Gentle Giant - Simon Minter

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You were currently in Anaheim in LA for VidCon. You were a gaming/comedy sketch YouTuber with just over 7 million subscribers, and were happy that you could meet your more international viewers.
You were walking around the convention, quickly waving and hugging any people that recognised you, however you were in a rush as you had an interview with Chelsea Briggs in about 5 minutes and you had no idea where you were going.
Spotting a security guard, you asked which direction she was in, and when he saw your creator badge he offered to go with you. You spoke with the man that was about ten times bigger than you, in both muscle and height while you weaved your way around the growing crowds of people. You thank him when you get there, the back-stage hands quickly giving you a microphone as someone introduced you and lightly pushed you out onto the stage.
You waved at the cheering crowd, smiling at Chelsea while you sat on the sofa.
She was very bubbly and happy, however asked questions that were quite generic, nothing that people didn't already know about you, and about upcoming projects that were already spoken about in full detail on your channel. However, you were a bit stumped when she asked you the following question.
"So who are you watching on YouTube at the minute?" Although it was a simple question, it took you a minute to think up who you had been watching while you weren't swamped with work.
"I'm actually really getting into the Sidemen at the minute, their stuff is pretty good."
The look on her face was one of joy in the fact that she could continue the conversation.
"Do you have a favourite?"
"Well it's definitely not JJ," you laughed, "He doesn't upload anymore." The crowd chuckled slightly.
"But honestly, I do have a favourite, however I know what you people are like," you say, pointing at the crowd with an accusing finger, "Shipping will end up happening and I don't want to creep them out before I've even met them."
Chelsea laughs but looks out at the crowd and into the camera that was filming you, "When this goes up later, tweet the link to all the boys, maybe they can get who her favourite is out of her." She turned back to face you, "But really though, I'm pretty sure they're in LA, you should all meet up. That would be such a great collab."
The rest of the interview went on smoothly, with no more awkward questions.

The video of the interview came out a few hours later, just as you were leaving the convention to go to your hotel room. Your twitter was bombarded with tweets about the Sidemen, freaking out about how their faves like each other.
In the car on your way to the hotel your phone buzzed, a DM coming through on Twitter.
You looked and it was from the sidemen official account, asking if you wanted to come to a party tonight at their house they had rented in LA.
You accepted their offer, however were curious about who it was behind the message, however they refused to answer it, saying you would find out later.
Albeit you were confused, you began to get ready for the party.

The party had been going on for quite a while, the house massive and especially with these boys, there was a lot of alcohol flowing. You dandered about the house, drink in hand, having short conversations with very drunk 'influencers', who at that moment in time wouldn't be all that of a positive 'influence'.
You made your way up the winding staircase and past the multiple people making out on them. You walked down the corridor, not wanting to invade privacies but to get to some fresh air, you opened the door to one of the bedrooms. However, you realised that was a bad idea as soon as you heard two people shouting at you to get out. You hurriedly apologise, backing out of the room as fast as you could. But since you were in such a hurry you weren't looking behind you, and therefore bumped into someone walking behind you.
"Shit sorry," you replied, turning around to make sure that they were okay.
When you turned around you looked up to see Simon standing there, a smile on his face and a slight tipsy look to him in general.
"It's okay, y/n right?" he says, his head tilting to the side slightly at the question.
You nod, looking down at your feet and then looking to the side to see if there were any balconies or windows as it was still quite stuffy in there.
In his tipsy state he understood what you meant and grabbed your hand, pulling you down another corridor and into the room at the end of it. You saw the glass double doors leading out to a delicately lit balcony.
You both go out onto it, looking over the railing to see the mountainous view that was beside the house.
You begin talking, general YouTube stuff, upcoming projects, somewhat more personal stuff that wasn't on camera. As you were talking it had become chilly, you were only wearing jeans and a string strap top but you assumed that the LA summer heat would make you better.
Simon noticed you shivering a bit, goose bumps rising on your arms.
"Wait here two secs." He says, setting his drink down on the small outdoor table and running into the room.
"Speaking of new projects, this is the only one fans have seen on any of us." he said, coming back with a hoodie in his hands.
He gave it to you, and you marvelled at the warmth it brought you as soon as you put it on. It came down to your mid-thigh but at that moment your warmth outweighed your need to look cute.
"So, who actually is your favourite?" he asks, breaking the peaceful silence there was as you overlooked Los Angeles.
You looked over at hm with a smirk on your face. "It's you," you say nonchalantly, looking back over the railing.
"Really?" he says, a sound of joy in his voice.
You looked over at him, a smile on your face. "Nah, I'm just kidding. It's Tobi." You say, watching the smirk on his face falter. "He seems like the sweetest. He's cute too." You continue, internally laughing at the dismay across Simon's face.
You sigh dramatically, a small giggle escaping your lips, "Fine, fine. It is you. Happy now?"
He smiles over at you, nodding his head slightly. "You're my favourite too." He says quietly, hoping you wouldn't hear.
You both talked into the night, joking about the people messing about below the balcony, having some deep chats mixed in with some very light hearted ones. Eventually the night turns into early morning and you could feel yourself needing to go back to your hotel.
Simon walked you to the front door, weaving through the passed-out bodies on the floor.
You were walking down the driveway when you realised that you still had his hoodie on.
Turning back you saw him watching you from the front door to make sure you got into your taxi safely.
"Do you want this back?" you ask.
He shakes his head, claiming he had a load back home that he could wear.
You nod, walking to the waiting taxi, ready to finally go to sleep at 5 in the morning.

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