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A woman's dress should be like barbed wire fence; serving it's purpose without obstructing the view

The sky was a blaze of orange, pink and red colors swirling together in an iridescent hue as the sun broke through the eastern horizon over the California skyline. Heralding yet another day.
Blythe wasn't very much a morning person but she couldn't imagine missing such gay breathtaking beauty for anything the world over.

Pushing her Mercedes car door shut with the heel of her expensive Maud frizon pumps she balanced two java coffee and doughnuts in her hands and humming, her step as light as a debutante's made her way into Susan lofty downtown apartment.
The domesticated grandeur and comfort of the place never failed to impress her.
Susan had an encyclopedic knowledge on interior design that she had put to maximum use in turning this place to her cherished home.
Blythe felt the familiar surge of jealousy as she eyed the pristine white and black door mats, the white sofas, the extravagant and luxurious marble fire place, the flat screen TV set mounted on one wall,the vases that were always filled with flowers and the flimsy curtain billowing in the morning breeze through the double sliding glass doors that led to a balcony that she knew was filled with all kind of plants.
Her small garden as Susan love to say. A house needs plants to give it life and to breathe Blythe recalled the phrase Susan was fond of saying as a smile tugged her unpainted lips.

Without missing a beat Blythe made a beeline to Susan's bedroom and wasn't surprised to find her asleep. Buried in a sea of pillows her clothes stewed all over.

Susan was facedown snoring softly when Blythe tugged away the sheets to reveal a naked body beneath.

"Holy mother of God!"

Implored Blythe to the heavens grinning.
Susan groaned, her mouth and tongue dry as if they were covered with cotton. A splintering headache pounding her head. But furious with the intrusion on her privacy.

" A crazy night by the looks of things aren't you too old for that crap?"

" I'm dying. please leave me be."

" I got you. Just don't make any sudden movements or open your eyes."

Gently easing her over she made her swallow the aspirin she had fetched from her en suite bathroom and wash them with a glass of sparkly water.

Blythe clucked her tongue when Susan opened her eyes and let out an unladylike yelp. She then laughed when she tried to hit her with a pillow only to groan loudly and fall back holding her head delicately as if it would fall off.

" Don't say I didn't warn you." Blythe jibed enjoying her sister hungover way too much. " here drink the rest."

" Go away"

" That's no way to treat someone caring for you."

Leaving her bedside Blythe busied herself tidying up the messy bedroom wondering who was lucky bastard that Susan had over.
Her curiosity however was quickly put to rest.

" Susan! Susan!"
Blythe shouted as Susan dragged a pillow over her face.

" Fuck off you crazy bitch."

Her voice came out muffled by the Pillow.
Angry, Blythe applied pressure on the pillow until Susan shoved it away coming up for air her face flushed, her eyes wild and furious.

" What's the meaning of this?"

Blythe held up a pair of gold cuff links.

" What has gotten you all fired up? A pair of cuff links?"

Susan reached for her robe, draped it over her body and tied it securely over her voluptuous plumb body to regain the little dignity she had left. And judging from Blythe stance she was definitely spoiling for a fight.

"Yes I can see what they are but that's besides the point. whose the owner Susan and don't play stupid"

" why does it matter and shouldn't you be at your home?"

Susan hedged hating the line of question. She could already feel another onset of headache threatening to turn into a migraine.

" I cant believe you hooked up with him after everything that he did to you?"

A fierce exchange of words ensued, Susan on the defensive trying to justify her actions but her sister wasn't buying any of it.

The anger and fury quickly drained as quickly as it had appeared from her young sister body to be replaced by hurt and dismay.
Anger she could handle but not the dismay. Feeling contrite she slumped back on her bed hating herself at that moment,Her weakness for Mark, her fickle will and above all the love and blind desire for mark.

"Ooh now don't cry. I shouldn't have been so judgemental. I am sorry. I have no right to meddle in your life. I promise I won't ever bring it up again."
Blythe sank next to the crying Susan hating herself for loosing her temper, pulling her into an embrace.

"Like that will ever happen. You care too much not to raise hell when I screw up. "
Susan let out a shaky laugh sinking into her sister embrace. Loving her smell of peaches and lavender.

" And when did our roles get reversed? Shouldn't you be the one messing around and I acting the big sister?"

" Not me I am married woman remember? And anyway you had always been the wild one."
They laughed at that the easy friendship restored the anger and pain forgotten.

At that moment Blythe wondered if she should come clean about her secret. A secret that had weighed heavily on her conscience for years.
How would Susan react to the news and most importantly how will her husband take it?
Those two questions gave her cold feet.
She was too much of a coward to rock the boat when everything was so good. Will her sister ever want to see her again and what about her husband and her boys. Will they ever look at her the same way again?
By admitting the truth and confessing would it do more harm than good? Will things go on as usual or was their ignorance the best cause of action?
Was she protecting herself or her loved ones?
The mere thought of loosing everything that she held dear was even painful to contemplate.

And all because of Mark. The jerk. Ruining lives.
Breaking marriages.

Watching her dear sister and her family flashing in her mind she knew they were better left in the dark. The secret buried deep in the dark recess of her soul. Forever to torment her but that was a small price to pay.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now