Chapter Twenty Five | Waiting Rooms

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I walked down the hospital halls with a hot chocolate in my hands. It was now eleven pm and still nothing. We were all pretty shaken up and pretty worried.

Noah was sitting on a chair with one knee up that her chin was resting on. I walked up to her and gave her the hot chocolate. She mouthed thank you and then ran her hand through her hair.

I sit beside her and couldn't help but notice how worried she looked. Her face was still pale and her eyes had bags under them.

"I don't need to be watched," She says sipping the hot chocolate.

"You haven't said a word since the accident..." I say. She sighs and looks at me.

"I'm still kinda in shock." She mutters.

I nod. "I understand..."

"Do you know what he was trying to do?" Nate asks pulling his chair to us. Katherine follows and they both face us.

"No... Why would he go down the stairs? Do you think he fell out his chair?" Noah asks. I was still confused why Norman fell.

"His chair was too far back to make him fall out," Nate says. Katherine looks down at her fingers and fiddles with them.

"It wasn't your fault Kath..." Noah says. She looks up at her with tears sliding down her cheek.

"Six years I have been taking care of him and this is what happens, you would think I would know," She claims.

"He is 12 he knows how to call for your help... what was he thinking?" Nate snaps. I could tell that Nate wasn't dealing with this all to well. Whenever he got upset he would try and find something to blame it on.

"Nate..." I say. Nate bites his lip in frustration and stands up walking away. Katherine sighs before walking off after him.

Suddenly Noah's phone vibrates and Daniel's contact pops up. She walks away from me and answers the call.

That's when I remembered that the boys didn't know about what had just happened. Daniel was probably going to be pissed at her for not telling him about the hate, but little did he know about all this...

I see Noah starting to tear up as she speaks to her phone. She covers her mouth and sniffs as my phone vibrates.

I already knew who it was going to be. Corbyn's contact pops up and I answer the call. "Hey.." I mutter. Corbyn looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Kels, I hear about what happened. You okay? Do you need anything? In fact I'm coming right now-" He says sounding frantic.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay." I say only half telling the truth. He stares at me for a second. His eyes were searching my face before he nods slowly. Suddenly I hear Noah's Dad from around the corner.

"I have to go." I say. Corbyn's sighs.

"Okay.. I love you." He says. I feel a little smile on my lips.

"I love you too." I say ending the call. Noah's Dad comes over to us all.

"You kids did the right thing... I am sorry I wasn't home." He mutters still squeezing Noah in a hug.

"What did the doctor say?" Nate asked sounding eager to get to the point. I think we all wished for that answer but Noah's dad stayed silent.

"Mr. Lakeheart??" I hear a heavy husky voice say. I turn and see a 30-year-old doctor standing in front of us, holding a clipboard. He places his pen in his pocket.

"Norman is recovering slowly, he had a few hits to his brain and had some internal bleeding. I have to say his legs didn't get the impact as much this time and we are hoping to do tests when he wakes." The doctor explains.

"When is that?" Katherine blurts out.

"Well we aren't sure just yet, but I know it won't be tonight so I suggest you all go home and rest," He says.

"What about his brain?" Noah's dad asks.

"Well we don't know for sure yet but there may be some loss of memory, as I said before I will check in the morning," The doctor claims.

"Thank you. Well you heard him, home and rest now," Noah's dad states. He ushers for us to leave.

"Wait I wanna stay with Norman," Noah says. Nate nods beside her.

"Sorry but no one is allowed in his room apart from your father and me, so you would have to be resting in here and that is not comfortable," The doctor says.

"And like he said before Norman won't be waking up tonight, home now." her Dad orders.


It was now two am and I was at Noah's house. None of us could really sleep. I had decided to go to the spare room since the Norman pictures made me a little upset.

I was lying on the bed alone with my pillow in my arms. I couldn't sleep and my mind was trailing into thoughts.

This whole thing was sad for me.. but I could only imagine how Noah and the others were feeling. I had so many memories with Norman. Like when we would pretend to be rockstars with Noah and preform onstage, but in reality we were holding tv remotes in our hands and singing in the living room to Glee and Big Time Rush.

Suddenly I feel as if I wasn't alone. I look up from the bed to see a familiar face at the doorway. Instantly I jumped out of bed and jumped into a massive hug. I assumed that Daniel was with Noah, and I was happy to be in Corbyn's arms right now.

We hug in silence for a second until I break it. The whole situation hadn't really hit me till now and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "It all happened so fast-" I start to say before being cut off by Corbyn.

"Don't worry Kels. It's going to be okay... I promise."

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