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Girls are born, not made and what does that got to do with anything. Maybe It  was because today was one of those days. Days leading to Christmas with the stores filled, the streets overcrowded and the stupid Christmas carols playing from everywhere.
And don't get me started with the Christmas presents. Even today Susan still believed Christmas was a commercial holiday nothing more.
Christmas blues.
She was also debating writing about the psychological Christmas weight gain.
She groaned wondering when she would get around to go shopping for her sister's boys and her many cousins presents. The little fuckers.
Her cat purred from her position on the kitchen counter, the fact she had finally housebroken didn't lift her spirit.

The Christmas talk wasn't helping.

Chopped liver.
She salivated just thinking about the chopped liver behind the closed refrigerator door.
She was standing in front of the fridge door contemplating giving in to temptation.
How could a grown woman be depraved enough to stand here and try to fight the overpowering, excruciating urge to have a taste of meat?
Making things worse, her mind  wandered to the mouth orgasmic reaction when the many spices burst into her mouth after the first bite. The image so vivid and clear she literally groaned in pleasure, her eyes closed.

Tears pricked her eyes when good sense reasserted themselves.
She had made a promise but the little devilish voice in her mind telling her one bite won't hurt put her between rock and a hard place.
She had a weak spot for meat and her weak will wasn't helping.
I am pathetic Susan thought as she ran her sweaty hands over her peignoir of strawberry satin and lace.

She looked at her image from the hazy reflection of the glossy refrigerator door and didn't like what she saw. Her breasts were too big and her bottom even bigger. Literally everything about her was big and that fact didn't seat well with her. She had also gained weight as if that was possible if not an abomination.
For days now she had been reduced to nothing but visualizing well prepared food. And if that wasn't bad enough she had put her rusty cooking skills to the test surprisingly producing award winning dishes she couldn't eat. Talk about slow torture.
She had learnt the best way to fight anything was skid right through it instead of fighting it and the advice surely sucked.
Everyone has an Achilles heel and hers happen to be eating.
But eating wasn't the problem the problem was the resulting weight gain. Eating and the weight gain a different kettle of fish or in this case meat.
She couldn't eat anything without putting on weight. She hated her  body for not  processing the Ugly fat she was so fond of.
The fat is in the fire then she thought the saying tauting her as she reached for the fridge door.
Talk about lack of discipline and incentive?
She nearly jumped when the door bell chimed. She looked heavenwards and implored the heavens glad her guardian Angel had come to the rescue but she couldn't help feel a hint of resentment for the missed opportunity.
After the near misstep she needed a breather and was grateful for the distraction. Apparently she couldn't trust herself with meat in the same room.

"That took awhile. I was about to kick the door open and I still demand you return my key-" Blythe cut herself short on seeing the look on her sister's face. " You look glad to see me. I thought you were tired of my many visit?"

Susan hugged her small sister and couldn't help but notice how rail thin Blythe was. How could two sisters be so different? Maybe she was adopted or she had gotten all the wrong genes but since Blythe was the youngest shouldn't she have gotten the leftover genes?

" I highly doubt that. But you are still a smashing beauty..."

Susan blushed realizing she had spoken aloud.

" You are saying that because am your sister and you are trying to make me feel better."

"Right but you didn't let me finish... If you ignore the bloating body. Does that make you feel any better ?"

Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang