C6: The Sleepover

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Saturday, 12:00am
     The drive to Shiro's was short, quiet, with the low hum of the engine and the slowly faded music played on the radio. you couldn't hear much, it was fuzzing out each lyric spoken. I didn't really recognize the song. Keith sat right next to me, as always keeping composure and staying silent.
"I think we should've won." I straighten my posture, taking a second to look to my right.
"Yeah," Keith uttered, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
"I didn't know you were sleeping over Shiro's with us."
"Mhm." He twirled a strand of his black hair,  just as he does in english class, when he sits at the back of the class right by the window. When he stares longingly out that window, I wonder if he misses New York. Or maybe Michigan. How many places had he possibly moved from? He filled me with wonder. His eyes, they only met me those few times a day, and they still amazed me. Those grayish blue purple eyes that we're so unfamiliar. They were nothing compared to mine, to my families eyes. His eyes told stories, mine didn't.
"Talk to me, god you're so emo."
"I'm not emo." He straightened up in his seat, I could see him bite the inside of his cheek.
"Say's your guyliner."
"I don't wear eyeliner."
"Screw you!"
"Whatever!" he huffed, and sunk back into his seat, fiddling with his thumbs. He was picking at them, I saw them becoming red and raw. I looked down at my own hands, my fingers were clean of cuts and raw skin, his were covered.
"You shouldn't pick the skin, its not good." I look over to him for a split second. He kept his head down, just staring at his twiddling fingers, digging his chipped black fingernails into the already cut open skin.
"Screw off."


      I pull into the driveway, and I see Shiro's car parked inside the opened garage door. Shiro had given Pidge a ride, normally I would, but Shiro offered first.
      The lights were on inside, so were the lanterns on the porch. His house was gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous. It wasn't big, which is what made it so cozy. It had three floors, and though I've only been on the first floor, it was impossible to think a man had decorated it. It just had that women's touch... something I wish I had. I'm not the best at interior decorating, hence the mess of my room. It was his families house, who had left it to him after moving to a retirement home.
       I wondered if there were possibly pictures of Keith and Shiro together in his house, maybe I'd never noticed them, they seemed pretty close. I turn off the ignition and watch as Keith opens the car door and swings his bag over his shoulder. I quickly step out as well, grabbing my bag. He seemed like he had been here before, the way that he strode to the front door. I try to catch up to him as he flings open the door to step in. Again, how beautiful his house was.
"Ah, were in the living room!" A voice called, it was Shiro. It was a distant call, from down the mudroom.
The house was, despite looking bright on the outside, dimly lit inside. As I tugged at my shoes, I started to walk off into the hallway ignoring Keith. Even though I'd been here a few times, I still could get lost in the maze of a hallway he had. It was lined with a few pictures here and there, a door that I remembered to be the bathroom, and a grey carpet stretching down farther into the narrow hallway. As I skimmed the pictures, no sign of Keith. Which is strange, since they seemed like they were brothers at the most.
     As I walked further down the hallway I heard a voice, Shiro's voice getting louder as I finally stepped into the living room. It had a high ceiling with large glass panels on either side of the walls. Soft lit lights hung down and illuminated the room. A despondent arm chair tucked away in the corner, almost looking vintage, and a long brown L shaped sofa in the center of it all. The walls were white, and the floor was spruce planks, a grey tassel carpet underneath a glass coffee table. On it was a few books, a tray with handles, which had two lit candles, a tv remote, and two cups of tea. Lastly, the fireplace pressed against the opposite side of the wall, on the mantle a few trophies and medals, and a flatscreen tv.
I looked around, once again marveled by the lovely home. "Still such a gorgeous place."
"Thanks, it took so long to remodel, but haven't you already seen it?" His lips twitched, and he threaded into an open doorway, into the kitchen I remember.
"Yeah, I have... but it still surprises me." I raised my voice so he could hear me, but it just echoed off the walls.
"Well thank you, all started with my folks." He came back from the kitchen with two mugs of tea in hand, "Where's Keith?"
I felt my fingers tense, I forget I left Keith back in the mud room.
"Probably just using the bathroom, I wandered off without him." I admitted, taking the tea mug from his right hand.
Shiro's eyes sparkled, "No, I think he just went to his room. He does that."
     I stood for a moment, and then realized why Keith seemed so familiar with this place. It's because he currently lived here. That made sense all of a sudden.
"Oh, well, uh... cool." I felt as if the conversation ended from the moment it began, and I felt the awkwardness pour into my system.
Pidge poked her head out from behind the couch. It seemed she had taken her contacts out already and put on her glasses.
"Are we gonna watch a movie or what?"
A smile tugged at my lips and I set my tea down on the counter. With a quick swift of my legs, I swung over the couch next to Pidge.
"Yeah, you can start it I'll be down in a second." Before I could ask, Shiro was gone, his footsteps sounding quieter and quieter until I hear the tiny squeaks of the stairs.
Then Pidge started the movie.
   After a couple minutes Shiro came down with an annoyed Keith trailing quietly behind. He had headphones in and a phone in hand. Black sweatpants and a red t-shirt.
Before we started the movie we also got into our pajamas, myself in blue silk pants and silk pajama top that buttoned up. Pidge was in baggy band tee-shirt that looked a bit like Jimi Hendrix, it covered her short shorts. I looked over the arm of the sofa and tried to get Keith's attention by staring at him.
No dice.
   He just looked at his thumbs and sat down on the sofa, farthest from the huddling Pidge and I. We helped ourselves to a blanket that laid unused on the head of the sofa. Keith's hair was tied back into a ponytail.
"What are we watching?" Shiro smiled an empty smile. Fake. I could guess that the talk to get Keith down here wasn't as easy.
"Sweeney Todd." Pidge muttered, utterly enamored with the movie. We were only about ten minutes in.
"I didn't know I had that one." Shiro wondered, he sat down between the space of Keith and I. He had switched into pajamas as well. A black muscle tank top, and grey sweatpants. I threw my end of the blanket offering it to him but he shook his head. I then tucked it back into my side, snuggling back up.
After another couple minutes, Keith took out an earbud.
"I'm going to go make popcorn." He mumbled, and started to get up. This caught my attention, and I decided to get up as well.
"I'll go with you."
He scoffed, "I don't need a babysitter to pop popcorn."
"Whatever." I followed him into the kitchen, in which not to my surprise, he put an earbud back in.    The kitchen was just as nice as the living room. It had spruce lacquered flooring, with an island in the middle. The countertops were a black like stone that I happened to not know the name of. The walls were grey, the cabinets white to match. There was a wrap-around countertop with an electric-stove. Another set of cabinets mirrored on top, were the microwave sat.
     Keith took out a large bowl and scavenged for the popcorn packet. I guess he wasn't used to the house as much yet. I decided to look for it as well.
"He probably doesn't have any and we're looking for nothing." I chuckle to myself and sigh. Keith takes out his right earbud and looks up to me from a cabinet.
    After a few seconds, I felt the awkwardness begin to climb up my arms and onto my chest making it quite heavy.
We continued to search, until finally: I found the last packet of popcorn.
"Aha!" I yelled, and ran to the microwave. This gained Keith's attention and he stopped searching, taking out his ear buds to string them on the backs of his ears. I opened the microwave door, and unfolded the popcorn packet. Then, I punched in three minutes and closed the door pressing start. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make popcorn. I turn to Keith, and zone out. Why did Keith dance with me like that? What was he looking at so funny like at the dance off? Why did he live here with Shiro all of a sudden?
"What's up?" He cocks an eyebrow toward my direction. It snaps me back to reality. I realize he had a tendency to do that.
"Oh, uh," I weighed the lot of questions, "why did you dance like that, at the you know." I rubbed the back of my neck, a little embarrassed to bring up the topic.
"I-uh, I don't know... " he looked up at the microwave. The sound of the corn seeds popping was low and faded, almost like background music in an important scene of a movie. It gave me nostalgia of family movie nights before Mamá remarried.
"It felt like I was on autopilot, just... dancing." His eyes narrowed. I noticed a tiny white scar right above his left eyebrow.
"Yeah, I get that." I nodded, and for the first time, I did get it.
The timer went off.
     I opened the door, and grabbed the bag palm first forgetting it was hot. My skin felt like it was boiling. I yelped, and dropped the bag on the counter, then rushed to the sink to rinse it in cold water. Keith didn't seem fazed, he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet to the right of the stove. I bounced up and down on my tiptoes biting my lip dramatically.
"Quit whining and hold this bowl." Keith snapped, and I followed over holding my palm protectively, as if he was going to high five me any moment and it'd put me in more pain. I then wrapped my hand around the bowl as Keith shook the popcorn into it.
"Why do you live here?" The question flowed out of my mouth, like a faucet. I wish I could stop doing that. He pursed his lips, then opened them ready to say something snarky, and then closed them again. I watched him, my eyebrows knitted and I waited for an answer. I wondered if I had asked a too personal question.
"Why do you care?" He answers suddenly. He didn't say it mean-like, or short: he seemed very genuine.
"I, I dont." I look at the popcorn in the bowl, some of them are yellow, some white, some even black and burnt. The smell of burnt popcorn wafted into the air, and it smelled quite nice. Though I saw Keith's nose turn upwards like a child, he looked cute. The subtle expression on his face made my throat feel swollen and my chest feel heavy. Again, he stared at me. He broke my spacing out and we just stared at each other a few seconds. This was an expression I didn't recognize, his eyes were soft, and I noticed the gold flecks that shone through his gray misty purple eyes. Under his eyes the skin is a little red brown, but it makes his eyes pop with color. I looked down to his lips, they looked pink and soft. They were slightly chapped. He finally looked away at the popcorn bowl.
"Why don't you grab some caramel sauce from the cabinet over there." He nodded to the cabinet over to the right. I guess he has a sweet tooth. I look at him one more time before searching into the cabinet. I saw a couple unopened bags of halloween candy. Halloween was almost a month ago though. I sift through the multiple bags and find the dark chocolate sauce and caramel sauce. I look to Keith and toss the caramel sauce across the kitchen for him to fumble with it and finally tuck it into his chest safely. I giggle to myself as he sends me a death glare.
     He pours some caramel over top the popcorn and my mouth waters as I practically float over next to him.
"Where'd you go and learn that?" I looked over his shoulder at the beautiful masterpiece.
"Ma would drizzle chocolate over it too." I felt my stomach knot, and my heart ache for a second or two. I tend to feel strong emotions. All I wanted to do right then and there was hold Keith. I could feel his sad smile tug after corners of my lips.
What happened to him?
      He turns around and looks at me for a moment.
You know those places that feel like time is just another busy thing in life? Like in bookstores, or coffee shops, and thrift stores. When time just seems to stop and it's you and your book, or coffee cup, or the cute top your trying on in the small one person dressing room. That's how it feels looking at Keith. The world around me seems to press pause, and I'm caught looking at some random person whose only been in my life for the shortest amount of time. But then I feel like I've known him for all my life. Like every waking moment he's been with me.
"Lance?" He spoke so soft, you could hardly hear him. Our eyes are interlocked, I'm staring into these beautiful dark grey eyes that tell so many stories. My eyes fall to his lips, the thin chapped pink lips. I don't realize how close I am to them. How distant they seemed before.
"You guys got the popcorn or what?" Pidge stands in the doorway.
I jump out of my skin, and frantically grab the bowl with a nervous smile.
"Yes! Uh, yeah sorry the uh... erm, seal on the caramel was stuck!" I lie, and hand Pidge the bowl of popcorn. She gave me a skeptical look and I replied with an; 'I can't tell you everything now but i'll tell you at some point so don't make a big deal about it' face. She has her own little 'aha' moment and walks over to swipe the bowl of popcorn from my hands.
"Ready to watch the movie?"


     After an invested hour and a half, Shiro and Pidge were both passed out, sprawled all over the couch; meanwhile Keith still had his earbuds in and I could see he was doing something on his phone.     Throughout the movie I would glance over to see if he was paying attention. Mostly he was on his phone. What a dick. But once when I glanced (around the part where the beggar starts singing) over to Keith his eyebrows were knit and his eyes stared intently at his screen. I really didn't want to be that screen the way he glared it down. I heard a scoff from him and as he turned his head to look at me- I quickly turned my gaze to the movie.
     After just around twenty minutes The movie had finally rolled to the credits, and even though movie musical adaptations are super shitty, it was a nice rendition.
"Wanna go up to my room?"
Hearing his cold voice jolted me, I wasn't used to him starting the conversation. He seemed rather... distraught then usual.
"Come on, would you rather waste another two hours watching a movie and both of us awkwardly trying to watch it to fall asleep?" He smirked, and I knew he had read me like a book the moment those two had fallen asleep.
     And within moments, I was following my worst rival upstairs into his room.
     It was nice, surprisingly. The walls were a dark grey, and brown wooden trim. His room looked really boho, art hoe style with the beams showing and framed modern artwork hung up. He also had a guitar sitting by the window; I wonder if he plays. Then I internally smack myself against he forehead because obviously if he has a guitar he plays. Keith flops down onto his bed with a large sigh and smiles a genuine smile. Lately I've been receiving a lot of those. He smile was the kind you get when you haven't seen someone in a very long time. But it isn't at right at the second you see them. It's more like after you see them again for the first time in forever; and you just don't know how to handle yourself because you're just so happy they're there.
"What are you smiling at?" I scoff, I try to pay attention to anything but him. He was quite infuriating to look at.
"Your face,"
He gets up off the bed and comes up close in front of me. Hes slightly shorter and he looks up at me with these big irresistible puppy eyes that melt you at the moment you lock with them.
"I mean you're beautiful, that's all." He bring a hand to my chest, and the other to the side of my face. He strokes my jawline with the back of his hand and those big puppy dog eyes become way more seductive and hot and way too tempting.
"What... Keith what are you..." I feel my heart leap out of my chest as his forehead touches mine and our noses are a fingertip away. His thumb runs across my bottom lip. My legs feel like jello and I could feel my ears burning. I didn't like this weird alien Keith. It didn't seem right. It didn't feel right.
"Shh." He smirks.
And then his lips touch mine.
At first Im internally panicking. I don't know what to do. My whole body shuts down and I feel as if I'm on mars or some very distant place in which I can't react to what's going on. I don't feel like I'm kissing Keith Kogane. I don't feel like I'm upstairs in his room and it's way after midnight and his roommate- or whoever he is to Keith- is downstairs sleeping next to my best friend as I'm kissing the least most expected person I'd ever think to be locking lips with. He pulls back and pouts.
"Are you gonna kiss me back McClain or-"
I don't know what I thought at that moment. I have no idea what went through my head. It became a lot more dream-like after this. But as far as I can remember:
I definitely kissed back Keith Kogane.

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