Dreams, Nightmares, Same Thing

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    After working with Bones, Alice didn't find any power coming out of her and she didn't feel different. What she did feel was the burn and she definitely was sore. She went to her room, got cleaned up. She was drying her purple hair off and herd a whisper. She looked around no make sure it wasn't Mindy. She looked outside the hallway and no one was there. She herd the same voice but slightly louder. She then herd loud footsteps banging on the hallway floor that's outside her room. They got loud and then got quite like someone ran by.  And it kept happening. Footsteps got loud, then quite, loud then quite. Soon there was laughter following the steps. Alice has watched a lot of horror movies to know not to say whos there but to close the door and pray for it to stop or for her roommate  Mindy to walk in.

    When she closed the door she red a letter her parents say asking how she was doing and if she was enjoying her stay and if she has red any of there other letters. It was about half an hour and the foot steps were still going on and the laughter was still happening. Alice went to the dorm room next to her.  Two girls answered the door.

    "Hey guys I'm in the room next to yours I keep hearing these running footsteps go up and down the hallway and laughter?" Alice asked looking at the girls.

    "Is it still going on now?" One of the girls asked Alice.

    "Yeah its been going on for about 35 minutes, maybe more."

    "We don't here a thing. Sorry Alice." One of the girls told Alice.  They closed the door and Alice went to the people on the other side of her. She asked the same thing to them and they didn't hear anything. The laughter got louder and louder. The footsteps got slower and slower. Alice decided to go to bed and wait for Mindy to come in or wake up to go to her classes in the morning and ask Ms. Twofaced if there was anything going on. She fell asleep and in her dream she only saw black darkness.

    The black darkness in her dream started to fade. And she saw the view of her room from her bed and a girl looking down. Once the darkness faded the girl looked up. It was Britney. She showed Alice her bruised and burned skin showing bones and her rotten burned flesh. Britney smiled and said "Your next" and laughed until Alice woke up. She looked over at Mindy's bed and she wasn't there. Alice looked at the time and it was 5:00 AM. She again was going to wake up at 5:30 Anyway so she decided to stay up and get ready.

    Once Alice was ready and was out of her room she went straight to Ms. Twofaced office and found her missing at her desk. Alice went behind her desk to make sure she wasn't hiding under her desk. Alice saw something that she had to take two looks at to rap her head around it. It was a trap door. Alice thought she was going crazy but she was really seeing it, and that was the scary part. She wanted to leave but something was making her stay and open the trapdoor until Ms. Twofaced walked in.

    "ALICE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ms. Twofaced yelled in anger and Alice got lucky. She was talking to the nice version of her. She quickly turned her attention away from the door. Ms. Twofaced sat Alice down and took a deep breath.

    "Alice honey, why were you in my office?"

    "Miss Mindy didn't come back to her room last night. She wasn't there this morning and I just want to know that she is ok just left to the ocean or lake or river or something like that."

    "You know she doesn't go to lakes and rivers, Alice. Let me check my files to see if she left or not." Ms. Twofaced said while digging through her large file cabinet. She pulled out the file with Mindy's name on it. She opened up to find one paper from last year.

    "Thank you Alice for bring this to our attention we will send out our flight students and metamorphosis students out to look for her. She might have just gone to the ocean but we will still check. We are going to call her parents and see if she is with them first. We will find her honey." Ms. Twofaced said trying to comfort Alice.

    "Wait, can I see what is in that door?" Alice asked. She was thinking that Ms. Twofaced would clearly say no, and that was her answer. Alice begged and pleaded and told her about the weird things that were happening to her and her dorm hallway. Ms. Twofaced let her into the door, but Ms. Twofaced had to go in. So they entered the doorway.

    Ms. Twofaced was scared to go down what was known as "The Door Of Death". Only Mr.Dorrman has gone down there because he was the one who created it. No one knew what was down there except for him. They went down a ladder that seemed nearly 100 miles long. There was no air condition down there or lights, just lamps that had a little spark of fire in them. With all the small flames that surrounded them and the excercise they were doing going down a long ladder they were hot and sweaty. When they finally got down to the end of the latter, down to the final step, they collaps because they were so tired and so tuckered out that they had to take a break. They looked down a hallway with some of the lights burnt out or burning out. What they could see was a door.

    This door was holding a secret. A secret that one school should never hide, a secret that no one should ever know, a secret that should have never happened.

    As the two walked to the door Alice fell to the ground as Ms. Twofaced cought her.

    "Alice! ALICE! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Ms. Twofaced yelled in desperation of trying to get her up. She shook her, and shook her, and shook her, but she wasnt waking up. Something that Ms. Twofaced never knew about was the Alice didnt faint. She was put to sleep by an unknown force.

    Alice was dreaming about her being in a very large dark room with a spotlight in the middle, shinning on her. She turned around to agian see Britney. Britney looked up saying something that Alice was ok hearing and liked to hear. Britney looked up at her, but she wasnt all blistered and cut and her bones were not showing. Britney looked normal.

    "I am sorry, set me free"

    Alice was in such shock that she didnt know how to act. She didnt know if she was just trying to trick her or if Britney was actually telling the truth. Alice woke up in Ms. Twofaced office.

    "What happended?" Alice asked wondering how she wasnt all stinky or dirty or how she got out of that little hallway with the door.

    "Oh honey, you must not get enough sleep at night. Well i cant understand why. With Mindy missing i can understand loosing your first friend is hard but you still need sleep and you need to get over it or else this will go on two long."

    "What, how did you get me out of there? What is behind the door?" Alice said in a panic.

    "Honey I think you might need some more sleep or some food I think you are starting to halusinate things that arent there. Lets get you some lunch and you missed some of your classes. Half of your teachers havent even met you yet and your going on your third day. This is not a good impression" Ms. Twofaced said trying to stall and get Alice out of her office.

    Alice got up and went under her desk where the door was and saw that it was gone.

    "ALICE WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUNG LADY! DONT MAKE ME GET MY BAD SIDE OUT!" Ms. Twofaced said while changing into an old lady.

    "Alice" Alice herd that voice and even though she didnt go to the school very long, she new that was the voice was the voice of the mean old lady that called kids out for everything. Even unproper use of their powers. The old lady started to talk again having Alice's full attention. "One word young lady, DETENTION!"

    Alice wasnt worried that she got detention, but she was suspisious about why Ms. Twofaced wanted to hide the door that both her and Alice didn't know about. And what was behind the other door at the end of that small hallway and was Britney telling the truth? And when will these "Dreams" stop becoming a reality? Alice had many more questions and no answers.

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