Dear Anime girl..

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Dear Anime girl,

I'm not insulted. I'm just trying to make sure that you don't get a different image of me in your head... I don't think I would able to stop writing to you, Anime girl. I feel like writing to you has become part of my daily routine. 

I have to give it to you the first time we meet? What happens if we finally meet and you turn out to be rude. I don't want to waste my money like that, Anime girl. 

For your information, I love Justin Bieber. Ayy another thing we both have in common. His voice is angelic don't you think?? 

One day when we become best friends, I will sing one of his songs to you. Not to brag or anything, Anime girl, but I've been told that I have a beautiful singing voice. 

Are you trying to say that you wouldn't date me, Anime girl? That's a bit insulting, to be honest, you don't even know me yet you can't judge me just yet... Give me some time.

I actually love anime as well. My favourite has got to be, Haikyuu. I don't know if we can be friends if you don't like Haikyuu, Anime girl. It's a classic. Iconic if I do say so myself.

bbyong xox

p.s. I think we should start putting our favourite quotes here. Let's start with your next letter. 

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