Tale of Two Deaths

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    The monsters picked up the clothes to find Alice. Dead as a doornail.

    "How are we going to explain this to everyone. The press would go nuts. We would be shut down and exposed." The brown haired one said. "Well we will just cover this one up like we did with the last one. Lets go get our plates and napkins" The white haired one said.

    They left the room leaving Alice. Alice got up in relief. Alice herd the steps on the ladder fade to nothing. She then thought about how old the room was. She thought that if she could kick the door down then maybe the walls would go down too. She gave the walls a good kick and they came down. She saw dirt. Just dirt. She then knew she had two terrible options.

    1.Go up the ladder and have a chance of meeting up with a monster.

    2.Dig all the way up to the surface and possibly die trying.

    Alice wished that there was a third option where she could go up an elevator that led right to the principle. She stood there thinking of anything she could do. She decided to go up the ladder. She thought that if she did run into the things then she could just climb down and go into the dirt. She started to go up the ladder as quickly and quietly as she possibly could be. She made it to the door. She herd nothing so she thought it was safe. She opened the door slowly and just big enough for her to get out of. She escaped and didn't bother to close the door. She ran out of the office and went to principle Dorrman.

    "MR. DORRMAN WE NEED TO TALK" Alice said using the lasts of her breath tapping on the principles shoulder.

    "Oh ok please step into my office I needed to talk to you anyway." Mr. Dorrman said gesturing her to his office. They walked in to find the nice Ms.Twofaced.

    "Honey you had me worried there. I  am so happy to see you." She said giving her a hug.

    "Your doomed" Alice herd her whisper into her ear.
    Alice shoved her away from her. Alice had an idea. If she could make Ms. Twofaced really mad that thing would come out in front of the principal.

    "YOUR A STUPID TEACHER AND YOU NEVER HELPED ME!" Alice said. "YOUR STUPID WHERE DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL CLOWN COLLAGE?!" And Alice kept on going. She saw Ms.Twofaced face turn red.

    "Alice this is no way to talk to a school administrator like that." Mr.Dorrman said walking towards her. Alice saw Britney come to him and hold him back. "What's going on now?" Mr.Dorrman said being stuck against the wall as Alice kept on mocking the teacher.

    Growing up Alice has herd so many names and so many comments that she can take a hit from the teacher and Alice would have something to say back to the teacher. She knew what to do and how to do it. Ms.Twofaced started to get mad and was about to crack at any minute. And she did. She changed into the beast Alice saw. Britney let go of Mr.Dorrman as he stood there in shock.

    "LISTEN CHILD! YOU ARE BEING A BRAT AND BRATS GET EATEN ALIVE AND WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD DOWN THERE! WE SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU AND MADE SURE YOU WERE DEAD WHEN WE SAW YOU ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" both of the heads of the beast said yelling in Alice's face. Alice pointed to Mr.Dorrman. "WHAT!" The two heads said looking at Mr. Dorrman. His face was as pale as a piece of cooked rice. He was shaking so much that he was vibrating, and his face had a look of terror on his face and it wasn't leaving.

    "Sir I think we have a very big miss understanding here. You see...well...uh um...." The two heads said trying to think. "I can explain everything. I have seen and herd enough to make my own story. I think that this thing killed the real Britney Bohem Twofaced. They wanted a snack so they came here and killed her and framed it on a fire. They really dragged her into a little room they hid under there office and ate her! After a few years they got hungry again. So they killed Mindy at the only place she would be. The beach. But because James, or whatever his name was, and I were near the beach they could get there snack. Because they knew that I knew too much they thought that I could be there new snack. Now something they didn't know was that I was talking to the REAL Twofaced right here." Alice said with a smile on her face while the two headed beast looked like it was going to explode.

    "Well, is this story true." Mr. Dorrman said still in a shock. The two headed beast looked at Alice and let out a shriek that shook the school.

    "ALICE RUN!" Mr.Dorrman said. Alice booked it our the door of his office into the hallways. She ran for her life.


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