Search and Rescue

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    With all this craziness and everything going on in Alice's life. She thought she get one thing off her mind. Knowing that Mindy is ok. Mindy so far was her only good friend, not just in the school, but in the world. She wanted to find her. After what happened with the hole trap door and Ms. Twofaced saying that there was nothing there and hiding a secret that big, Alice didn't know if she could trust her anymore. She took matters into her own hands. She missed her classes, but still went to the coach and did some powers practice, still could get them to work or knew what they were. She went to sleep and hade the same dream she had a few nights ago with Britney saying hi and laughing. Alice woke up and got ready to go and find Mindy.

    Alice opened her dorm door and saw the nice side of Ms. Twofaced standing in the doorway.

    She smiled and said "Honey we need to talk about your classes. May I come in?"

    "This is a really nice surprise but I have to be on my way to my first class." Alice said trying to leave.

    "Not so fast honey. I don't think you would be on your way to your classes one hour early. I love that you want to go but you cant go to class and hour early. I am not so sure your teachers are going to be there yet."

    "Well your up and I have a lot of work that I need to catch up on. It might take me a few days. I should start on it now" Alice said running out of the room. She thought she was going fast, and thought her power must be super speed, then she was past by  a pigeon.

    "Hey where your going you rat with wings!"

    The pigeon turned into a jock. He had some muscles, big green eyes, and dirty blond hair.

    "Well I wasn't the one going 1 mile per hour." The jock said sounding like what Alice would say, a snot.

    "Wait you can fly right? Because I really need some one to help me and they need to be able to fly."

    "Well I can turn into any animal at any time where ever and when ever I want." The jock replied in a cocky voice. He was starting to get on Alice's nerves but she needed him to help her find her friend.

    "Great! Listen my friend Mindy has gone missing. Can you help me find her? I could really use the help."

    "What's in it for me. I don't think I would be able to do this without a prize or trophy."

    "Well you will get stronger and get to miss boring classes and you will get to explore. And I will pay for snacks. And you get to use your powers without getting in trouble."

    "Ok, deal." The jock shook hands with Alice and they were off avoiding the staff as well as they could. "Oh I'm James Manning by the way." James said quietly as they were walking down the hallways to the front door.

    "Alice. Nice to meet you James and thank you for helping me." Alice said as they went out the front doors avoiding everyone they could.

    "Gee its so hot out" Alice said fanning herself.

    "I don't think its hot out if its going to snow soon." James said. Alice looked at him so confused and thought Britney was playing with her again. She told James that they should get going and he turned into a buffalo. Alice got on and they were off.

    They left the campus by about 10 miles. James turned back into a human and they started to walk down a street going to the ocean. They new it was going to be far and hard but Alice needed to find her friend and James just wanted the bragging rights and free food and to get strong. He could care less about Mindy.

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