Chapter 2: Chuck

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Two Days Later.

Two Days Later.

Bertholdt viewed the movement of Erwin Smith his professor as he composed words to copy down for English when a knock played through the classroom, "Sir, Letters have arrived" the woman with brown hair and glasses handed him the envelopes, "Class Your pen Pals have written" he delivered out letters addressed to the specific students.

Bertholdt clasped onto the soft cream decorated seal that preserved the paper and tore it exposed and began reading, he let out a small chortle at your message and drew out his pen and commenced writing back.

Dear F/N, We can be companions, To be straightforward, this kind of homework gives me anxiety, I'm a senior and I'm eighteen, I have a red convertible, my parent controls a car organization. I appreciate Cats as well, I have a cat dubbed Princess Dianna and I'm sorry about chuck, what a unique name, how did you come up with that? I have never played a video game, my father assumes they are for the nonconformist teenagers with no education. I additionally have never performed a sport because my father states Writing and Riding are much more Significant. I one friend but he is somewhat odd, Don't get me wrong I trust him with my life but he concentrates on girlfriends more than he does on anything else. When you say issues what do you suggest? I embrace Studying and school work, When I graduate my dad requires me to be a physician but among me and you I would like to join the military. ~ Bertholdt Hoover

Back at your school...

"Y/N, You need to concentrate" Coach Mike said tossing the basketball at you as you intercepted it with expertise and began dribbling through your opponents Annie and Sasha, "Bring it" Sasha said as you eluded a snatch from Annie and started running as fast you could towards the hoops but Sasha plunged in front of you and began mocking every movement you initiated till you shot the ball in the air and it rotated throughout on the rim and Sasha stood right under waiting to catch it but you being the prideful simpleton you are believed there was no way in hell that ball wouldn't go in till it physically descended into Sasha's hands. You gawked in disbelief as she ran beyond you with the ball and dunked it with the guidance of Annie.

"Y/n!" Mike shouted utterly confused at why his chosen scholar athlete was acting so unprofessionally, "Practice is over you are all dismissed" he sighed and shuffled off with one last frustrated glance at you. "Whats your deal girl?" Sasha questioned setting her arm on your shoulder, "Come on we can't beat west high with you acting so put out" Annie said, "I'm just focused on other things right now" You respond awkwardly as they beam, "The letters?" Sasha proposed, "Yeah the letters" 

You Take a cold shower and slip on a rust-colored shirt with the words 'I may be a female yet I'm a better man than you' and hauled up black jeans and converse sneakers. 

"Surely the letter got here" You hoist your gym bag over your shoulder and trot over to English class and throw your bag down and pull out your address and information of where the mystery student lived.

"The letters have arrived, please write back as soon as you're done reading them" Miss Nanaba said.

You read the letter and gasped, "He must be filthy rich" You continue reading and let out a whimper of excitement knowing the man you are writing to is a nerd. "Nerds are the cutest" You began writing back.

  Dear Bertholdt, I must state your father appears strict, ha ha, Your buddy sounds like 90% of the boys here grievously, I would love to see your car someday if that's ok with you, The issues are my... depression and anger issues, I'm sorry you get anxiety but believe me I understand. You haven't mentioned your mother, is she a stay at home mother? My mom works at a daycare and my father is a banker... Military? aren't you scared you'll die? And you have never played video games?! That's it I must see you and show you the game Last of Us, it's such a heart wrenching epic game. Your cat sounds very royal and Chuck was a random name I found on the internet.  - F/N (Chucks Owner)

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