Chapter Five | Video Games

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I roll over in my cozy covers and lay on my side while hugging my pillow. Last night Noah and I didn't get home till quite late, and I guess we both decided to sleep in today. Although I was already partly awake I tried to make myself fall back asleep.

Suddenly I feel as if I wasn't the only one in the room. I slowly open one eye to see who?

Daniel Seavey and Corbyn Besson. What the actual heck?

"Umm... Hello?" I mutter from my sleeping position. Both boys jump at the random sound I made.

"You scared me." Daniel says.

"Yeah well how do you think I feel? I wake up to two random ass people in my room." I say sitting up in the bed remembering that Noah and I were home alone while Alexander was at work.

"Hah yeah.. Sorry about that." Corbyn mutters.

I shake my head. "Don't worry about that it's fine. But one question, why're you here?"

The boys look at each other and then me just as Logan turns up. "Yo what's popping Kels?" He cheers. I stare at all three of them with a very confused face.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?? Also, how did you get inside?" I ask. Logan laughs and pats the boys on the back.

"Well these two and the others wanted to see you guys and your house.. Or Alexander's house." Logan explains. "Oh and I'd hide the spare key somewhere less obvious."

"Where was it?" I ask.

"Under the doormat. Very original." He laughs. A smile spreads across my face and I yawn.

"Alright I'll show you boys around. But I'd leave Noah's room out of bounds for the tour, I mean who knows what's going on in there." I say getting out of bed.

"Are we meant to know what that means?" Daniel asks. I laugh. Gee that kid was innocent.

"Her and Arthur are in there." I say. Corbyn and Daniel look at me even more confused.

"That's her boyfriend." Logan explains before leaving the room. Daniel nods slowly.


"Yeah. Now you two coming or what?" I ask leaving the room in my oversized t-shirt, shorts and socks. I'm so happy that I went to bed with pants on... Gesh that'd be awkward.


"Well boys, we finish our tour in the kitchen, also knowen as my favourite room here. This is Alexander's fridge which holds my breakfast," I say opening the two heavy doors with both hands before staring at all the food inside.

"That was a great tour." Zach laughs walking into the living room.

"Agreed." Jack says leaning on the kitchen counter. I take out a carton on milk before heading to the cupboard to get a bowl and the box of Fruit Loops.

"Woah!" I suddenly hear Zach exclaim from the other room. "You have a Xbox here??"

"Duh, of course." I say putting the cereal in the milk filled bowl.

"You any good?" Corbyn asks from beside me.

I nod. "I'm the best you'll ever meet in your whole life."

Corbyn scoffs as Zach pops has head around the corner. "Wanna face me then? Cuz I don't think anyone can get better then this." Zach challenges referring to himself.

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