they could stop me. I did this for a number of reasons,
  1. I was hot and wanted to put my feet in the pool
2.  I wanted to be far away from them in case they get caught... seriously you do not want to be on the bad side of an angry Beth
And 3. I wanted to get a good shot of Ricky being hit by a Paintball, hopefully multiple paintballs.

As I neared the pool, I saw Beth putting sunscreen on Ricky making me cringe. I walked by unnoticed by the vomit inducing couple and sat down on the other side of the pool and took out my phone pretending to play a game as I started recording. 

Let's just say the next few minutes were the best minutes in my life, when the shooting stopped I zoomed in on Ricky as he fell over holding his junk. Then in the corner of my eye I saw a very pissed off Beth heading straight for the boys. "Well they're on their own" I mumbled and hightailed to the house before I too got caught in Beth's rampage.  Running upstairs I opened my bag and pulled out my phone and earphones, "Music, perfect" I smiled pressing shuffle.

Walking downstairs I heard talking coming from the living room, I paused my music and leant against the doorway as Tom and Blondie got chewed out by Mr P. I was quite enjoying myself seeing them well Tom get the third degree, Blondie's dad was just sitting on the couch watching TV with Nanna. As the conversation ended the TV stopped working, making me groan "I'm not going to be able to live without that" I mumbled to myself before stalking upstairs to see what the kids well younger kids were doing.

"How you guys doin?" I asked walking into the game room, Hannah was sitting down on a bean bag playing with a doll and the twins (whose names I don't know either) "I'm okay" Hannah said smiling sweetly up at me, I only got grunts from the boys making me roll my eyes. "Can I play?" I asked Hannah as I sat down next to her; "sure" She said handing me another doll.

As I quietly played with Hannah, I couldn't help but think about what happened to Tom and Blondie. "I'll be back in a minute" I told her standing up, "Okay Kat" She said going back to her doll. "Tom?" I called out walking towards the kitchen but I bumped into a wall, "Ow" I muttered rubbing my nose.

"Whoa there missy", the wall which happened to be Blondie say as he steadied me. "Sorry" I said huffing slightly, "where's Tom?" I asked looking to see if he was behind him. "He's on the roof fixing the Dish with the gasp pipe" He said smirking slightly, "want to scare Tom with me?" he questioned wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle. "Sure, Blondie" I said winking before turning around going towards the roof, "Blondie?" he asked confused before quickly following me.

"Yes Blondie" I laughed climbing up the ladder, "the names Jake" He mumbled climbing up after me. "Finally" I muttered turning towards him, "I've been calling you Blondie since you got here", "Nice to know" He said sarcastically before putting his finger to his lips and motioning me towards the window.

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