On My Way

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    Alice started to pack her bag. She took all of her things off her walls and all of her clothes in her bag. She looked over at Mindy's side of the room. Alice was sad to know that her first best friend was killed off by a beast. She saw that Mindy had a seashell jewlery box. Alice remebers that when she first met Mindy when she started spireling off she told her that the box was her grandmothers and that if naything happened to it she would die. It was passed down almost twenty generations. Alice took it "I dont know if you can hear my right now Mindy bt if you can then I am going to take this. So it can still be passed down but kept safe. Nothing will be lost and nothing will be broken, just the way you wanted to keep it" Alice said holing the box.

    It was made of two large sea shells on the top and bottom and sea glass going around the sides. Inside was jewlery that was made of kelp, shells, sea glass and sea tiles. Alice saw one neckless that she have never seen before. It was a black shell on a long pice of what she thought was white kelp. Alice looked and saw the shell was made like a locket. She opened it and she saw that there was something ingraved in it.

    "To: Alice, My best friend in the whole sea! -Mindy"  Alice put it on and swore that she would never take it off no matter what.

    Alice kept on putting her stuff away. She nealed down under her bed. She was checking to make sure that she got everything from down there. What she didnt see and will never see was the old Britney with her leather and colored hair and burnmarks on her face with bruises and her burnt flesh showing her bones standing behind her with a big smile on her face. When Alice stood up she was gone. Alice felt a slight shove and burn in her back. Alice thought she tripped and the burn was from the white kelp on her locket. She shrugged it off and took her stuff out to the front of the school following hundreds of studdents, oddities and children.

    "Hey Alice!" a voice behind her yelled as she walked threw the hallway of dorms. She turned around to see James and a brace on his arm. His perfectly cut golden blonde hair, big green/blue eyes, kissed by the sun colored skin, and perfectly ripped body looking like he just back from the gym.

    "So what are you going to do being over this break pretty purple" James siad in a flirty voice.

    "Oh you know stuff" Alice said in the same tone.

    "Oh really like what kind of stuff?"

"Oh well you know" Alice looked at James and gave him a serious look "I'm going to back you up into the friend zone you just tried to escape"

     Alice gave James a knod and walked off with her stuff as James leaned against the wall. He took a glance at Alice and thought to himself dont worry butiful I will make sure nothing hurts you again as he took his things and started to head out of the building.

    As Alice was walking out of the school she was getting thank you's and many people wanted to take a picture with her and much more. Alice finally was out of the school and was with her parents. She gave them a hug and was glad to see them.

    "So honey how was your time at school?" Her mom asked.

    "It was good. I defeated a evil monster that tried to kill everyone oh and..." Alice went on and on about her adventures at school. Her parents were proud of her. Not for discovering this but for finishing what they started back in 1972.

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