chapter 7

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~ Tiffany point of view~

                                                                    I left Emma's room quickly because I didn't want to hear her rejection. Making it to the armor room I walked in to see some of the Kingdoms warriors. "As you all know Mia decided to be a traitor so I would be your commander for this war", I said. All the gaurds nodded. "Now plans for the war come closer so I can tell you", I said. All the gaurds came closer to me and I told them what the plans and formation is. After I told them what we had to do we all got ready to fight. To say I wasn't nervouse is a lie but i have to show Emma and my sister that I can be a good commander. " Everyone ready", I said as i finshed putting my armor on and placed my sword in the belt. Everyone nodded and we beagn to leave the room with for the war. We all got on our horses and rode to the war site. When we arrived I Mia right in front and it agrivated me. " Are you happy that you are in front of me but is on the other side", I said. Mia just glared at me. " Lets make this quick so I can go back to the princess that I just made out with", I said with a smirk. Mia face dropped from a glare to something that should scare me but it doesn't. " You are going to regret saying that in front of me", Mia said with a death tone voice. I just scoffed at her took my hand out. I gave her the finger then gave her the come on gesture. Mia ran up to attack me but I was way faster then her. This was going to be a very easy war  to win.

~Emma point of view~

                                                                     Tiffany just left the room not giving me the chance to tell her that I love her too.  With a sigh I rub my hands through my hair. My life is really a mess. First I'm a cold hearted princess, my brother literally argues with me for any little thing I do, Mia betrayed me, I'm in love with two people. " What am I going to do", I said with a weak tone in my voice. I could feel tears threatening to fall out. A tear was going to fall until my bedroom door opened. Adam walked in and sat down on the bed next to me. He looked upset about something. " Whats wrong sweet heart", I asked. " Princess your brother said I can never be royal that I should just leave you alone because im bothering you", Adam said having tears run down his cute chubby cheeks.  "Adam sweet heart im letting you take the royal lessons because I belive you can be royal and your not bothering me at all you actually bring out a sweet side of me and i know your not use to seeing me all sweet", I said pulling him to sit on my lap. I wiped his tears away and pulled him into my chest. " Dont listen to what my brother says he is just a loser who think you have to be born royal to act royal", I said running my fingers through his hair. " Thank you princess emma for telling me that", Adam said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. " No problem sweet heart", I said. Adam let out a cute yawn. Him crying made him tired. "How about you take a nap in here", I said. "Can I", Adam asked pulling away from my chest to look at me. I nodded and layed down with him. I placed him on top of me and he wrapped his little arms around my waist. Adam soon fell asleep with his head on my neck. A couple minutes after Adam fell asleep i fell asleep. I fell asleep thinking about how the war was going. After six hours of taking a nap with Adam I woke up to hearing Adam laughing. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I was no longer seeing blurry I saw Tiffany on the floor playing with Adam. Tiffany looked perfect with her war armor still on. But when I seen her lips all busted I got up quickly and pulled her face to look at me. " Well good morning sleepy head", Tiffany said. I didnt answer her back because i was to busy looking at her bloody lip. "Emma i'm fine dont worry", Tiffany said placing her hand on my cheek. I sighed and placed my forehead on hers. " By the way we have Mia we are waiting on your word", Tiffany said. "Who won", I asked looking into her eyes. "We did of course", Tiffany said. I smiled and pecked her lips. " Emma Tiffany is really funny I like her ", Adam said. I smiled hearing Adam say that made me like Tiffany even more. " That's good buddy I'm glad you like her because I like her too", I said looking at Tiffany.  "Tiffany we need your help with Mia she is trying to get out", Victor said running into my room. Tiffany got up super quick and began to run until I grabbed her arm. "I'm going with you I need to speak to her anyway", I said looking at Tiffany. Tiffany looked at me like she didn't want me to go but she really has no choice. " Victor princess Emma is coming with me send a maid to stay and watch Adam for awhile", Tiffany said. Victor nodded and ran off to get a maid. " Lets go but when we get down there stay by myside the whole time", Tiffany said. I nodded and linked our hands together. Walking to where the cells were was really making me nervous. If Tiffany only had a busted lip I really want to see how Tiffany left her. The guards guarding the door moved to the side to let us in. " Mia if you don't fucking stop moving I swear to go I would kill you myself", Tiffany  said. Mia stopped moving and looked at me and Tiffany. Mia was all beat up and had scratches and cuts all over her. " The princess had something to tell you", Tiffany said while pulling me closer to her side. I turned to Tiffany pecked her lips and looked back at Mia.

The cold hearted PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora