Exucution or Expoltion

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  Alice started to run for her life. She ran outside the office to find the two headed beast had become bigger and stronger. It busted the door down and a little part of the wall came crashing down. The principal made a anouncement to the whole school to leave the school and go outside and to not go into the school. Alice knew the safe thing for her was to leave with the rest of the school but for teh safty of everyone else she had to stay in the school and fight.

    Alice ran into the gym where she could fight the monster without any walls or cealings coming down. She knew that it was going to be hard to get its attention. Alice had to think and all this thinking she put her fists in balls and a shock or light came out of them for a split second. She relazied what she did and she tried it again, IT WORKRD! She finally had some control over her powers. She had a slight disbalife that she has this ability. But she didnt have compleete control. She had to do things her way, a way this thing may not know about. Alice ran into a classroom nearby and took a projector in the cornor of the room. Alice knew how to add a live video to it and that is what she was going to do. She knew the monster was near the spot of the school where the fire was. Alice ran outside and gave the thing a little surprise. Alice played the video and ran away before the beast could see her.

    The video started and Alice was talking "Hello you two headed freak. Its me Alice. I think your looking for me and I can tell  you right now I'm not in that crowd of people. Meet me in the gym and don't hurt anyone!" Then the video turned off. The beast let a shriek out and started to go to the gym from the roof.

    "Ok Alice think think think there has got to be something here that can help you fight this thing" Alice said looking around.

    "Alice! What are you doing!" A voice said from a corner of the room. Alice knew she herd that anoying voice before. She turned around to find James standing and walking twards her.

    "Dude you have to get out of here its not safe!" Alice said yelling at him but still looking around for a weapon.

    "Then why are you in here if its not safe and a monster is crashing in at any minute?!" James said.

   "Well if you can change into a weapon that can kill  monster than you can stay O.K!" James could only change into animals but he changind into a Rhino. "Will this work?" He asked.

    "Well its not a good idea and a cant say its going to work but its the best one we have" Alice said getting on his back. They were looking around the room for a weapon "The fencing swords!" Alice yelled. They ran to the swords. James hit it hard on the ground so it would become a sharp point. Alice took it and hoped for the best.

    The beast came into the gym and laughed. "Is that your best weapon. I am hudge with four arms and legs and I can make myslef into a weapon. YOUR SCREWED!" The two heads shouted.

    Alice, James, and the beast went into battle. Alice and James ran to towards the beast. Alice lifted her sword and tried to hit the beast. The beast easily hit them with the back of its hand. "Thats the best you got?" The two heads said with a laugh following.

   James turned into a T-Rex. Some of the roof came off but The best gave James a good kick in the stomach and James was down.  James became human again.

    Alice didnt know a lot about people like this. The kinds with powers and abilities but something she did know was that they didnt know alot about real people either. They knew how to fight with powers but not like a real human. Alice started to think.

   "Whacha going to do Dub Purple?" "Emo Freak" "Wanna fight Emo!" Alice has been tesased and mocked her whole life and has gotton into so many fights from people calling her names. She knows weak spots where anything will fall to the ground. She couldnt fight like a mutant but she could fight like a human!

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