Ricky the Bubble Head

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After what felt like forever the three numbers were dialled and the phone was ringing, "Th-there's an alien invasion at our rental house" Tom blurted out making me roll my eyes. "Really tell the cop that there are little green midgets running around our house with death rays that's gonna make him wanna come right over" I mumbled to myself but no one heard over the continuation of Tom's conversation.

"Knee high beings, very angry" I would've snorted if I wasn't so freaked out that there really was knee high angry aliens in the upstairs that could and mean to kill us, "No" Tom continued his call that we couldn't hear. "Real. Look, I know this sounds crazy... but you gotta understand-" He was cut off, "Hello?" He asked looking confused and frustrated.

"Hello?" He asked again before slamming down the phone, "we gotta tell our parents" Tom said leading us all out. But because we live in a world where apparently nothing is easy just before we got to the door a loud 'thunk' sounded outside the window making us all freeze into place.

I pulled Hannah towards me as I pushed myself into Tom's side the 'thunks' continuing, none of us talked just stood still staring at the window that was covered with a plaid curtain. Jake cautiously started towards the window as we all slowly followed him, He took steady steps hesitating slightly before pulling the curtains open.

"AH!" Hannah and I squealed as we all jumped back seeing Ricky dangling outside the window, his head repeatedly knocking against the glass pane. We all walked forward as Jake pushed open the window letting us have access to Ricky, "Think he's still an alien zombie?" Tom asked. 

"I don't know if I should hope he is or hope he isn't" I answered even though I knew he wasn't asking me. They all gave me a look though the twin in the black top had a sort of agreeing look making me wink at him, Tom gave me a 'shut up' look before we turned back to a slightly deranged look on his face.

Jake looked to Hannah and she understood but didn't look happy about it as she gave him her fairy wand, He took it off her and leaned out the window and jabbed Ricky in the shoulder.

"You are useless" He spoke making us all jump for a second time, "why aren't the mind-control plugs working? You're the engineer Figure it out. Hurry up. Hurry up."

'What the hell' I thought, 'this day just keeps getting crazier'.

"Hurry up. Hurry up. Fix it! Fit it. Fix it now you idiot." Ricky growled out, "He's not talking to us, right?" Jake asked. "I don't think so" I said moving my gaze upwards where the attic would be, "I think he's picking up their conversation. They had, like, a Bluetooth" He explained to the Twins as they hadn't been there when the toad alien had used the earpiece device.

Before we could say anything else Ricky started talking again quickly gaining our attention, "What do you mean their hormone levels are too unstable? Are you telling me the plugs only work on mature subjects? Why did we not plan for this? You have failed me you incompetent piece of—"He cut himself off before starting again, "Translation not available" And he said all of that with that stupid freaky smile on his face.

"Can you please get that smile off his face" I somewhat pleaded looking to Jake, he looked at me and was about to say something when Ricky started spazzing out and feel down the rest of the way to the ground.

"Did you hear that?" Tom asked looking around at all of us, "Yeah, sounds like Ricky landed on his face" the twin in the Black top that I have now deemed Art smirked, considering I had deemed the other Lee and one name was someone's or another.... Yeah it's been a long day.

"I know right" I smirked back holding my hand up for a high five that he hit smiling, "No" Tom butted in giving me yet again another look. "Those things they shot at us, they-re-they're mind control plugs" He stumbled through his explanation, "They won't work on kids, It's like you said" He gestured towards Jake "We're wired differently.

"Wha-what about Ricky?" He questioned still trying to catch up on everything, "It tagged him and he's Bethany's age".

"Pfft that tools not Beth's age" I snorted getting everyone's attention, I seem to be really good at that, "That" I Stopped trying to think of another word I could use in front of Hannah, "bubble head is in college" I finished gaining an amused look from Jake making me slightly red in the face... cause it was hot in.. Here yeah I have to quit lying to myself.

Aliens In the Attic: Unexpected Romance Where stories live. Discover now