C2: "Defenders Dancing: Legendary experiences"

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I'm pulled up in Pidge's driveway, impatiently waiting for Pidge, and his older brother to pop out the door and climb into the car. Pidge was a Junior, Matt a Senior, like myself. Pidge had just turned sixteen a couple weeks prior, as Matt was just a couple months older than me. The two looked almost identical, but acted nothing of the sort. Pidge was more energetic, and had a hobby for technology. As while Matt was more laid-back, and had a love for astrology. Which in a sense, involves technology. Otherwise, they get along great with their differences.
"Hold on Lance I forgot my duffel bag!" I hear Pidge shout from the window. See, we go from school, then straight to dance practice. It was tiring, but the school allows us to take a free period off of gym if we feel that we need it for an upcoming performance or competition. Which made up for the school not having a gender-neutral bathroom.
Matt scooted into shotgun, taking off his backpack to rest on his lap.
"Pidge will be out in a minute." Matt says with a pearly white smile.
It's really a shame he's straight.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Pidge sprints out the door, duffel bag on one shoulder, backpack balancing on his arm, then another laptop case around the other shoulder. With a humph, Pidge slides into the backseat, stuffing all his junk on one side of the car, then shutting the door quite hard.
"Sorry at first I couldn't find my binder, then I forgot my duffel bag, and then I realized my homework was still on the kitchen table-"
"It's all good don't worry about it." I reassure him. Though we might be late to school, I can't really get mad at him.


I stood outside the school entrance waiting for Pidge to follow. Matt stayed after school for the astronomy club, and walked home after.
Remember when I said Pidge had been trying to flirt with one of his best friends? Well that friend's name is Hunk. Hunk is a pretty large guy, who was also a senior. I knew him mostly from Home Ec. When we were partnered together for making a strawberry shortcake. It was one class that I passed easy, at the top. Then I found my rival. It was funny really, trying to compete with him. In the end, both our cakes got a high passing grade, and we set aside our fighting and became friends.
Happy ending, right?
Not so much. Pidge has been dropping several hints trying to tell Hunk that he wanted to go out. Several. This guy is oblivious. I, even gave Pidge some tips, and Hunk didn't even think twice. Today he wanted to watch us dance, which I have no problem with. Although, I'm a little nervous for Pidge.
"Yeah so I mean, only if you'd want to- it's totally cool if you don't, we're totally cool- uhm I mean not cool, because it's-"
"Yeah I'd love to hang out with my bestie."
"Nevermind... Oh hey Lance!" Pidge waves me over, and I walk out to join them. I lean down to give Pidge a hug.
"How was Biology?"
"Aced it."
"Nice." I release the hug, giving him a friendly smile. Than looking up a Hunk, giving him a fist bump.
Pidge takes out his phone and we all start walking toward the vandalized school parking lot. "Hey Lance, Shiro was talking about a new foreign kid coming in to the studio."
I lift an eyebrow, curious of this new information. Normally, we don't accept new comers easily, since it's more of a private place, and not so popular.
"Oh really? What's their name?"
"I don't know, but it's one of Shiro's cousins," Pidge says, not looking up.
"Maybe the guy is really good at dancing?" Hunk suggests.
"The way Shiro implied it, he seems like a really elite dancer."
"So what does this guy dance?" I ask. It may seem like an unnecessary question, considering as you see, we train at a ballet studio, but as seasons change, like now, there is an option of changing dance styles, for more of a wide variety of dancing.
"Hip hop. But I hear he's trying our upcoming unit to 'widen his horizons'."
"Will we get to see him today?" Hunk zips up his vest, he was kicking pebbles just leisurely walking.
"Yeah, and Lance?"
"Remember when you took hip hop up?"
"Only the best two years of my life."
"You're going to need it. I hear this new guy, is quite the show off."

Pidge, Hunk, and I climb out of the car, ("Pidge don't forget your duffel bag!"), and start walking to the little plaza that held the studio.
There was a tiny little pocket on the front of the sectioned building, that read "Defenders dancing; legendary experiences"
Over near the empty parking lot, I spot a motorcycle, which was unusual because motorcycles weren't really common over here.
We start down the tan sidewalk, busy people with shopping bags, and fussing children speed walking, not bothering to apologize as they casually bumped into us.
Pushing open the doors of the studio, I walk to the front desk with a pearly white smile.
"Hello ma'am~" I charm Anna, our front desk manager.
Head over heels.
"So honey, did you fall from-"
"Lance. We're almost late come on." Pidge rolls his eyes, poking me in the back.
"Y-yeah, hold on."
A few minutes of the lady drooling over me, we finally sign in and walk down the corridor to reach our studio door, and one way mirror. Before I walk inside, I see a crowd of the dancers grouped around something. I narrow my eyes, wondering what's so important.
I pull open the door, dropping my bag off, and changing into my dance-wear. I took off my long sleeve first, revealing my tanned caramel skin. I quickly get my blue tank top, that was loosely fitted. I then grab my black leggings, that I are a little worn out, so I don't wear them for performances or anything. Finally, I slip on my dance shoes, then walk over to Pidge, who was having trouble with getting his shoes on.
"Ugh! Come on!"
"What did your feet grow?" I spurted, looking over at Hunk, who sat right next to our bags, looking at his phone.
"I don't know... they have extras in the equipment room, let me try those." Pidge scrunched up his nose, making him look cute as ever.
I stare suspiciously at the group of dancers. I decided to walk over and see what was going on. When I got closer, I can see someone is standing in the center.
"So, Keith... have you danced ballet before?!"
"Yeah! You look like you have a nimble figure!"
"I mean just look at him!"
I push past someone in my class that I didn't bother remember, and then I see him. I recognize that mullet. He was the guy who almost ran me over!
"Hey you!" I narrow my eyes, planting my feet firmly on the ground. He turns around, and my expression softens. I turn speechless. He was.. really... wow. He had porcelain skin, barely noticeable freckles lined his cheeks, and neck. His nose was a little pink, no doubt from the chill weather. His eyes were a grey purple combination, that were beautiful all the same. A certain spark filled those eyes. His lips were in the medium of full and thin, but they looked pink and plush.
"Yes?" He arches one eyebrow, making him look even more perfect. He interrupts my thoughts, and I realize I've been staring at him for a little too long.
"Uh... oh yeah! You almost ran me over last night!" I puff my chest outward, giving him an angry glare.
"I think I would've remembered that." He looks me down, which makes my cheeks flush a light pink.
"Well you should've!"
"Oh, wait... you were the one who yelled from down the street. You looked pretty stupid." This made my blood boil.
"Stupid? Talk about that mullet." I blurt. Scrunch my face up, making the worry lines increase. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pidge hurrying out of the equipment room, old worn out shoes slipped on his feet.
"Alright alright!" Shiro booms, just entering the studio. We all line up at the bar, going into our positions as he checks our form. As he passes he'll mutter something so just the closest to him can hear. It's normally a critique, but sometimes if you are positioned just right, he'll let it slide.
He seems to be satisfied with everyone's work, and calls us into a line. Four girls lined up on the right, and all six of us guys lined up on the left.
"Today we are introducing Keith Kogane to our group, we will welcome him warmly, and make sure he feels at home." Shiro takes a glance at me specifically, giving me a the 'you know I'm talking about you especially' look, "we will be also wrapping up the ballet portion. If you are still interested in practicing ballet, then come to the front desk after class, and ask to enroll in Madam Allura's ballet class. I will warn you that this is mostly a ladies class."
Some of the girls looked a little happy about this, but most remained confident. Many of the boys were eager to learn more. The only one that I saw with a bored expression, was Keith.
"So what will be the next genre of dancing?" Pidge raises his hand, not bothered to be called on.
This rose nervous glances for everyone, already picking out their partners, of course, the people who planned to stay in Shiro's class and not transfer. I look farther to the right, spotting Pidge, almost begging for eye contact. If anything, Pidge would be the only person that I'd be comfortable with dancing.
"Warm ups and stretching begin now." Shiro claps his hands and we all disperse, either joining into a circle of comrades to stretch together, or going off to stretch on our own. I walk over to Pidge. He was in a split, leaning over to his right and left, stomach touching the floor. I sit in a split and match trying to do the same exact thing, though I didn't have much luck, and posed more difficult for me.
"So we're starting a new unit," I begin. "wanna be my partner?"
"I don't know... I think I might join Madam Allura's class. I don't want to be switching units anymore." "Who am I going to partner with?"
"You could always join the class with me," Pidge suggests, switching to butterfly position. "It would be a lot easier for you, and you won't be paired with a complete idiot."
"Hmm... I'll sign up right after class." And with that, I finish with stretching my hands to my feet, getting up right at the sound of Shiro's clapping hands.
"Alright, boys! You will practice lifting the ladies in the air, then catching them. Only lift them above your head, nothing higher nothing further. Pidge, may I demonstrate with you?"
"Yes sir." Pidge strolls to Shiro's left. He readies himself waiting for Shiro's command.
"Okay, you will ready your hands to place them upon your dancer's waist. Like so," Shiro steadily wraps his hands around Pidge's waist, making Pidge flush red. Shiro's hands were about the size of his waist. "Pidge will now leap, as I lift her- him, in the air, gently placing him onto the ground, as he finishes in a stance."
Pidge flinched at her, but eased up a little that Shiro corrected himself. It still made me irritated though.
"Ladies, when lifted, you will stretch your legs as if in a split."
Pidge and Shiro demonstrate beautifully. I look over behind my shoulder to see Hunk not really paying attention, more focused on his sneakers. This also made me irritated. Pidge bows his head, as they mutter thanks to each other, Pidge returning to the group of boys.
"Boys line up to the left, ladies line up to the farthest boy on the right." We form a line, myself at the lines end. Someone- Keith. He squeezes right in between myself and another dancer. I give him a menacing glare.
"What is your problem?" Keith mutters angrily, nudging my elbow.
"My problem is that your way too close to me." I nudge him back. Him being so close wasn't a big deal to me. I really only wanted something to be mad at, that being the first thing to come to mind.
"Yeah well get used to it." He scowled. The line began to move. One by one, a girl would stop at a boy, and the boy would lift her in the air. Finally, Keith lifts a brunette who was quite attractive, flawlessly. She turns to me, waiting for my placement on her waist. I do so, nervous for some absurd reason. Which leads me to only lifting her level to my face. Keith smirks, no doubt laughing at me. After she lands shakily, I shoot Keith a cross look, making him start to chuckle.
"Okay! Next practice!"

Every part of my body ached from working so hard. That was my least favorite part of ending a unit. It was the most work you would do all year. I walk over to Hunk, Pidge following right behind me. Pidge had just come back from signing up for switching classes, I figured I'd sign up for the class when leaving. Hunk looks up and smiles a big toothy grin.
"You guys did great!"
Pidge beams at this, but I knew Hunk wasn't really paying attention at all. But hey, at least he was noticing Pidge? Does that even count?
"Can you believe this new guy?" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.
"What about him? He seemed really cool." Pidge said, taking a long sip from his water bottle.
"What! He was a total jerk. Anyways, is today Thursday?" My frustration was still building up over this new guy. He had the balls to laugh at me, then show me up. Especially him being so stuck up, that needed to change.
"Friday." Hunk corrects, slipping his phone in his vest pocket. He normally always had the vest on during the fall and winter, it'd had grown to be a little small for him, although I have to admit, green was a good color for him. He had a yellow long sleeve underneath, with brown baggy pants with black knee pads, and boots that went up to his shin.
"Oh cool, Pidge you wanna sleep over my house tonight? We can order some Chinese." I lean over to gather my belongings and stuff them lazily into my bag.
"I'm up for it." Pidge takes one last sip before closing his water bottle.
"Hunk you wanna hang out too?" I ask.
"Can't, I promised I'd study for the calculus test."
"Text me if plans change." I smile, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
"Sounds good." He smiles back, Pidge joining me at my side. Hunk stands up as well, and we all walk out the studio's doors, not realizing, I had forgotten to sign a certain paper.

AN: 2576 words of pure sweat, tears, and cringing at Pidge x Hunk.

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