Chapter Two

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AN: Please make sure to vote and comment, it will help me so much! And thanks to everyone who is giving this a chance, it honestly means so much to me. Enjoy!

She didn't realize that travelling between universes would hurt her neck so much. Even before she opened her eyes, the ache in her neck was making her groan. She sat up and moved her neck around before opening her eyes. It took a moment for them to adjust, and when they did, Katherine looked around the room that she was currently in.

    The room was definitely a bedroom, and from the looks of the pictures that hung on the wall, it was Kat's. Katherine placed her hand on the ground beneath her to stand up, but her hand came in contact with a paper-like texture. Glancing at the carpeted floor, her eyes skimmed over a picture torn in half. Kat was on one half of the torn sheet, and on the other was, presumably, the boyfriend who had broken her heart— the one who had made her want to leave this universe in the first place.

    Katherine stood up and glanced around but her attention was caught by a groan. Josephine was behind her, and she saw her form on the ground as she turned. Josephine opened her eyes and shook her head slightly before standing up next to Katherine.

    "Is that him?" She asked, gesturing to the picture in Katherine's hand. Katherine nodded and set the picture's pieces on the table before glancing around the room again. It was still the middle of the night, which meant that they hadn't missed anything important, and they wouldn't have to explain Kat's sudden disappearance to anyone. Katherine didn't think she would have been ready for that.

    "Look around the room some more, get some ideas of who Kat is as a person, and then look through her closet. Find an outfit that seems normal for her and then go to bed. I'll make a bed here on the floor, out of the view of the door so no one can see me if they happen to come in. We have a big day tomorrow."

    Josephine made herself a bed and fell asleep fairly quickly, having been in this situation more than enough times to be used to it. Katherine took a large breath before she began searching through the belongings of her other self.

    She studied the pictures that lined walls. It seemed as though Aaliyah was the only one that was prevalent in Kat's life besides her family. Katherine wished she had a friend that was that close, which made her look at the sleeping Josephine. She missed spending time with her cousin. They had barely seen each other for the last couple of years and she longed for the close-knit relationship the two had as children.

    She moved on to study Kat's music collection. Though she hadn't seen anything of this universe besides the room she was currently in, nothing seemed out of the ordinary compared to GenU. The laptop on the desk suggested that technology seemed similar if not exactly the same. Kat liked the same genres of music that Katherine did. That comforted her, at least she didn't have to like music that she secretly hated for the sake of appearances. Katherine's favorite CD was in the collection and she stared at it for a moment before moving on to the closet, humming her favorite song.

    Katherine looked through the small collection of clothes. She didn't find anything super fancy but she figured that Kat wasn't the type for frilly dresses. Katherine wasn't either. Glancing back toward the pictures on the wall, she was able to pair a convincing outfit for the next day at school. She wasn't prepared to attend a brand new high school, but she didn't have a choice. She was going to get through this for her family, and especially for herself.

Katherine, the Katherine from GenU, stepped through the doors of Greylake High School. She looked around with frantic eyes, reaching up to move a strand of her hair out of her face. She was trembling, looking even more nervous than Josephine, who was supposed to be the actual new girl. Their excuse for getting a look at the layout of the school would be Katherine showing the "new girl" around.

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