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All is fair in love and war.

All things considered Sasha wasn't one to wear her heart on her sleeves or so she liked to think. Considering the latest development taking in mind she had lived a charmed life for once she felt her age.
Latest studies showed minimum age for hitting menopause had significantly come down so maybe she had hit the mark. Or maybe she was experiencing early middle life crisis.  And all this because of a man. A man, if she was honest, hadn't come to age in comparison to hers. She had thought wisdom came with age but apparently not in her case. She had opened up her heart for kelvin, given him her body yet the jerk broke up with her when things in her opinion couldn't have been better.
But boys will always be boys and she wasn't the type to beg.
She was in a limbo, a bubble detached from reality. Floating about in a state of semi conscious haze taking stoke of her life.
In her experience, Sasha had realized people went to greater lengths to avoid what they feared than obtain what they desired and she couldn't ignore what josh had said.
Did the preposterous idea even have any thread of truth?
She wasn't any good with subconscious stuff and her dilemma fell on that category.
Could she be in love with Michael? Yes she loved him as a friend but was there more to it?
There was no doubt she found him hot and was attracted to him but which hot blooded woman couldn't be?
He was closest thing she had of family next to Emily but did that mean she saw him in any romantic light?
She had been a dog in the manger in more than one occasion  considering she never wanted any women near Michael and to some extend jealous but that didn't mean anything or did it?
There was no avoiding she had subconsciously kept Josh at arms length and she couldn't fault the guy for feeling threatened my Michael. In hindsight,  she realized she should have involved Josh in more aspects of her life other than in bed only but she couldn't get past her reserve and do it. She hadn't even let Emily meet him? And what did that mean?  Had she used him? And if so did that make her a horrible human being?
The Murky matters of heart she could do without. And true to form since above all else she was a creature of habit she did what she always did when things got too complicated. She concentrated on her work.
Immersing herself in the preparation of the huge party and fashion show. Leaving no room for thinking. After all, In the end things always took care of themselves.


Mark Arvery was the lowest of the low of men Susan thought as she whirled around in her kitchen mixing ingredients for another chopped liver. Her anger and hatred for Mark had made her immune to the sweet aroma teasing her nose.
The jerk had no boundaries. As if taking advantage of her sister all those years ago and walking scot free wasn't bad enough.
Susan could only imagine the trauma her sister had lived through silently and having to watch the seed of the foul action of a depraved man everyday of her life even if the boy was such a blessing. But still, Susan could think about Blythe watching her dear son and seeing that jerk in him. No Wonder she had tried at every turn to change his looks and even given him her husband's name. Did she even love him any less? Susan thought but that didn't seem like her sweet sister.
After the miscarriage she was Lucky her sister was here albeit the tense solemn mood that was perpetually hovering over them.
The cooking took her mind off the abortion that was sadly becoming Blythe's marriage by using Blythe as her culinary Guinea pig.
The jerk had even had the guts to call Blythe's husband and bragged about fucking his blushing innocent bride all those years ago and tauting about meeting his son. Blythe hadn't help matters by voicing that she had an orgasm after the shock and the brutality of it all worn off. In her convoluted way of thinking she was equally guilty. It didn't also matter to her it was the time she had been trying to stay clean from her drug addition when she had given up modelling to go into designing with the help of Sasha's lawyer who went to be her husband. He had even gotten her high.
The whole story made Susan want to commit murder.
After the ordeal Blythe husband had shipped the boys to his mom's home to spend new year's celebration breaking Blythe's heart even more. But you couldn't fault him for wanting time to mull over everything and put things in perspective.
Susan was to prejudiced to think logically having endured Blythe crazy dinner with a pillow  she had dressed like her husband and other equally crazy things all involving that pillow. If that what meant to be in love then she was better off without it.

" oooh! This stake is so good! I can't believe I have been missing this all this time. No wonder you can't stop eating!"

Blythe groaned as she stuffed her mouth with meat.
How much they had changed in such a short time Susan mused getting pleasure my merely watching Blythe eat.
Her normally vegetarian sister.
A smile tugged on Susan's full lips when she tried to steal from Blythe's plate but she smacked her hand away saying something with her mouth full of meat that Susan was sure was  a profanity. She grinned and ambled to the kitchen for her plate. Only a Small helping but she quickly changed her mind and heaped a mountain of meat and settled down next to her sister to devour the delicious food.
Food was good therapy and trust Susan to know that for sure. Why waste time talking when you could be using your mouth for a greater purpose like eating.


Good fences made good neighbours and when it rains, it pours thought Christian Brown. He wasn't a foolish man and he had suspected his eldest son wasn't his but what you didn't know didn't hurt so he had turned a blind eye to the fact until when the truth had burst forth.

He didn't know how to react but he couldn't deny he was angry as hell.
Mark Arvery was a neighbor that is until he got kicked out. He had never  liked him but this time he was over the top. Did he think because he was soft spoken and kind he could let him just walk over him? Then he better think again. He was coming for him with everything he got and nothing could protect him from his wrath.

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