-fix you up-Little Mac x Reader

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Hey I'm actually having fun writing these lol. Anyways for this one I had to googled boxing couples and I found out that boxing was good for therapy for couples and just in general so yeah!


You were in a relationship with (bf/n) and the two of you haven't really been getting along lately.Because of this, you've gotten much hot tempered lately.Many of the smashers have been noticing but don't say much about it. But that was until you minor friend Little Mac have told you about it.

You didn't really told to him much but you were used to him.

Anyways you and Mac are in the training room at the moment.Why?He recommend that you should just let your anger out.

He put up some punching bags. It was organized from small to biggest."Okay (y/n) I know you don't really use your fists in combat so this might be difficult"

You usually used magic for combat but in this case it was fists for therapy.

"I think I can punch a hanging bag.How hard can it be?"You rolled your eyes and punched the smallest bag.

Your hand hurt a bit,but it soon wore off.

You sighed as you punched it about 3 more times. You felt the support happening.

After a few more minutes you already broke some bags.

Mac was surprised mostly because you don't use your fists and because he didn't expect you to hide so much anger.

A hour later you got tired and just plopped on the floor.Yet you were punching the air lightly now."Uhhhh"

Mac got up and looked down at you"Tired?"

"What do you think?"You scoffed

He rolled his eyes and picked you up bridal style.

You blushed a bit but didn't really care."At least I don't have to walk my lazy ass to my room.."You thought.

Soon you and Mac made it to your dorm.He gently put you down. You opened your door and looks at him"Hey um... Thanks for the help.."You blushed a bit.

"No problem."He smiled a bit

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow"You waved and closed your door

---Next morning----

You and (bf/n) we're at the kitchen making breakfast.The two of you were just calm until he spoke."I heard you were training with Mac yesterday."

"Yeah but it was really nothing."You said knowing that he was probably pissed at you.

"You sure about that?I mean you talk to him alot"He responds

"I've only talked to him like 4 times. "

"Yeah sureee. Go talk to other guys too. Pretty sure they loved to hang out with a cheating bitch."

You mumbled so many things to yourself.Just hearing him still talking boiled up your blood. Soon everyone heard a punch.

It came from you. (bf/n) looked at you with disbelief.Soon the two of you were in a hand to hand fight. Everyone who was in the room came rushing and stopped the fight.

"OVER I TELL YOU!OVER!"You both yell.

You got up and stormed out.

Later on Mac heard what happened and met up with you in the training room.

"Hey I um.. Heard what happened...Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay.Just tired.. "you sighed



I gave up lol

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