Chapter 6

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                                       "Emma wake up",Tiffany said shaking me gently. I groaned and rolled over. "Emma so help me if you don't wake up I'm going kiss you all over until you do",Tiffany said. I opened up one eye and looked at her. "That sound tempting ",I said. Tiffany chuckled and got off of the bed. She took out one hand for me to grab. I grabbed her hand and she lifted me up. "Go wash up while I wait for you here", Tiffany said. I nodded and pecked her cheek. I walked into my bathroom and turned the water on. When it was at the right temperature I got in. I let out a sigh and began to remember what happen yesterday. I raised my hand to the cheek Mia had slapped and winced a little. It still hurt and I was surprise to see a scratch when I grabbed my mirror to check it out. Mia must have had her commander ring on when she slapped me. "Tiffany can you come in here please",I called. "What's wrong is everything ok",Tiffany said running into the bathroom. I chuckled at how cute she looked all worried. "Everything is fine but I'm going to need your help to cover this scratch on my cheek I don't want Adam seeing it",I said. Tiffany nodded and went to go look for makeup. "Hey can I talk to you",Mia said walking in. I looked down immediately. I wasn't ready to see her. She had slapped me and even left a scratch on my face. I was not ready to talk to her or even forgive her anytime soon. "Look Emma I know what I did was wrong and I'm really sorry for putting my hand on you",Mia said. I stood quiet I didn't want to talk to her. I was hoping Tiffany would come back soon. I can hear foot steps come closer to the tub. "Don't come any closer",I said with a quiet tone of voice. "I will stop here but can you at least look at me Emma",Mia pleaded. With hesitation I looked up at the person I never thought would hit me in the face. "Emma you know I love you and I would never",Mia said before I cut her off with a you did hurt me. "I know I did and I didn't mean it I swear it was just I don't know what came over of me",Mia said feeling guilty. "It doesn't matter you had hit her and it's pretty clear she doesn't want to talk to you right now Mia so can you please leave the room so I can finish getting her ready",Tiffany said coming in with the makeup to cover my scratch. "Tiffany this is none of your business and you don't order me so I can stay if I want",Mia said while glaring at Tiffany. "But I can order you so I demand you to leave this room at once before I put you to leave",I ordered. Mia looked at me with shock. I had never once told her to leave or threaten to make her not be a commander for awhile. "Emma please don't do this you know I love you and I never meant to slap you",Mia pleaded. "I said leave or do I have to have someone make you leave",I said. Mia looked at me with sadness in her eyes. With a sigh I watched her leave my bathroom and room. I felt the tears I was holding in fall down my cheek. "Emma don't beat your self up because of this",Tiffany said bending down on her knees to wipe my tears away. "She hurt me Tiffany the person who told she would never hurt me hurt me",I said while crying. Tiffany pulled me into her chest and rubbed my hair to calm me down. A minute had gone by when I had finally calmed down and Tiffany began to clean my scratch up. She helped me dry up and get dressed too. "Now that your done what do you want to do",Tiffany asked. "Can we just stay in here and cuddle the whole day I'm not in the mood to do anything",I said. Tiffany nodded and pulled me into her chest. "We can try to do that Emma but you know your always busy doing something",Tiffany said. I nodded in her chest and pulled her closer to me. Tiffany picked me up and placed me under the covers of my bed with her next to me. I snuggled up to her neck and feel asleep smelling her sent.

~Tiffany point of view~

                                     Emma was now asleep on me. I smiled at how cute she looked. "Why can't you see that I will never do what she did to you",I said whispering. "Why the hell are you still in her room",Mia said with her voice going up. I shushed her and pointed to the sleeping Emma on my neck. "Because since you fucked up and she doesn't want you around her she needs a guard and I'm the only one available at this time",I said with a slight whisper. "She doesn't need you to guard her she needs me",Mia said very loudly. Emma groaned and moved. I shushed Mia again and looked at her wrong. "Are you trying to wake up she just fell asleep",I said getting annoyed. "She needs to wake up anyway because she has a meeting right now with the enemy",Mia said. With a sigh I looked at Emma. "I will wake her up and have her there just tell them that she is on her way",I said. Mia just scoffed at me and walked out the room. "Emma sweet heart you have to wake up you have a meeting to go to",I said shaking her lightly. "Mmmm ok I'm up",Emma said getting up from her laying position. I fixed her hair and smiled at her. "I want a kiss before we go",she said. I chuckled at her and leaned in for a kiss. We kissed for a couple a seconds until I pulled away. "Let's go now",I said. Emma nodded and we got up and walked out the room. When arriving at the meeting room I fixed Emma's crown and we walked in.

~Emma point of view~

                                        Walking into the room Mia was there. I didn't even give her glance as I walked passed her to sit in my seat. I looked at the enemy with one eyebrow raised. "What issue brought you here to my kingdom",I said. "Well someone from your guard crew came into my kingdom and trashed my property",Andrew said. Andrews kingdom and my kingdom never got along. It has been like this since forever and no matter how hard we try not to hate each other it never fails to show. "Well I can tell you now I never sent any of my men to your nasty kingdom",I said. "Yea ok like I believe that anyway like I was saying unless you want war from me and my kingdom I demand you to watch your nasty pet guards",Andrew said. "My guards are not nasty and you want war we can have war but it would be the same like always my kingdom would always win and yours would always lose",I said with a smirk. "It would be different this time Emma because you can't beat me with no commander",Andrew said with a smirk. "What are you talking about",I said confused. "I'm talking about how Mia has been my little spy ever since she became commander",Andrew said with a smirk. I looked at Mia who had a blank face. "Mia tell her what your mission was",Andrew said. Mia sighed and kicked off the wall she was leaning on. She walked next to Andrew and looked at me. "My mission was to have you fall in love with me and tell me everything you wanted to do to Andrew so I can go back to Andrew and tell him your plans",Mia said looking at me with a hint of guilt in her eyes. "So everything you told me was not true",I said feeling like complete shit. "Somethings were true and some weren't",Mia said with a shrug. "Wow ok and Andrew then you want war you have war",I said. "Leave my kingdom now before I personally kill you and Mia right here right now",I threatened. "I will see you on the battle field Emma",Andrew said with a smirk before he left. "Emma look at me I did love you but he threaten to kill my family",Mia said. "Don't fucking talk to me and go before I kill you",I threaten her. Mia looked at me with shock. "You wouldn't",Mia said testing me. I grabbed Tiffany sword from her belt and swung at Mia. It was close to her throat. It was at the right spot that with one slid Mia would be bleeding to death. "Never tempt me not get out off my face your traitor",I said. Mia looked at me with shock one more time before turning and leaving. When Mia was completely out of sight I dropped to me knees. "Emma! Are you okay?",Tiffany asked as she ran to me. I was now crying and I shook my head no. "Prepare for war I would be there later on to tell you the plans right now I have to take princess Emma to her room",Tiffany said to victor. Victor nodded and ran off to get all the guards ready. Tiffany picked me up bridal style and took me to my room. She placed me down on the bed and covered my body. "I have to get ready for war but when it's all over I would come back and lay with you ok Emma",Tiffany said. "Wait before you go can I have a kiss",I asked with sad eyes. Tiffany nodded and began to make out with me. It had been a couple of minutes before she pulled away. "I have to get ready for the war bye Emma I love you",Tiffany said before running out my room not giving me the chance to say I love you back to her.

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