Chapter 6: Rose

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"Annie" You swagger over to the blond girl and thump your hands on her desk, "You never told me you dated my pen pal," You say and she gags on her apple, "Ah excuse me?" She wiped her face, "He is appearing at the basketball game tonight" Her face transformed into eight emotions at once and looked up at you.

"I don't want to see him" She affirmed furiously grabbing your shirt. "Annie, What even happened-" She stood up and jostled you into a wall, "His father is a psychopath" She seethed, "His father isn't to be trusted, He is very corrupt, he is a powerful man and he has a thing for young girls" Annie pressed her finger on your lips as students flowed in. "His father dominated the school system and would forcibly find ways to be alone with me, that's why I had to cut it off with Bertholdt Hoover, I would encourage you to do the same" Annie murmured walking off as you stood there in absolute hysteria.

"Students begin writing" Nanaba instructed.

Dear Bertholdt, I suggest you do not come to the basketball game, we need to talk about important matters in person, text me, my number is 786-6000-4333. - F/n (Chucks Owner)


"Your son has never missed a day of school in his life, even when sick" Mr. Smith said as the father rummaged through the letters, "It's probably because of that wench" The father muttered to himself and opened the letter and read it, "Ha" He opened up his cell and wished Mr. Smith the best.

Him: Hey

You: Bertholdt~! We need to discuss Annie 

Him: The girl with the C Cups...

You: Uh yeah...

Him: Well forget her, we need to talk about US

You: Us?

Him: I'm afraid we can't be associated anymore, You stole my money.

You: Stole? No, I would never Bertholdt!

Him: Leave me alone you wretch

You: Bertholdt, You don't use names like that, you told me respecting women was your number one rule, calling them a wretch wouldn't work with that...

Him: You've known me for like five weeks go away

You: Three Months... is this bertholdt?

Him: Of course, it is

You: I don't believe you, send me a selfie

Him: Are you really that self-obsessed that you think someone, as refined as me, would ever go out with scum like you?

You: I only ask one question, What restaurant did we go to yesterday?

Him: The elegant one by Margie's

You: No, Chick-Fil-A... You're not bertholdt I'm blocking your number.


That night at the basketball game; you were down one hoop and the crowd was applauding you on, you boosted your jawbone to look around for the man you hoped wasn't there for Annie's well-being but for your own, well, you were longing that he would stand in front waving you down. 

"It's now or Never," Sasha said nodding to you as you nod back. The whistle blew and you dribbled down the court it was just you the ball and the hoop.

 you disregarded the screaming and settled all other distractions when you transferred the ball to Sasha you ran to the hoop and yelled as she launched it to you and you dunked it with the help of Annie.

 "East High Wins!" Petra shouted as her husband Levi observed from the crowd guarding their four children who were currently polishing off the benches.

"F/n!" You turn all sweaty and your face beat red to see the man you had hoped to see and he ran on the court and high fived you, "You did awesome" He said smiling, "Bertholdt we need to talk-" You began but a blond figure caught his eye, "Excuse me for a moment F/n" He wandered off and you sighed. 


"Bertholdt Hoover"

"You did a great job-"


"S-stop what-"

"You know what, Your father is a perverted rapist and you are going to grow up just like him" Annie said angrily clutching her chest, "Get out of my school, You may have money but at least i have morals" 

Annie stormed off with tears and bertholdt stood there dropping the rose he had bought for her, as it crashed on the court you stood behind him and he stood there and began shaking.

"Bertholdt!" You exclaimed running for him and you hugged him tightly from behind, You pressed your face into his back. 

"She is just hurt bertholdt, she doesnt mean it" You muttered and saw the rose as his foot stomped on it and he pushed you away and stormed off.

You kneel down and pick up the broken rose and cling it to your chest.

"Im sorry bertholdt" You stand up and start running after him.

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