Chapter Twelve

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AN: You're not ready for this one.

School was awkward, as many asked her where Josephine was. She told them that she moved back home, and Aaliyah became very obviously upset that Josephine hadn't told her herself.

"It was a really sudden move, Aaliyah, I'm sure she wasn't doing it to hurt you."

"Yeah? Well it feels like it. Friends don't just suddenly move and not tell anyone."

Everything seemed to return to normal, or at least as normal as it could with a murder investigation happening. People seemed excited at the idea of the murderer being caught, but Katherine had a weird feeling about the whole thing. If Jonathan Jones was going to confess, why didn't he do so when he had killed Kat's father? It seemed as though there was the same amount of pressure to do so then as now. Nothing really made sense to her, but as the trial came, she couldn't help but feel more at peace knowing that a suspect was in custody.

Katherine knew that the right thing to do now that she was staying in Greylake was to tell Henry the truth about who she was. She knew it would take a lot of convincing for him to believe her, and she decided that she was going to tell him after the trial. He deserved the truth, and if she really wanted to be with him for the rest of their lives, he needed to know who she really was. She wanted him to know her as Katherine Moore, the girl from GenU who used to suck her thumb until fourth grade instead of Katherine Moore, the girl who hated him for seven years.

As the trial for Jonathan Jones was scheduled to begin, the whole town seemed to buzz with anxiousness for what was going to happen. Everyone seemed to be convinced that he had killed both Kat's dad and Andrew Reynolds. His confession seemed genuine, and a large group of people showed up to watch the trial in the state courthouse.

She joined her mother in the courtroom. They might be called to speak in the trial against Jonathan Jones and Katherine was nervous. She could tell that her mother was nervous too. She was bouncing her leg up and down.

Lilly was asleep next to Katherine, and she didn't have the heart to wake her. She was so young to be having to go through all of this. But there they were, sitting quietly as the judge called the court to session and the opening arguments were spoken.

Something that Katherine noticed as Jonathan spoke was that he seemed rehearsed. The words he said seemed scripted, and his eyes stared directly in front of him. He never made any eye contact with anyone else in the room.

He claimed that his friendship with Kat's dad was formed when he began to run a drug cartel downtown. Her mother squeezed her leg upon hearing this. When his drug cartel began to get more successful, he tried to make a deal with Jones' business partner, Paul Greylake, though Kat's dad and Paul had been enemies for a very long time. Things began to crumble when Paul Greylake began to get involved in business with gang members behind Kat's dad's back. Jonathan Jones found himself in the middle, and things were only going to get worse when a lawsuit popped up. He killed Kat's dad to avoid losing the money he had invested in both of the companies. Friendship hadn't mattered to him. The only thing that had mattered was money, and that was his motive.

When Kat's mom was called up to the stand to speak a few hours later, she hadn't expected to hear what she did.

The questions began and her mom began to answer, becoming more and more uncomfortable as the questions were asked. Everyone in the courtroom assumed that speaking about her husband was making her upset, until she uttered the words loud enough for the room to hear.

"I did it."

"What?" The room was consumed with confusion.

"I killed my husband."

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