Dear Ronald McDonald...

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Dear Ronald McDonald,

You wear glasses??? I bet you look cute when you wear them.

It's not my ego or anything baby. It's just facts that I'm laying out for you. But I'm not going to say anything else about who I am because then it would be easy for you to figure out your locker note buddy ;)

I mean I've gone a lifetime without talking to you. But I guess it would be harder now that you're in my life. Right, Ronald McDonald?

I just had to let you know my attraction to the girls so you understand that I'm as straight as the pole your mum dances on. OH SHOOT I just realised that you might find this insulting but I'm not going to cross it out just in case you find it funny ...please do Ronald McDonald. T_T

bbyong xox

Ooo are we sending flirts now? I am intrigued.

Ahh, I've lost my touch after starting to talk to you, I can't think of a single flirt.

Oh WOW a kiss at the end? You need to control yourself, Ronald McDonald, because I may not be able to stop myself when we meet ;) wink wonk

"If kisses were snowflakes I'd send you a blizzard"

HAHA I thought of a pickup line while in geography >.<

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