Chapter Thirteen

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AN: This is officially the last chapter of BU! Don't worry though, I finished the last chapter of the sequel the day before I posted this, so that will be up as soon as it is done being edited.

When she returned to Henry's house that night, his parents weren't home once again. He smiled brightly, more than she had ever seen before, and leaned down to kiss her. He gave her a look of confusion as she pulled away but quickly led her inside. He sat her at one of the many bar stools in his kitchen.

"Close your eyes." He smiled down at her from the other side of the counter, holding his hands behind his back.

"Henry. I need to talk to you."

"In a second. Close your eyes first." Katherine sighed but obliged, her eyes slipping closed. She heard him move around the counter behind her, and felt his hands move her hair before she realized what was happening. She turned toward him quickly, opening her eyes to see the silver necklace with a diamond heart dangling in front of her face.

"You were supposed to keep your eyes closed," he chuckled brushing her hair off of her forehead. Katherine looked up at him and took a deep breath, looking at the ground.

"We should break up." Henry's smile fell off of his face, confusion filling his features.

"Stop joking around, Katherine. Take the necklace."

"It's not a joke, Henry. I can't do this anymore." She got the courage to look him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with confusion and betrayal and each time he blinked she had to stop herself from kissing him and making it all better.

"Is this about last night?" His voice cracked. "Was it not good?" He seemed insecure in his asking. She had changed him, and in this moment she could tell. He looked down and bit his lip. She knew why he always asked her to stop biting her lip; it almost drove her crazy. She clenched her fists to stop herself from doing something she would regret.

"It's not about last night. Last night was perfect. It's... I'm not who you think I am."

"You're exactly who I think you are, Kat. I know more about you than anyone else."

"If you knew the real me, you wouldn't call me that." This made him very confused. As far as he knew, Katherine went by Kat since she knew how to spell her name.

"What do you want me to call you, then?"

"It's not about what you call me, Henry. I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you anymore." His eyes were watery and hers were leaking tears. It was obvious that neither wanted to end the relationship.

"Is someone putting you up to this? Threatening you? I know my family wants me to be with Maddie, but I've made myself very clear that I want to be with you."

"It's not your family, Henry. It's me. I can't be like this around you. It would hurt me too much to see you act like this with her." The last part was whispered but Henry managed to hear it as he stepped closer to her, rubbing his hands on her arms.

"Her? Katherine, you know I would never be with Maddie."

"Not Maddie." Katherine looked into his eyes, and down at his lips before connecting their lips for one last time. "Just pretend this never happened. If I act different, don't question it. I want you to live your life and be happy, okay?" She turned and walked away from him, avoiding his grasp as he tried to reach for her wrist. She quickly walked out of the house and down the street.

She didn't stop crying for the rest of the night.


Early the next morning, as she slept, Katherine felt her body floating in space once again. When she awoke, she was in her travel bed. Kat was standing outside of it, and she helped her out. Josephine was helped out by a travel official and they were sent to a room to discuss the events that occurred while Katherine was in Kat's universe. After discussing the trial and everything that had been discovered about Kat's dad's murder, Josephine convinced Katherine to tell Kat about Henry.

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