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A/N: This is the sequel to my story 'His Servant' so in order to enjoy this story to its full extent I would recommend you to read that book first and then come back here. Inazuma Eleven and its characters do not belong to me but this story does so do not repost anywhere in any form.OOC warning just in case anyone feels like it's in order.

The sunbeams pierced through the stained glass windows, spreading a warm hue in the enormous room

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The sunbeams pierced through the stained glass windows, spreading a warm hue in the enormous room. Summer breeze filtered through the elegant garden and brought with it, a unique amalgamated scent of flowers through the sole open window. There was a serenity spread in the atmosphere within the room and all that could be heard was the sound of scribbling of a pencil against paper. Kira sat on the window sill, the flare of her silken but simple dress reaching the floor forming a semi-arc, working intently on the details of a sketch. It was a sketch of her husband, Gouenji, sitting under the sakura tree. Her source of inspiration was her memory of the day he kissed her for the first time. He had been sitting under the tree, where they first met when they were only eight, lost in his thoughts right before that magical moment.

As she finished the final details of it, she held it up at level with her eyes as she tried to figure if her work was done. The artwork had turned out to be just how she wanted yet her face did not show any excitement or delight. Her eyes contained a sombreness that had remained there for a while now.

Her gaze darted towards the entrance as she heard footsteps approaching her. She tilted her head to peek who it was and it did not surprise her that it was none other than Gouenji. He smiled as he entered the room and his gaze met Kira's. Without wasting any time, he walked over to where she was and holding her face between his palms he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Kira responded with a smile, the sombreness of her eyes still remaining.

"How was your day, my dear?" He asked in a gentle voice, "I am sorry if you were bored sitting here in this room all day but you know I had to be in the court."

Kira nodded in response. She then extended her art book towards Gouenji, "I made this today." She declared in a quiet voice, pointing at the artwork she had finished moments ago.

Gouenji studied the artwork intently and with awe for a full minute before speaking, "It is beautiful. You are so skilled at this."

Listening to this brought some delight to Kira as she finally grinned, "You're too kind." She softly responded as she reached out and gently brushed her fingers against his cheek.

"Let's take a walk in the garden today, it has been a while since we did that and this summer evening is perfect for it." Gouenji proposed.

"Yes of course. Let's go." Kira replied as Gouenji took her hand in his and helped her get off the window sill.

The sky seemed like a canvas that evening, Kira thought, with multi-colored clouds floating haphazardly overhead

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The sky seemed like a canvas that evening, Kira thought, with multi-colored clouds floating haphazardly overhead. As she slowly strolled, hand in hand with Gouenji, she watched their pattern and movement for a while, until Gouenji pulled her attention towards him.

"This garden holds such a special significance to us." He remarked, "We have so many beautiful memories here."

"Like the day we first kissed." She responded looking around, her face wearing a lost expression, "Although such dire time it was..." She carried on, "... with the oncoming of a huge war right around the corner."

Although it was evident from her words she did not make light of the problems they had to face back then, Gouenji sensed a slight feeling of nostalgia and longing in her voice. His face turned grim as he listened to her but she did not realize since she had long lost touch with her surroundings and her mind was now floating into the realm of imagination and remembrances.

Meanwhile, Gouenji stirred her sentences in his mind with worry. Knowing Kira, he knew the fears he had in his mind would eventually materialize and it seemed like that time was approaching rapidly. He did not know how to stop the chain of events, he predicted, from happening but he was destined to do anything for the sake of Kira's safety.

 He did not know how to stop the chain of events, he predicted, from happening but he was destined to do anything for the sake of Kira's safety

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A/n: Guys, if you like this story please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.I'd love to hear from you what you guys think of it so far. Please don't hesitate.    

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