Chapter 5: Stand up

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"Now I'll play as Ellie and you play as Joel" You seize the Controls and Bertholdt sits alongside you, "Is this how you bounce...?" He asked banging on a random button, "Here" you encase your arms around his waist and grip his hands and show him the right buttons and he flushes a pink color.

"You're shaking, Why?" You whisper bewildered, "I'm not used to girls...-" he began but you cut him off, "Oh" You move away and smile, "Haha its ok bud" You strike his arm playfully.

you played video games with him for three hours when your phone began to ring, "Hello? Oh hey dad, yeah I'll be home in about forty minutes" You hang up and stand, "Not to cut things short but..." He agreed and stood beside you and you felt protected with him for you may have just met this man but even in the short three weeks, you felt like you've known him for years.

'Oh god she is Staring at me... do I kiss her on the hand? do I hug her?' Bertholdt thought and starting getting anxiety.

"Let's go" You clutch his sleeve and take him as you pull on your converse and he pulls on his coat and rushes to the car. "Bertholdt, Be home soon for our little talk," His father said as Bertholdt acknowledged sadly.

"You don't seem to be too fond of your father," You say bluntly as he opens the door for you. "He just expects too much of me" He responds not dismissing your statement.

"Well, I think you're great just being the competitive guy you are during video games and for someone so nerdy as you claim, you got the build of a basketball player and I must say you are a very funny guy when you aren't trying" You compliment him as he drives you downtown.

"Heres your door" He is about to get out but you plant a small kiss on his cheek and pat his leg before getting out, "See you around pen pal, I'll send you a letter tomorrow and you better be at the basketball game" you smile with a sweet gesture and leave.

"Thank you" you wave as he drives away.

Bertholdt P.O.V

I let go of the grip I held so tightly on the steering wheel and parked it beside a store and started banging my fists on the car, "I am such a fucking loser" I felt like a failure, the girl I had such high hopes of impressing became the girl who impressed me instead, I will never get a girlfriend, I will never find someone to care for me, my father cares little for anyone but himself...

Buzz Buzz

I checked my phone to see a text from my father,

Get your Ass over here quickly boy

In addition to your request I decline your offer and will be staying elsewhere, I refuse to listen to you rant about people again and tell me what a piss shit I am.

You moron, you are giving up all respect I had left for you, it's that girl? ever since you have been writing to her your whole attitude changed, you care little for my approval, I am your father.

She has nothing to do with anything you claim, She actually gives me something to look forward too, You may be my Father but you are not my dad

What the hell does that mean?

Dad's go out and spend time with their sons not get a poor helpless woman pregnant and take her child away and ignore him when I'm sure she would have spent time with me

Is that what you think? She was a whore

She is my mother

Then go live with her, go find her, I'm sure you will love searching for her without any money and no help.

I'm eighteen, I will get a job

Doubtful, The only reason people tolerate you is that you have cash.

Your cash. Good bye

Where are you going to stay?

A hotel

Bertholdt Hoover, You better be back home by tomorrow afternoon or else

Or else what? Your empty threats do nothing for me, I am going to find my mother.

And miss school?


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