Chapter 2

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                                                                 When I woke up the next morning Mia wasn't by my side. With sigh I sat up and looked at sleeping Adam. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up. " Your highness breakfast is ready", my maid said. I nodded and got up. " Can you make sure when he wakes up take him downstairs I don't want to wake him now", I said. The maid nodded and moved out my way so I can leave the room. I walked downstairs to see Mia eating. " Why did you leave me", I said sitting down on my seat. Mia looked at me and let out a sigh. " I had an early morning post to go to and I had to train some new comers", Mia said getting up. "  Then why didn't you wake me up", I asked. " Because your highness that is not my job I'm only here to protect you and that's all", Mia said walking away. I don't know what is up with her today but I don't like her attitude. With a sigh and now being in a bad mood I began to eat. " Emma good morning", Adam said sitting down to eat. I gave him a fake smile. " Hey Adam your going to be with one of my maids all day cause I have some things to do for the kingdom ok", I said. Adam nodded and I got up. I gave Adam a kiss on the cheek and walked to the meeting with the other royals. Mia was there to and she didn't even look at me. I looked down a little and walked to my seat. I sat down and looked at all of them. " So tell me why  we are all here ", I said. " We need to discuss about what we can do about the water source going down", Prince Luke said. The others let out a groan. " Well we can take down the dam we made and dig and path so the water can hit our kingdoms", Queen Jessica said. " Well if we can all agree to this plan we can do it", I said. They all nodded and we agreed. I dismissed everyone and got up. I thanked everyone as they walked out the door. It was just me and Mia left in the room. When I was about to walk out the room Mia held me back and closed the door. I looked at her with confusion and anger. " Emma we need to talk now", Mia said with the voice she uses to  talk to her soldiers. I nodded and looked at her to begin. " So what happen last night we haven't done anything like that for awhile and it had me thinking after", Mia said. " Mia that kiss meant something to me too so waking up with you gone from my side after that hurt me", I said. Mia looked down and sighed. " I'm sorry but I have to I have more things to do", I said. Mia just nodded and opened the door. I walked out and down the hall without turning back. " Why are you late this is why your people hate you now", my older brother said. I didn't say anything and joined him. The curtains of the stage opened. The people looked at me and know I had just came in only seconds before the play I promised I would be early to start. " Its my kingdom not yours so why do you care", I whispered. " Because your my little sister and everything you  do it gets on me too", he whispered back. I rolled my eyes and watched the play. The play was very boring and I rather be home laying down. When it was over we went downstairs to the people and greeted them. After all the talking about how life as a queen is I finally was able to go home. It was really late at night when I finished every thing I had to do. I  was more tired then I had ever been after a busy day. I quietly made it to my room and went inside the bathroom. I had the maids give Adam his own room. I quickly showered and changed into my night wear. Which only was a big shirt. I was about to lay down when Mia walked in. She looked me up and down and smirked. " Well your highness you sure look good", Mia aid walking up to me. I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist. " You know commander Mia you had me upset earlier", I said looking into her eyes. " Well my queen how do I make it up to you", Mia said leaning in close. " Kiss me and stay the night with me", I said close by to her lips. " Your wish is my command", Mia said. Mia connected our lips and we began to make out. I  moaned and jumped into her arms. She held my butt as she kept me up.  Mia's kisses went down to my neck. " MMMM Mia stop I don't want to get caught", I moaned out. Mia pulled away from my neck and smiled. " One day I would have all of you", Mia said. I nodded and pecked her lips. " Be my girlfriend Emma", Mia asked. I looked at her and nodded. She smiled and we began to kiss again. But before it got to heated we pulled away and Mia placed me on my bed. " Lets go to sleep now you look tired", Mia said covering me up with my blanket. I nodded and snuggled into my blanket. " How do I know you won't leave me in the morning', said with a pout. " I won't leave you because you don't have to do anything tomorrow and I'm off", Mia said changing her cloths. She then got into the bed and pulled me closer to her. I put my head in her neck and fell asleep.

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