Chapter 8: Hospital

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Four Days Later

Bertholdt had his suit case in the trunk and had F/n's Sunglasses she left at his mansion, "Hey Bert" You jump in the car and through your bags in the back, "Oh my sunglasses" You place them on your face.

"So how did you get your parents to uh enable you to come?" Bertholdt asked, "I Told them that my school had an experiment for the best pen pal's and me and you were chosen," You said bluntly as he drove off, "They believed you?" He asked, "Well I wasn't lying" You hold up a poster from the school, "Four people have been chosen and I was one, so darling, We are free for a full two weeks" You bite onto the lollipop you had been carrying and he smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm glad I met you Y/N L/N"

"Likewise Bertholdt Hoover" You turned up the rock music and you roared down the street with your best friend.

"About last night, I'm sorry for kissing you" He stated Monotonously, "Don't be, I just want to know what we are?" "Like as in..." "Friends? Romantically Involved? Pen pals gone wrong?"

He sighed and pulled into a Starbucks, "When I find my mom I'll conclude everything" "Well just for the record mister, I think you have a crush on me" You stick out your tongue.

 "Prideful much?" He grins and accompanies you to Starbucks and you hold his hand making sure he doesn't get anxiety. "You order whatever you like and I'll have whatever you get" Bertholdt walks to the bathroom and you go up and order.

You are wearing a flannel and long sweatpants and your hair is in a messy bun. You walk over to a seat when you feel a sharp pain on the right cheek of your ass. "Wha-" You see four teenage boys laughing as the meanest looking one stare at you and winks.

"Touch my butt again hooligan" You put the coffee down and raise your fists.  you warned as a hand is located on your wrist and it pulls you close, "I mean hey I can't look wishy-washy in front of the guys"

He pinches your butt and you let out a loud grunt and you knee his glorified cluster as he holds his junk and whines like a child. "You Jerk" You spit on him and rub your butt, "And to simplify, looking like an absolute jerk in front of your 'buddies' isn't really charming either bud" You sit down and wait for your friend.

He is much taller than the four boys and much more powerful looking as he sits beside you, you turn and wink at the boys as they scamper out of the place.

"You look rather Angry" Bertholdt began sipping his Mocha and you clench your fists, "Those Idiots thought taking advantage of me was fun" He stops dissipating and gives you an irritated look, "How did they take advantage of you?" You laugh, "They just groped my butt, not a big deal Bert-" You start but he springs up and clutches your hand. "Screw the coffee lets go" He pulls you into the car but you, however, grasped your coffee and you rode with him till you saw the same boys riding their bikes.

"Think you can throw some Iced mocha at them?" Bertholdt asked, "Wow Bert didn't know you were so cruel" You smirk and roll down the window, "Hey jerk and his  buds, You left Starbucks so early, you forgot your drinks" You open the lid and dunk mocha all over him and his friends.

"Oh, and one more thing, Don't touch my girl- My best-friend ever again!" Bertholdt shouted as you guys drove off.

"That was cool Bert!" You squeal, "Ha really? I mean yes of course"

"Now bertholdt  where to next?"

"My birth place, the hospital up here and find some records"



The tall building looked old but still modern considering the bright lights that said "West Oak Hospital"

"Ok" He gets up and you jump out with your sunglasses on and swagger walk with him in the hospital, "Hello, may I help you?" The nurse asked, You looked around and waved at an old man who grimaced in annoyance and you frown, "I was Born here and would like to look at my birth records" "Ahh right away, Name?" "Bertholdt hoover"

A few minutes passed as you sat in the waiting room with bertholdt, "I wonder how many dead babies they have in the basement" You meditated as he shushed you, "Y/n-" "Just think how many flat lines there is each day! Hey old man, Your next" You give an evil laugh as he gives you another grimace of annoyance.

"Y/n!" "Oh come on bertholdt, think of all the hot chicks in here with one boob missing or one-half of their pretty face is melted into a deformed figure" You picture as he recoils, "You're being a disruptive being-" "Oh shush berty, You never know! each of these nurses probably has pulled the plug on an old person" You turn to the old man, "Hey Wrinkles, Better keep one eye open at night"

You start chuckling when a kiss is planted on Your lips and you pull back and stare at bertholdt in complete confusion as you turn bright red and cover your mouth.

"I guess that one way to make you shut up," Bertholdt said as the old man began laughing, "Ha!" The old man said wagging his finger at you, you shoot your tongue out but bertholdt kisses you on the cheek and you continue blushing at the burst of affection.

"Now stay quiet" he commands as you nod.

"Here you go sir" The nurse hands him a portfolio as he stands up you shoot on more scowl at the old man who smirks and remarks, "No matter how old you get, your boobs will remain small, now go home you juvenile"

"Rude!" You stomp your foot and hold your chest and run off as he cries with hilarity.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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