Chapter 3: Rich kid

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Three Months Later

Dear F/N, I Have the week off because of a stupid escapade caused by a couple students and now our school is showered with toilet water... I know we have been writing for a long time now and you have suggested a couple times of showing me video games and traveling with me in my car. Would you like to come with me? I can show you my town and ride around, Lunch is on me. I already know your address. - Bertholdt Hoover

You read the letter at lunch with the girls in your class and you squealed loudly and hugged the letter to your chest. "Uh F/n?" Ymir asked slightly surprised, "Oh sorry" You continue eating your food as you write back eagerly.

Dear Bertholdt, I would be very thrilled to accompany you! I almost fell to the floor with excitement, I'll be ready, My parents gave me permission but to be back by 10 pm at the latest... Is that ok?

"Dude why is your face all red?" Reiner asked pushing a rice ball in Bertholdts range of vision from the letter you sent, "Oh nothing" Bertholdt sealed the envelope as Reiner sneered, "Its the chick you've been hounding over, she is youthful which means you have her coiled around your finger, I say take advantage of that" Reiner said as bertholdt shot him a death glare, "R-reiner she is merely a friend" Reiner raised an eyebrow, "Oh? just a friend? or just a friend with benefits" Reiner winked patting bertholdt on the back as he marched off.

Dear F/N, I'll pick you up around three after school and I'll take you home by eight, I am excited too - Bertholdt Hoover

You ran to the school locker room and took a humid shower and got clothed into a Walking Dead shirt and jean shorts and of course your converse. "Let's do this" You slid down your sunglasses and stood outside as your father drove you home, "Does this guy do drugs? Does his father approve of you? Do you have your cell?" Your father began ranting as you gave him a reassuring reply, "Dad, I'm old enough and the school selected these students I'm sure they are genuine kids" You said as he gave you a twenty dollar bill, "just in case" You smiled as you went inside and waited calmly for your pen pal to pick you up.

A sound of a Huge motor rumbled in the distance, a red car with the roof of the car slid back as a brown haired tan boy parked it in front of your blue house, You nervously walked over and opened the car door to see the leather seats and you fangirled internally and sat beside the pleasant smelling man, "Y/n" He grinned and his teeth were white as the ghost inside of you screaming, "Y-your not at all how I pictured you" You stutter and he stares at the road as he drives.

"H-how did you picture me?" he asked shyly and you felt yourself growing in confidence. "A Badass rich bald guy who was going to enslave the poor!" You exclaimed throwing your hands into the air for dramatic effect as he held back a snort. 

"Sorry to disappoint" He replied with a soft spoken voice that made your stomach churn, "No! You didn't disappoint me! Frankly your pretty darn cute!" You blurted and then realized what you said and bit your lip, "Oh" He stated plainly hesitant of what to say, "I mean for a pen pal" You react awkwardly, "Well in addition to the cute part... you're pretty short" He said, "S-short?!" You yell upset and he smiled knowing he had gotten to you. "Well says the guy who is like 7 feet tall" You cross your arms in a temper.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked you brightened up, "Chicken!" You were glowing with excitement and he shifted to watch you for a bit before concentrating back on the road, "Well there's an elegant place-" he began but you cut him off, "Chick-Fil-A" You nod in persistence, "That cheap greasy place?" He asks completely shocked for she was in a car with a rich boy and she wanted cheap food.

"It's not greasy! It's truly very good, Now mister rich boy, Take me your guest and new best friend to that heavenly chicken mania" You ordered with a sweet tone and his eyes widened.

"I mean... if you want" You blushed and he turned into the parking lot of Chick-fil-a and got out and opened the car door for you, "Well aren't you just a gentleman" You watched him hold out his hand and you looked rather deranged, "Not to sound like a complete idiot but whatcha holding out that hand for?"

"Oh uh its.. never mind" He was about to open the door to Chick-fil-a but you rushed ahead and opened it for him, "I guess we take turns now" You giggle and he nods gradually and sits down at a seat and waits.

"Uh bertholdt... you go up and order" You stand in front of him and he looked at you, "That's new to me" he rose up and followed you to the counter, "I'll have the number eight with a Dr. Pepper" You said as you watched Bertholdt get major anxiety staring at all the people and without thinking grabbed his sleeve and tugged it and he looked down at you and you gave him a hopeful smile.

"He wants the same thing but garnish it with extra lettuce to make it look fancy" You order for him and the woman stares and nods.

"See not so hard bud" You pull him to the chair and he pulls it out for you, "Oh well that's nice of ya" You sit down as he folds the napkin on his lap.

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