Chapter 4: Anxiety

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"You are very bashful" You blurt and he nods looking down at the floor, "Hey, It's ok, If your really getting bad anxiety then we can get the meal to go" You put your hand on his and he looks at you with sweat pouring down his cheeks, "Yeah that's an anxiety attack if I ever saw one" You look at the waitress bringing your food, "Hey ma'am can we get this to go, my guy friend over here doesn't like the people" You hold out your twenty dollar bill and the lady takes it and pays for the food.

"I could have... paid" He managed to say but you shook your head, "When we get out of here you owe me the aux cord" you pat his hand before standing up and grabbing the food as you and his walk out and you kicked the door open. 

You turn on your cell and start blasting Kendrick Lamar and handed bertholdt his fries, "We can just sit in the car and relax" 

"I'm sorry I just have a problem with people-" you shoved a fry in his mouth and he chewed it quickly and began saying something else about how sorry he was but you sighed loudly and he stopped.

 "Boy, You don't have to say sorry! don't blame yourself it's the anxiety fault, besides between me and you I was getting a little anxiety too" You wink, "You didn't show it" he said.

"Because I've learned if you are going to prove yourself to the world you gotta act like they don't get to ya" You respond cleverly and he cocked his head to one side, "You say you don't have a lot of friends but you are one of the kindest girls I have ever met"

You blush brightly and he noticed and turned to blush too, "And you're the first boy I've ever met to hold the door open for me"

"Growing up I was taught that being courteous to ladies was the number one habit" He affirmed, "So that means I can trust ya not to rape me" You laugh and he looks with his jaw open, "whats with the mouth open?" You remain absorbing the Dr. Pepper.

"I would never!" He exclaimed, "Haha I know that's why I said that"

"You're right this food is not that oily," He said, "It's fast, cheap and good" You bit into your chicken sandwich quickly. 

"I'm glad I met you" Bertholdt whispers to himself.

 "So Berty Boy, You got yourself a lover? High school passion story?" You ask, "W-what N-no!" He shakes his head very fast and you chuckle, "Have you ever dated?" You ask.

 "Once... but that was only for a few weeks and she transferred to another school," Bertholdt said, "Ooo was she attractive?" you asked.

"She was very beautiful but as always the flowers get picked to soon" He sighed, "You sound like a depressed poet, she didn't die, bro, I'm sure she is out there somewhere" 

"She had blonde hair and blue eyes and the prettiest composure" He began and you felt something inside of you... was it envy? No, it couldn't be? you barely knew this guy... correct?

"What was her name?" You interrupt and he stops for a moment before saying her name and you gasp, "Annie"

"I know her!" You yell freaking him out, "You do?" "Yeah she is my teammate for basketball, come to my game tomorrow night and see her again!" You exclaim in excitement.

"I'll come..." He states as you smile, "Let's go play that video game" You pull out the disc from your pocket.

"Ok" he turns on the engine and you happily drive with him to his house... it was not a house but a mansion.  "It's friggin huge!" You squeal and he turns to stare at you gawking at the huge house and he smiles and pulls into the garage, "Come on" he is about to open the door when you jump out of the car and grab his hand and pull him to the front door, "I'm so excited" You squeal. 

"It's your son, Mr. Hoover," The butler said, "Oh my gosh it's a real butler!" You yell, "And a teenager girl" The butler sighed and let Bertholdt in and you shuffle alongside him.

"Watch this" Bertholdt said snapping his fingers as four maids run over and take off his coat and take your sunglasses and place them on a shelf, "Miss may I ask for you to take off your shoes, they will scuff the tile," The maid said as you quickly took off your shoes. "Make sure they are taken care of," Bertholdt said as he led you to his father who was a tall man with a tux and a newspaper. "Ma'am" he kissed your hand and you giggle, "It's a great... honor to meet you" You awkwardly try acting proper.

"Eh, the pleasure is all mine" He gives bertholdt a glare of disapproval.

bertholdt showed you around and opened the door to his room with a huge T.V and books everywhere, "My maids havent had a chance to clean it today" He claimed shutting the door behind you as you sit comfortably on his bed.

"Lets begin" You wink and he stares unsure of what you mean. "Turn on the T.V" you say and he sighs in relief.

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