The Grave That Killed

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   Alice looked down at the grave Britney pointed down at to see the name "Britney B. Twofaced" Alice looks and dusted the grave off in disbelief. She saw it had a few more words on it. "Here likes the two best girls you would meet in one." Alice looked at the date that was on the grave. "1905-1917" Alice looked at Britney and the grave. She looked back and forth over and over. She stopped and went into deep thinking. "Why did she die?" "Why is she at the school?" "Who is the girl in the school?" and so many more questions.
    There was one that made Alice feel a little sick to her stomach. "Who is the lady at there school?" She new it wasn't a ghost but something else.
    "Who is the thing at the school!" Alice said yelling at Britney. Britney pointed to the school and gave Alice a look saying to go.
    Alice got up and left. She ran back to the school and didn't look back. Something that came into her head is that tonight was the night. Tonight was the night that Ms. Twofaced or Britney was going to celebrate. Alice didn't know if it was going to be a bad thing that if she didn't do something than the whole world would die or if Britney would just wonder around the hallway and make a few noises. All Alice knew is that she had to get to the bottom of a bottomless pit or spiraling issues and problems.

    Alice walked into the school to be greeted by the nice Twofaced. Alice looked at her in both shock and anger.

    "Alice what a great suprize! I need to talk to you about your classes because your not attending any of them. Now it is no longer your first day and...."

    "We need to talk. NOW" Alice said with the look of death in her eyes.

    "Wow honey did you unlock your powers! That is amazing we should talk about that! So..."

    "NO I DIDNT UNLOCK MY POWERS! NOW LETS TALK!" Alice said taking the teacher to her office by the wrist. Alice went into the room and locked the door. She put the teacher in one of the eats usually one of the students would have to sit in and Alice sat in the teachers seat. 

    "Honey this isn't the right thing to do. You need to go off and do whatever you need to get done while I do very important work due....

    "Tonight? The night Britney took her life in a fire." Alice said looking at the lady in front of her looking as if she was perplexed and didn't know what to say. "And don't tell me that some student saw a person holding a flashlight and said there was a fire outside or anything else made up."

    "Young lady I wont tolerate this manner I will tell you right now that the story you herd was made up and a little rumor."

    "No it wasn't. I mean you were there when it happened, weren't you?" Alice said leaning back in the chair folding her fist above her chest with a smile on her face.

    "Well, your grades are slipping and...."

   "DONT TRY AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT! Now lets tell the truth...BRITNEY!"

    "Alice now I have two faces here but they have the same name and I can tell you right now the name is not Britney.  

  "Yeah right! I saw your grave in the woods that your spirt pointed out to me! Yeah so IF YOU THINK I AM CRAZY OR LYING THEN YOU ARE WRONG!" Alice said banging her fist on the table so hard that the table cracked. One more move then the table was going down.

    "Now honey there was not right for you to damage..."

    "I thought I told you to STAY ON TOPIC!" Alice said with the look of death on her face. At that moment Ms. Twofaced knew that she had to take matters into her own hands and do everything in her path from keeping Alice in her office asking questions. She almost changed but she snapped and stayed in the calm and nice version she is.

    "Ok I will tell you what you need to know but I cant tell you everything."

    Another voice came out of her "No were not telling her anything! What you want to spill cant be told!"

    Then she went back to the nice version she was "But she wants to know about tonight. We can clear a few things up so why don't we do it?"

    'NO!" The voice said like it was the final answer to everything. They went back and fourth saying yes then no. Alice took enough of it and let out a force. It was white and black with tints of sliver. It leashed back on the room. A window broke, the walls shook, and the desk broke as papers flew around the room. Alice had Ms. Twofaced attention and she wasn't going to loose it.

    "Now, TELL ME ABOUT TONIGHT!" Alice said as Ms. Twofaced got her act together and cleared her throat. She sat up straight and took a deep breath.
    "The story about Britney and her fatal demise is true."
   "THATS IT!?"Alice said. "No there is more to this story and I want yo hear all of it!"
    "I can't the rest is confidential information that can't be put out!" The teacher said letting her head fall to the ground. Alice went under her desk. She saw something she couldn't forget. The trap door. The one she saw a few days ago and the one the school tried to hide. She opened it and closed it right before Ms.Twofaced could make it in. Alice started her way down the long ladder.
    She reached the floor and saw the door. Alice was scared but mostly mad for the lack of answers she getting. She ran to he door and gave it a push and a pull and a jiggle. She took a few steps back and locked the door down. It was so old and Alice was so mad that the door fell right down leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke. Alice saw a room was the bones and burnt clothes of Britney. Alice took a closer look at the bones that were laying on the ground. Alice didn't know alot about people being burned to death but she knew that no matter how long ago this happened that the bones wouldn't be perfectly clean and white if they were burned. She looked at the bones to find no burn marks. She saw a pile of clothes in the corner of the room and took a look at them. They were a leather jacket with silver spikes, black jeans, and big black boots with spikes on them too. She looked at them and no burn marks.

    For her with every single answere she finds almost 5 more questions need to be answered. She herd footsteps coming down the ladder. She though about what she could do and the only thing she could think of was to hid in the pile of clothes. She quickly piled the clothes on top of her making it so he pile looked the same and she left the slightest hole to look threw. She then saw a monster. Even though this was a school for "Gifted" children this wasn't a child.

    It stood almost eight feet tall. It had two heads and four legs. It had four arms two on each side. Its spine was poking out of the skin so it had it to lean over as one head had curly or frizzy gray hair while the other head had wild brown hair with dirt and leaves in it. Their dress was made of ripped up cloths of all sorts while they had the sharpest teeth a person or thing could have. Its nails were long and dull and yellow.

    "Where are you" the two heads echoed into the room. Alice tried to keep her breathing quite and not make a single move.

    "She must have left or disappeared. You saw what she did back there." The head with the gray hair said. "If you didn't let her get to ya then maybe we wouldn't have to be here!" The same head said smacking the brown haired head.

    "OW!" They both screamed. They started to argue until they both agreed to find Alice.

    "Come out come out where ever you are. Your missing your classes." The two said looking around the room seeking Alice. Alice thought that if she can concentrate then maybe she could get herself out of the situation. She tried and tried and tried but the monster saw the pile of clothes. The two headed best looked at each other. Alice had to think quick or else this would be the end.

    The two headed beast picked up the clothes to find a surprise.   


Hey guys its Reggie! So I just want to say thank you for everyone who is reading my series! And that some of this was written on my phone and on my computer so the spacing in between the lines are a little messed up like some of them have some spacing and some of them don't so I'm working on that but thanks for reading!

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