Twenty Six.

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There would be a fresh fruit in the grapevine and it would definitely have her and Sam clustered together Valentine thought.

" How about some whipped eggs or would you like them scrambled?"

She called from the kitchen.
She knew without any doubt it was a hopeless task in any case but nevertheless she felt driven to Cook, enjoying the process more than the produce which to be honest wasn't always edible.
Of course Sam knew about it too but he was too gallant to make it an issue moreover she swung a painful spatula when humored and above all else self preservation prevailed.
They had been carrying on  for months now. Settling  to the normal domestic life. Not the Hollywood film type but a more normal banal one but then again there was nothing normal about it. Every moment a new magical experience, a small piece of heaven in everything small moment.

The best things in life are enjoyed in private so they had managed to keep it under wraps thus far. A tacit agreement to continue their clandestine affair away from the prying eyes of the public. Not a small feat considering she was still a celebrity even if a reluctant one. Add the  drama of her ex husband to the fray taking in mind his latest public scandal. She had already sold all her shares, relinquishing control over the studio and lucky for her not a moment earlier. The studio was being dragged through all kind of legal cases but mostly Mark was the target. She couldn't have been more glad for the decision to distance herself from all that mess.
But still it brought shit to her front door putting her on the spotlight and it was now only a matter of time before her little affair becomes public knowledge for everyone to discuss and talk about.
To some extend she wanted just that. Maybe it was human instinct to feel secure when you are on a precarious position. And where she stood with Sam was that if nothing else.
But then again there was no point going public about it if the next minute he was packing up. Psychologically speaking she had always had her suitcases packed so it was only fair to think he was no different. After all she measured others according to her own standards.
And if she was totally honest with herself wasn't she not sure what she had with him would last? Didn't she have her doubts despite his best options to the contrary.
The scene when he had brusquely dismissed Jasmine wasn't his child only served to strengthened her fears and apprehension even if he apologized and since then put in double the effort on the child to appease her or he did it because he loved Jasmine? she didn't know.
She was lucky to have Blythe who she had grown surprisingly close.
She smiled, her fears evaporating like they always did when she sees Sam and jazz together when she walked into the sitting room laden with plates of steamy hot eggs.
Sam was busy telling jazz to stop gnawing at the bookshelf. Did he think she understood him? She thought grinning and giggled when he saw her and smiled sheepishly at her.
Parenting was a learnt skill but she was coming to think that couldn't be farther from the truth. Missing the mark by a mile.
He was as bad with the baby as she was with cooking and that was saying something.
She handed him the plate smiling at how good the whipped eggs looked. Smug even at her accomplishment.
Despite Sam cooking lessons she was still not very good. But she could blame his body for that. It was really hard to concentrate with his body melding behind hers, hands on her, hot breath fanning her neck as he tried to drill lessons into her. Most times it ended up being a steamy foreplay before she dragged him to bed or have her way with him in the kitchen. Michael would surely kill them if he ever found out the true extend of her adventures.

He took a big bite as Jasmine goggled comically at him and giggled when he made a face. He had enough sense to act like he was  entertaining Jasmine as he swallowed the disgusting runny eggs.
She kissed him and hid a grin wondering if he would take another bite.
" Very scrumptious."

Before she could say Jack Robinson he pulled her down so she was cradled in his embrace making her squeal in surprise and Jasmine to laugh.

She laughed, " you are one savvy lair."
She added sententiously, " and kissing to distract me won't work this time. And to tell you the truth I am overly worried at the rate you lying to me."

"We both no what happened the last time I told you your food tasted like horse shit and if it helps Maxie seems to love your cooking."

She smiled in remembrance and grinned to see his plate already empty. Maxie was busy crouched behind the sofa munching on something. Probably her food which had taken special effort to prepare and when did Sam give the dog the eggs?

"Let's just hope she has a stronger digestive system and the eggs won't kill her."
Sam mumbled.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing nothing."

"I know your nothings Sam Elliot dunghandler."

She burst out laughing on seeing his face. She couldn't stop making fun of his name since she found out.

" I hope you burn in hell for making fun of hundred of years of tradition and heritage."

"Like that is going to scourge my conscience but who even name their kids that but I am not surprised knowing the bitch your mom is."

"That's my mom woman."

She shuddered reliving that contretemps weeks ago.
Ever since that Skype scandal as  she had come to refer to it Valentine still hated his mom. The bitch had the gall to say she was an old hag and his son deserved better and that's mincing words and not get her started on her bastard daughter comment. The old fat cow Valentine sneered in derision.

"Is that the level of Truth and honesty you want or may be a don't like your choice of music truth? What's up with Celine Dion music or maybe I would love to have a three way with you and her truth?"

"You hate that I listen to Celine Dion? OK I also think your love for future songs is Stupid what is the guy saying half time?"

" your are stupid."

"Your penis is stupid."

She shot back.
He segued into another topic with his usual aplomb.

"It's funny you shacking up with me Mrs Dunghandler."

"Maybe marriage would be the next step but will not take your name that's a no."

"With me putting my male part in your girl parts that is yet to be seen. Do you know you always strike me as very masculine yet you are the most feminine lady I know. I can't help find the contradiction very appealing."

He gave her a simpering boy smile.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere."

She looked over at jazz who was playing with Maxie, she looked up and gave her seraphic smile her cherubic face rosy.

"My mom is coming to town."

Sam said as he retreated to the safety of the bedroom.

" what! When! And you are just telling me this now?"

"That's why I will let you to stew over it before we talk it over. Be a good girl and pick up jazz."

"Don't you dare patronize me and I will kill you."

"Promises promises."

He smiled at her before disappearing into the bedroom.

"I will cut off his balls."

She said through gritted teeth picking up Jasmine.

" I heard that."

Sam's voice muffled by the heavy door filtered through.

"That's mean I won't have I repeat myself then."

And she went on to make good on her promise a saturnine look on her face.

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now