chapter 8

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                                                                       "You are no longer anything to me and I want you to stay away from me and my child and my kingdom", I said looking at the person I onced love. Mia looked like what I said hurt her but I it didn't. She lied to me for so many years and made it seem like she loved me when she didn't. "Please Emma don't do this I love you please", Mia pleaded. "I have made up my mind now Tiffany baby can you please take this trader away from me and my kingdom", I said as I began to walk out the door. When I was far from the room I began to cry. I know I banned her but it still hurts to make her leave. She was my first love and for her to use me like that. "Princess are you okay", Mia's best friend chase said. I looked at him and shook my head. "I'm fine don't worry just make sure everyone is ok and ready for tomorrow events", I said just remembering about the ball tomorrow. "Everything is set up and everyone is fine princess don't worry", Chase said. I nodded and told him to double check. I walked to my room were a sleeping Adam was placed. I looked at the adorable little boy in my bed. I decided on what I had to do. I have to start being cold so people won't use me again. " Babe are you ok", Tiffany said as she walked in. I put my finger on my lip shushing her so she won't wake up Adam. Tiffany wrapped her arms around me waist and pulled me into her chest. "I'm fine don't worry", I said as I moved more back. "Are you sure today has been a messy day", Tiffany said as she moved her hands onto my hips. I turned in her arms and placed my hand on her cheek. "No matter what happen today I'm just glad that it is over and that you are by my side", I said as I placed my forehead on hers. "I'm glad you did not let this mess bother you ", Tiffany said with her cute smile. I smiled and pecked her lips. "Let's get you ready for bed you need your sleep so you can have energy for that ball tomorrow", Tiffany said picking me up. I squealed and wrapped my legs around her waist. Tiffany walked us to the bathroom and got the water in the tub started. " I'm going to put you down so you can get undressed", Tiffany said. I nodded and let myself be placed down by Tiffany. I took of my crown and gently placed it on top of the bathroom counter. "Tiffany babe can you untie my dress from the back for me", I asked with a slight blush. Tiffany chuckled and walked and went behind me. I felt her soft cold hands touch my skin a couple of times. When I know she was done I turned to face her. " Thanks babe", I said with the blush in my cheeks getting darker. "Why so shy ", Tiffany asked with a slight smirk on her face as she gently took my dress off my shoulders. She then dropped my dress as I gasped. I remember not putting any under garments. "Wow someone was in a sexy mood", Tiffany said as her hands went from my shoulders to my bare waist. "Go on and get in", Tiffany said with a smirk. With blush still on my cheeks I get in the bath and let out a big sigh. "You want me to wash your hair or no", Tiffany asked me. "If it is not a an issue for you can you", I asked. Tiffany chuckled and grabbed the shampoo bottle and began to rub it in my long hair. Having her rub my hair gently was really helping me relax. I began to think about being cold again. I know I couldn't be cold to Tiffany or Adam but other people  I can be. My thoughts were interrupted when water went down my face. "Sorry Emma but you looked like you spaced out are you ok", Tiffany asked as she wiped some of the water and shampoo out my eyes. "I'm fine just been thinking about things that's all", I said turning to look at her. Tiffany just nodded at me and began to rub soap on my neck. I gasped when she dropped the soap between my legs. Tiffany looked at me with a smirk and dragged her hand down from my neck and down to my women hood. I gasped when her finger rubbed against my folds. "T-T-Tiffany s-s-s-stop", I whined out when she put her index finger in me and began to thrust it a little. Tiffany just leaned by my ear and began to nibble on it. I was trying so hard not to moan very loudly because Adam was sleeping in the other room.  "aby girl do you really want me to stop", Tiffany whispered in my ear. "I-I-I d-d-don't k-k-know", I moaned out a little. " Then I won't stop I actually love hearing your cute little moans like this", Tiffany said as she began to thrust faster. I placed my hand on top of my mouth and began to moan louder and louder. "Let me know when you are close baby girl", Tiffany said in my ear with a seductive voice. I screamed out when I finally cummed. "Good job now lets get you out of this water and dressed", Tiffany said as she removed her finger. I got up with my shaking legs and let her wrap me in a towel. Tiffany helped me in my night gown. I lay down next to Adam and Tiffany gives me a quick peck on the lips before she had to leave for one more patrol around the castle. When she was out the room I sat up and let out a sigh. I looked out my window and couldn't help to think about Mia. I was wondering if she was ok but knowing her she is. I then lay back down and closed my eyes.

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