Chapter 5

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Ashley's POV

"Ashley..." I heard a soft voice behind me, it was Lucy. She looked pale and was crouched over holding her stomach. "Luce, are you ok, what happened to you?" "I don't know but I was wondering if you could take me home?" Her eyes filled with illness. "Yeah sure, I was heading out anyway." "Okay thank you I'm just not feeling well, but can you take me to Ian's place, I don't wanna go home right now I need a friend." I was confused, why didn't she wanna go home to her boyfriend...? "Er...umm...ok."

"Is everything ok between you and John?" I asked nosily helping her to my car. "Everything's fine." She lied, her eyes filling up with tears. I pulled her into a hug." "I don't wanna be with him anymore." She sobbed into my arms. That's when she passed out, and then I saw Shay. She was holding a needle half empty. "Shay what did you just do!?" I asked obviously scared. "I put her to sleep, but now you can't tell or you'll be put to rest too." That's when I put it all together, Lucy wasn't feeling well because of the stuff Shay had injected her with. I've never been more scared of my unbiological-twin ever in my life.

"What the fuck do you mean by put her to sleep?" I asked furious. "She isn't dead, calm your fucking tits. She is just paralyzed sleeping, meaning she'll wake up in 4 hours, so get her home doll face along with Troian she's on the couch over there, and make it snappy. I have a surprise for you when you get back from your trip." I'm scared. Was all I could think about. So I did what she said, but I didn't come back. But as soon I pulled up to my house, I realized one scary thought, Shay was my bestfriend, she had a key to my house.

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