Chapter 1

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Troian's POV

"So did you guys see the new make up artist?" I asked the other girls. "Totally, he's really cute." Said, Lucy. " Before any of the other girls said anything I said, "So Ash, have you seen the new make up artist?"

"What! Oh, no...has this always been here?" Ashley said avoiding the question. "Yes Ashley that has been there since day one. So have you met him?"

"Who? You know what I have to go I'll talk to you guys later? Alright bye!"

Before any of us could say goodbye she was already gone around the corner when everyone heard my stomach growl.

"Spencer have you eaten lately?" Shay asked caring too much. "Of course." I lied. "I just missed breakfast because I was almost late to work today." Gosh why am I such a bad liar, even though I literally lie everyday at work??? " Troian, don't lie to us, you were the first one to work today."

That's when I got up and walked away. I can't stand them badgering me about my problems.

"Troian, wait up!" I hear Sasha say. "What do you want?" I ask in a clearly aggravated mood. "I'm sorry did I catch you at a bad time, I didn't mean to upset you." Then perfect timing, my stomach growls again. But this time it was so strong, I fell down in pain holding my stomach. Why didn't I just tell them I haven't been eating for weeks, they would've understood, right???

"Guys there's something wrong with Troian! She's lying on the floor holding her stomach!" Sasha shouted to the others. The next thing I know, all my friends and even Marlene, our producer, was rushing towards my aid. "Guys I'm fine, really I just fell." That's what I get for being such a terrible liar, faces full of "Really your gonna give us that bullshit?"

Then they helped me up and walked me over to a chair. "Troian, when was the last time you ate anything?" 3 weeks. At least that's the truth. But...I can't tell them  that. Then I'll be under 24 hour watch. I was snapped out my thoughts. "Earth to Troian, tell us and no lying this time." Lucy demanded. "...3 weeks." I forced out my mouth. "Troian! Why would you do that?! Don't go back to that place you once were!" Shay said worried. "I'm not I've just been really stressed lately."

"Wait what's wrong with her?" Sasha shouted over everyone. Sasha was the only one who didn't know that I had been struggling with my anorexia. And none of us had the heart to tell her what was really going on. So Marlene just walked her to the other side of the set."Troian," Shay started, "We are here for yo-" That's when I cut her off. I'm tired of all their shit, saying they know what I'm going through.

"Shut the hell up Shay. I don't need to here the same speech 24/7 everytime I stop eating,  I just wanna be alone. And don't lecture me, I'm not a little kid I'm older than you." And I walked off, the only thing left behind me were the confused look on my friends faces.

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