Work The Truth

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    While getting ready for bed Alice saw something that would change her life forever. She saw Britney, the girl who burned her self in a fire 100 years ago. Alice saw her burns and bruises  and even her bones. Alice rubbed her eyes in confusion. But Britney was still there. Alice though this was a trick Mindy was playing on her. Alice laughed and went over to Mindy's bed and pulled the covers over and saw Mindy laying in her bed. Alice turned around and when she tried to scream a cry for help nothing came out of her mouth. It was like it was glued shut. She looked at Britney and was outside. Flames starting surrounding Alice and when she screamed she woke up in a cold sweat.

    "MINDY!" she said running over to her room mates bed in a fear and panic shaking her so she would wake up.  "MINDY GET UP GET UP MINDY!"

    "What happened, why are you up and don't be so loud your going to wake other people up." Mindy said laying back down.

    "I had a dream about Britney that girl who burned in the fire. I saw her and I saw her burns and she threw me in the fire and..."

    "Could you talk and when you were in the fire did you scream bloody murder?" Mindy said. Mindy looked like a deer in headlights. She was looking at Alice with her eyes wide open.

    "Yeah? Did I sleep talk or something? How did you know that?"

    "I would love to tell you how I knew that but I cant. If I did I would die. But if I don't. Ok I guess I can tell you but you cant tell any one I old you this ok?"

  "Deal now spill it to me, what is going on and how did you know that?!"

    "There is this legend that one day a girl will come and set Britney free. The legend was made a long time ago and everyone thought that they were all being duped and everyone forgot about it. But you I think that you can set her free. That musts be your power!" Mindy covered her mouth and turned white.

    "What are you talking about?" Alice at this point was more confused than a turkey in a large maze. She has herd about witches and wizards but she new they were never real. They were only in books that she red as a little kid. She wanted more answers and when she wanted to ask more Mindy walked out of the room. Alice was left in a hole of confusion. She looked at the clock and was going to have to wake up in a few minutes, so she got ready for her day and knew just to ask about these kinds of things.

    The next day, Alice went up to Ms.Toface and asked her something she thought she would never have to ask an adult at this age.

    "Ms.Toface, do I have" Alice looked around and got close to her ear and whispered "Powers?"

    "Who told you that! Well I guess you were going to find out sooner or later. Come with me I will dismiss you from your classes and we are going to talk about this Alice. Come come." Ms.Toface said walking to her office with Alice. on the way there she even called a few kids out for running in the hallway.

    When they got to her office Alice looked around and when she looked back at Ms.Toface she didn't see the old lady she always saw. She saw a pretty young lady with long curly light blonde hair, radiant skin, and the same suit but neater and slightly smaller. Alice's jaw drops and was again confused.

    "Who are you and where is Ms.Toface?" Alice said. She thought that she new the answer but just had to check.

    "Alice, because you didn't know about your powers we had to keep ours a secret. So did your parents. They told you the fake name for this school. And I had to tell you my fake name so you would get suspicious. My real name is Ms. Twofaced. I know it isn't really that big of a change but it is really all I could do. I am known as the wild flower. Again the students gave me that name. Now enough about me lets talk about your powers and clear a few more things up. Ok?"

    Alice could not believe what was happening to her and how her life was changing. She started to put the pieces of this large puzzle together.

    "So most of this your parents wanted me to explain to you. So your hair color is really purple like it was never dyed in any way. Your skin cant handle white until you have unleashed your power. You would start off slowly with like hair clips and hopefully you would go into clothes and stuff when you are done. They also wanted me to tell you about your room mate. So Mindy has oceanic powers and is almost like a part of the ocean. That is why she cares about it so much. Then your powers is" Ms. Twofaced looked at the paper and didn't know what to say. She looked and looked, but didn't read it and didn't know what to tell Alice for a minute or two. "Honey I have some bad news. I don't know what your power or powers are."

    "What! Didn't my mom and dad wright it down I mean they had to right?" Alice said looking at the note. She saw where they wrote something down.

    "Tell Poppy/Alice that her power is..........."

    Alice looked at the part where they said what her power was but she could read it. It looked like it was burned out. Alice gave the paper back to Ms. Twofaced and sat in confusion. She wanted to know what her powers were and she was going to try everything to know what they are.

    Alice went to the P.E. class to see the coach. She looked at the class of what seemed to be mutants running laps. She saw a lady that looked normal. She then got mad at the class for not running fast enough and lifted a 1,000 pound weight and broke it. Alice thought if anyone can teach her how to use her unknown power it would be her.

    "Excuse me miss?" Alice said tapping her back. Alice was so nervous but desperate to find out what her power was.

    "Are you in my class? Never seen you around here before." She said in a calm but slightly confused voice.

    The P.E coach looked like a average lady off the street. She had tan skin. brown eyes, large cheek bones, and light brown hair in a braid passing her shoulders by a inch. There was just one thing that she had that your average lady off the street would likely enough never have, super strength.

    "No I'm a new student and I have a issue that I need help with." Alice said to the coach.

    "Oh gee um, when you start your..."

    "Oh no its not that kind of thing."

    "Oh ok because i have had to explain that thing over and over again I don't want to say it again. So tell me your name and problem. KEEP RUNNING!" the coach said kneeling down to Alice.

    "Well my name is Alice and I have a problem getting my powers to work. I don't know what they are and I figured in a school like this the P.E coach would help me get my powers up and running." Alice said in a nervous voice.

    "Well Alice you came to the right place. I'm Coach Bones, but just call me Bones. Here meet me after school and we will work on it." Bones said in a nice and calming voice, before she went back to yelling at her class.

    A few hours later Alice went to what was left of her classes and met some people in her class that you could tell had some sort of power. After her last class she went on to her room and put on some fitness clothes and went on to the gym to find Bones, her coach, stretching and waiting for her arrival.

   "Lets get started" Bones said. While Alice started walking with Bones she herd a crack, like the kind you would here in a fire when its burning. Alice turned around to see nothing again. This time she didn't shrug it off, this time she kept it in her head and didn't forget about it.

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