Twenty Seven.

21 4 0

Sasha looked out of the window and breathed in the warm perfumed midwinter air.
Her eyes focused on the bustle of the city below. The noise muffled by the layer of air and distance.
She felt detached and removed from reality. A barrage of emotions warring in her.
Whirling around, she leveled her glare at the man standing across her cherry Queen Anne desk on her cream Persian carpet.
The gull of the man. Disappearing and showing up at his whim. Thinking he would just breeze in and out of her life. He had something coming she thought smirking sardonically.
Seven months. Seven whole fucking months.
Despite her anger and fury she was still aware of him at an innate level with her whole consciousness.
Gone was the easy smile and the happy-go-guy ruled by his libido.
His blonde hair was longer and bleached probably from too much sun. Apparently he had time to sunbath while she pined over him she thought morosely.
He smiled at her. A smile tempered with wisdom and experience. His eyes were still a shocking blue but now no longer innocent. They  seemed to say he had gone through hell and back and was no longer expectant of anything from the world nor oblivious to life's troubles.
There were wrinkles at the corner of his almond shaped eyes. They didn't make him appear old just distinguished. And a  hell lot more attractive she thought and admonished herself for her straying thoughts.
He still radiated  his charm and masculinity that he seemed to perpetually wear like a well fitting Armani suit.
Something had definitely happened to him. He had changed. Not just physically it went deeper than that.
She couldn't place her finger on it per say but that vivid image of the Michael she had known for years was blurry and dull in comparison to the specimen of male in front of her.
He seemed mature. A quality that come to think about it had been missing in her previous perception of him.
Death of his mom had gone a long way towards setting that change in motion. Going a long way towards transforming him. Shaping him into a  man from a boy he had been for so long.
There was a new strength of character about him. Clinging to him permeating the air around him. Down to his essence to the boy still inside the man. After all we never truly outgrow that part of ourselves.
A seriousness she  didn't seemed to like after all she liked the crazy antics just fine.
The intensity of him as a whole left her breathless. Baffled and intrigued all at once. Loving every bit of him.
Solidifying her love.
Did this mean his days of misspent youth were long gone she wondered with a touch of sadness as she drunk him in huge slurping gurgling sips.

"You have changed."

She said feigning indifference, the statement as insufficient an explanation as her indifference to it all.
"Who doesn't?
His voice also had a new deep sonorous edge to it.
The girl in her approved.

"Seven months three weeks and ten days is a lot of time to go AWOL."

Her voice was scathing with an undercurrent of hurt she didn't want him to see.
"I know. It was kind of immature to take up and leave without an explanation. I wrote you letter."
He added sheepishly as if that magically made everything OK.

" one long letter does not cut it. Did you ever thought of me or what Emily was going through?"

She was incensed screaming at him.

"Every day. Every fucking second was like like torture without hearing your voice or laughter. It nearly drove me insane with longing. You were the only thing ironically enough that kept me from loosing my mind."

The admission struck her speechless.

"Why did you leave then?"

Her voice come as a whisper as if reluctant to ask the question.

"I needed time from everything. Things were moving too fast -"she glared at him cold fingers of anger stroking her fury, "I was scared shitless  I will crush it,  ruin everything and then my mom died..."
He broke off as he tried to get his wits and composure about him.
He had thought he was healed but apparently he had not.
Sasha seemed to notice  this and crossed over to him drawing him into a fierce embrace.

"I was a mess and didn't want you to witness that dark moment."

"You don't trust me."

The statement come as a stinging accusation.

"This has nothing to do with trust."

"Like hell it doesn't."

She shot back heatedly.

"I trust you but..." He drew in heavy breath running his fingers through his hair, " this isn't turning  how I thought."

"And how did you think this will go?"
She asked smiling despite herself, " that I will run into your arms welcome you back and live happy ever after?"

"Pretty much."
He smiled.

"Then you don't know me well enough."

"I will have my whole life for that if am out of the doghouse that is."

"Not by a long shot but I love the sound of that."

"I love you."

She was left speechless for the second time.

"I love you too but that doesn't get you off the hook. And anyway Emily won't make it easy for you like I did."

"How hard can it be. " he mumbled snorting at her description of making it easy, "am sorry and stupid."


"A jerk."


She asked grinning.

"Immature and an asshole and in love."

He said.
This wasn't over he had some grovelling to do but at least he had her by his side again.

"Can we have make up sex then?"
He asked hopefully.

"This isn't over yet and we haven't fought yet."

"Can we do it anyway?"

"Lay it on me."

She giggled as he kissed her neck drawing her to him.


Glamorous (#Watty 2017) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora