C4 (edited/revised): Matt Isnt Straight

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Saturday, 6:45pm
I sit slouched on the red plastic cushion bar, looking across the table at Pidge, whom was staring down the menu, looking like he hadn't eaten in days. Pidge had invited Shiro, Matt, and Hunk to eat dinner at a really fancy Italian restaurant. I had only eaten here once or twice, though I heard amazing reviews of the Lasagna.
Looking at Twitter, I see that Shiro retweeted a post from Keith. Since everything went down, I've been stalking his Twitter page. Yes I know, that sounds very creepy. But, if someone just did an amazing improv dance that was made to perfection, you'd want to know everything and anything about them. He was pretty active on his account, posting mostly hilarious remarks, and plenty aesthetic-like pictures of book spines, candles, and the brand of shoes; vans. Occasionally, a venting comment was posted, mostly discussing issues of anxiety, but it was kept vague. Shiro seemed the most active of retweeting and being in pictures posted, but otherwise, no family, girlfriends, friends.
"I think I'm going to try the Arancini, how about you Lance?" Pidge asks, tapping his fingers on the booth table, a face that represented conflict. I hadn't even looked at the menu, so preoccupied with my own investigations.
"Oh, uh, I don't know. I heard the Lasagna is good." I shrug, reluctantly sliding my phone back into my sweatshirt pocket. I unfold the neatly laminated list, and start searching through the specials of the day. After I had gotten past the overly large images of meatballs, Shiro seems to have apparated right in front of us, with a warm smile.
"Hey guys, is it alright if I sit?" He asks, gesturing next to Pidge. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt, with dark blue jeans. He had on fingerless black leather gloves, and a backwards black hat that he took off respectively. Sitting down he didn't look too tall, but when we stood he was about two to the three inches taller than I was. Im at the height of five foot nine. It wasn't long before Matt and Hunk showed up as well, Matt in a purple tee shirt, and black jeans. Hunk was wearing the same thing as always.
"Wait a minute... Aren't you Takashi? You work at that library down Garrison street!" Matt perks, the corners of his mouth picking up. He had just about the same energy as always.
"Mhm, and you're Matt, you come by the library often." Shiro smiles and Matt slides in next to Shiro, Pidge on the inside of the booth, leaving Hunk to slide in on my side. Matt sheepishly grins, often taking glances at Shiro while they had their own conversation about book preferences. Though they seemed like they were having an awesome time talking, I couldn't join in. Books were never really my strongest suit, neither is studying, reading, etc.
The only thing I can enjoy, is Home Economics. Cooking just... it made me feel like myself, it made me feel of importance. Sure, I enjoy dancing, its fun. But it never clicked for me. It never spoke to me in a way cooking does. I don't really think it makes sense, so maybe, I'll just stick with dancing for now. I mean, maybe I could do something to earn some money for my family, maybe get a bigger house? I could prove to Naomi-
"Lance, you okay buddy?" Hunk asks below a whisper, signaling my attention. I notice that a woman was standing in front of us, with a pen and notepad in hand. She had a short brown bob, with green dyed tips at the ends. She had curves, but it really complimented her body shape. Her nose was as of a romans, curved at the bridge. She had beautiful bright green eyes, and a toothy smile. Her little name tag read "Shay".
"Hi my name is Shay how may I take your order for you gentleman?" She looks all of us over, we probably looked pretty out of place. The lights were very dimmed, creating shadows on all of our faces. Pidge ordered first, then Hunk, finally prying Shiro and Matt from their conversation, they put in their orders as well. Finally it was my turn.
"I'll have the lasagna please, also a sprite." I place down the menu into the pile, as she collects them with ease. She recites our meals, looking down at the notepad. We all nod our heads, and she winks, leaving the table.
Hunk leans over with a dopey smile and slight blush, "do you think she winked at me?" I look at him, on the verge of giggling. But then I remember; Pidge. I bite my tongue, knowing that Hunk was head over heels for this waitress. I sigh, knowing the right thing were to give him advice, but for the sake of Pidge, decide against.
"I don't think so, she winked?" I lie, hoping he wouldn't ask the rest of the table. His smile fades, but he seems to get over it pretty quickly once Shiro broke away from his talk about why the Percy Jackson movies were complete trash with Matt, and invited Hunk into the conversation. By this point, everyone was involved in the talk, everyone but myself. I was too busy checking if the silverware was magnetic.
I look out the window, at the sky, it was getting a little pink outside, but Mamá was very flexible with going out for long periods of time, in fact she encouraged me to do so. It wasn't shortly after I was getting impatient, that Shay and another waiter brought over our plates. Everything looked gorgeous, from the cleanliness of the dish, to the Alfredo sauce on the angel pasta. Once I get ahold of my lasagna, I push my arms outward to stretch, cracking the knuckles, then grabbing my fork eager to dig in. It smelled fantastic, I could smell the seasonings, and especially the sauce. I stab a corner  with my fork and try a bite.
It was delicious.
The only thing that I could critique, was that it was a little undercooked. It was tender, and the seasoning didn't bring out the flavor of the meat as much as I thought it would. The sauce had zero to none flavors bringing out its exotic taste, leaving it bland compared to the noodle layer.
However, it still was food, and yes, I was not letting it go to waste.
"Lance, slow down!" Pidge ushered. When I looked up from my food, I could see everyone's eyes on me, making me feel a little self-conscious. I felt my ears burn red, backing away from the plate and finishing what was in my mouth. They all went back to eating, but I made sure I ate a little less messily for the rest of the evening.
Later, Shiro insisted to pay for dinner, then leading us out into the parking lot. We all stood by his car having a nice conversation, it wasn't too cold out, enough for a thicker coat though. Shiro had given Matt one of his sweaters in the back of his car, which was way to big for his scrawny figure. On the front it said 'Space Babe'.
"So Matt, mind if I grab your number? Maybe we could..."
"Yeah! Of course! Totally- I uh, I mean sure why not. Not that I'm not interested or anything, it's just-"
"You're too much." Shiro laughs, inserting his phone number into a very unusually red Matt's phone. I know now that stammering rubs in the family.
"I wouldn't be surprised if they were shoving tongues down each other's throat by tomorrow." Pidge snickered into my ear.
"Bet you five bucks Shiro's going to booty call him."
"You're on!" Pidge remarks, us shaking hands and giggling.
"-Yeah tonight was nice, text me later?" Shiro smiles warmly.
"Definitely." Matt gives him a toothy smile. Shiro then leans down to peck his cheek, and return to his car. Matt burst into a red explosion. Red from head to toe. But it was hard to tell since he had on- Shiro's sweater. Smooth moves my man. Shiro opens the car door and pulls out of the parking lot, beeping the horn as he disappears down the street.
Matt then clutches the sweater, taking in a deep breath, swooning.
So it turns out Matt isn't straight.

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