Chapter 1

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~ Emma's point of view~

                                                                                    My heels click on the marble floor as I walk to the death sentence room. Walking be sides me is my best knight a queen can ever have. Mia was my best friend since childhood. I could trust with anything that is why I named her my commander of the army and my best knight. " Your highness are you ready for this", Mia said as we walked. " Mia how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me your highness", I said with a stern voice. " Sorry Emma it's just out of respect", Mia said with her head down. I shook my head and singled the other knights to open the door for me. Everyone from the town was here to see the prisoner be hanged. I smirked as everyone gasped and looked at me. The fear on their eyes always seem to make me happy. I got on the stage and looked at my people. " We are all here to witness a scum bag a no life be hanged", I yelled. I looked at Mia and nodded. Mia then told her men to bring the prisoner. Mia brought the prisoner and throw her to my feet. " Do you have any regrets on what you did ", I said looking down on the worthless women. The women just got up and spit on my face. I felt my anger boil even more. Mia grabbed the women and hit her across the face. " So you think you can just spit in my face huh", I said with gritted teeth. The women just smirked and nodded. I smirked myself and whispered in Mia's ear. Mia nodded and called one her men. She told him what I said and he nodded and left. When he came back he had the women's children. " Now since you think it is ok to spit on your queen's face and try to steal from her your kids would have to see you die a painful death", Mia said. I looked at the kids and seen their shock faces. " Mia my knight we both know its not going to be painful", I said with a smirk. I then walked up to the women. " Its going to happen so fast you won't even feel a thing", I said. I then nodded and Mia brought her sword out. I then looked at all my people. They had faces of sadness and anger on their faces. It just made me smirk even more. The kids looked at their mother with sadness in their eye. I mean they all did expect one child. He seemed to be the youngest one. He looked very skinny compared to the others. Also his cloths were ripped up and dirty while his siblings were fat and well dressed. Mia was about to raise her sword but I stopped her. I then walked to the children. When I got face to face to the youngest child I bent down to face him. " Sweet heart why are you the only one who looks like you haven't been feed", I asked touching his cheek gently. I am a mean queen but I don't hurt children. I would never lay a finger on a child. " My mother never feed me your highness", The young boy said. " Why is that sweet heart", I asked with an raised eyebrow. The little boy looked down. It seemed like he started to cry. I gently lifted his face to see tears falling from his dull eyes. " Mother always said ugly boys who look like father shouldn't eat or wear good cloths and get beaten", the little boy said. Everyone in the room  gasped and started to whisper. I raised my hand and they got quiet. " How about you stay with me and I can make you feel better", I said. The boy looked at me with hope. " Your highness are you sure", the little boy said. I smiled and nodded. " Thank you so much your highness", the boy said. I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up. I then walked back to the stage where the women and Mia were. " So you wasn't feeding this poor child because he looked like his father", I said. " You also told him that he is ugly and should have dirty cloths and be beaten on because he looks like the man you couldn't keep your filthy legs closed for", I said with anger. " You don't know a thing about me and he is my child I do whatever I want with my child", the women said. I looked at Mia and nodded. Mia then swung her sword at the lady's head. It fell off her body and rolled to the other children. They looked at her head with horror. " That would show you to never try to steal from me and also treat one child different from the others in my kingdom", I said with anger. I then left with the small boy still in my arms. I started to head to the kitchen so I can fetch the poor child food. " Your highness you don't have to feed me", the boy said. I froze. I looked at the boy. " You have to eat your in bones unless you want to wash up and then eat with me", I said moving his dirty hair out of his face. The boy nodded and I smiled a little. I then started to walk to my room. I called for my maid and asked her to fetch some small boy cloths. I then walked to my bathroom and started to run the bath. I made sure the water was just fine. " Sweet heart take off your cloths", I said. The boy nodded and took off his dirty and ripped cloths. I throw his dirty cloths in the trash bin. I seen that on his little chest he had so many bruises and scars from what looks like nasty cuts. I felt bad for the poor boy. I gently placed him in the bath and begin to wash his hair. " Your highness why are you being so nice to me when you are usually so cold", the boy said." Because I too knows how it feels to be treated different from my brothers and sister too", I said. The boy nodded and looked down. " Your highness", the boy began to say. " Call me Emma", I said cutting him off. " Emma why did you want to save me", he said. " Because I always wanted someone to save me when I was your age but no one saved me", I said. The boy nodded and we continued his bath. When we were done washing him up I put his new cloths on him. He lay down and fell asleep on my bed. I was watching him sleep when Mia walked in. I placed my finger on my lip telling her to be quiet. Mia sat next to me and looked at her. " The kids name is Adam he is only 5" , Mia said. I nodded and turned back to look at Adam. Mia then placed her hands on my shoulders and began to massage them. I moaned from the pleasure of the massage taking the knots away. " You know your stressing yourself a lot lately", Mia said. I nodded and kept my mouth shut before I let out another moan. Mia turned me to face her after she took her hands of my shoulder. I looked at her blue eyes as she looked at my light grey eyes. Mia then connected her lips on mines like how she always did. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. Mia and me are not dating but we do have to admit we have feelings for each other. We kissed for awhile then pulled away. " Stop stressing and relax ok ", Mia said. I nodded and pecked her lips again. " I have to back to my post your highness", Mia said with a smirk. " No stay with me for the rest of the night please", I pleaded. " Your the one who put me on the other side of the castle", Mia said. " Well now I'm telling you to stay with me so you have to stay now", I said. Mia just smirked and sat back down. We then watch Adam sleep for awhile then fell asleep too.

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